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Posts posted by MMcK

  1. On 9/25/2018 at 8:35 PM, SammyT said:

    Apologies if it's been covered before - but couldn't find it. My 2 year Thai drivers licence expired in May while I was out of the country for a chunk of time. Does anyone know if this affects me getting an extension - i.e. will I have to sit the testing all over again? Or would it just be a normal extension process? Just wondering how much time to set aside for doing it. Currently banking on wasting the whole day up there...


    I just had the same thing after my license had expired just under 6 months previous. You are fine to extend it and you will get 5 birthdays on your new license. I had to take a medical certificate, work permit (or proof of residence), passport as well as copies of all photo and visa pages.


    Get there a little bit before 8 and you can bank on getting out in a couple of hours. You will need to go to the info desk, take the application they give you to desk 25 (I think) where you will get a queue number to do your colour blindness test. Sometimes they do the circle of colours and sometimes they do the traffic light test. All being well you will fly through that and then pay for your license, get your photo done and be on your way. 

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  2. Hi,


    I was wondering if anyone had any advice here to find a black labrador puppy in Thailand. Me and my partner live in Chiang Mai and are having a very hard time finding some viable places to purchase a puppy. We are looking to get the dog at around 8 weeks at the end of October so that would mean any litters born around this time would be ideal. December would also be a good alternative. 


    Could anyone possibly direct me towards a good resource for well bred labrador puppies.


    Thanks in advance. 

  3. I got my license this week at the Hang Dong office and the experience was comparable to what everyone had previously said, which helped a lot with the preparation. A particular highlight was being able to bluff my way through the colour blindness test at both the medical certification and the at the driving centre (I also echo what other people have said about Klaimor hospital for the medical certificate, incredibly quick and simple).

    I also think it is noteworthy that I got a 2 year temporary car license when my colleagues had recently received it for only one year. Overall cost (including unwanted license card protector) came to 215 baht.

  4. What's on tonight?:

    In case any of you didn't know. There is a football team in Chiang Mai, the first ever expat team now well over a decade old - not the players, the team. They train on Wednesday nights. While it is a fun activity, they do take it pretty seriously and play in all kinds of competitions. So if you want to play it's better you are fit-ish, and know your way around a football field. The team is called The Farangutans. They train from 7pm (get there early) and finish at 9pm. At the 7 a-side fields behind Andaman Seafood on Mahidol Road. The photo is the team playing a tournament in Bangkok:

    Hi Pgrahmm,

    I was wondering if you had a contact for the farangutan team? 2 hours of training would likely slaughter me at first but I'd love to get into something semi serious.

  5. This seems to be the only thread I can find on playing football in Chiang Mai even if it is not so frequently updated. If anyone knows of any regular games happening I would really appreciate a PM with the details. I'm a young guy completely lapsed on fitness and presumably skill but I would be more than happy to play at any level or competitiveness if it was a good laugh.

  6. Hi everyone,

    I don't have a license in any other country but I was thinking to get my car license this week. I was hoping someone could help confirm my current understanding of the issue.

    To my knowledge, I should only have to take my passport (+ copies of photo page & visa page), my work permit (+ copies) and a medical certificate. Is that right?

    I also think that I have to arrive as early as possible in the morning and do the video, the reflex/colour blindness tests, a theory test and a practical test?

    My last question would be what office you recommend for getting the initial license. I am currently thinking that I will go to Hang Dong but Lamphun is another potential option. Thanks in advance for any tips.

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