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Posts posted by scapegoat

  1. Could it be that some men show up here and start looking desperately for a wife before even clearing immigration at swampy, then propose to the first woman who gets naked with them, despite the fact that their common language skills are so poor that they can't have a grownup conversation with each other?

    If taking precautions to avoid being murdered is part of your pre-wedding planning, then maybe just maybe matrimony isn't your best course of action right now.

    • Like 2
  2. UPDATE:

    Russia may naturalize Snowden - Migration Service Council head

    MOSCOW: -- Former CIA employee Edward Snowden may become a Russian citizen if he wishes to do so, Federal Migration Service (FMS) Public Council head Vladimir Volokh said

    That will be a huge relief to Snowden. Russian governments are notoriously lenient on citizens who reveal state secrets.

  3. Negative posts about life in the UK would have a bit more veracity if the people making them attached a photo of their UK passport being burned and confirmation back from the UK government that their sworn statement relieving the UK of any future responsibility towards the expat had been received and logged for future referernce.

    Not a chance. People only say these things about their home country when said country is available as an escape route.

    • Like 1
  4. And let's not forget that Asian women behave and think exactly the same as those that we left behind in the West and must be treated and regarded in exactly the same way, not.


    Problem is, when western men get burned by a western woman, they thnk an Asian woman would be different, but of course they aren't.

    And they forget that the common denominator is themselves.

  5. Why raise your voice? Smile and respectful no thanks usually works just fine.

    Maybe if someone is not 100% sure about his sexuality,trying to suppress his true colors,easily finds himself in conflict situations.


    You've obviously never had the unwelcome and unsolicited attention of a ladyboy groping you and trying to get its hand in your pocket.

    If a female is being groped by a man, would you suggest that she "Smile and respectfully says no thanks"?

    There's a great many here who probably think so unsure.png

    • Like 1
  6. It's so sad...especially for the farangs that fall for this nonsense.

    What's sad is the amout of farangs that propogate this whole stereotype about money grubbing Thai women. They arrive here with a look of desperation on their faces, throwing money around like exchange rate millionaires in a bid to attract a woman whom they wind up marrying after way too short of a courtship.

    A year later they're broke and agahst that the woman whom they tried to impress with their "riches", whom they spend a whole four weeks with before they married, was only after his money.

    They get what they deserve. The majority of Thai women that they were too insecure to approach, or too much in a hurry to get to know do not deserve the slander these losers pile upon them.

  7. If I when perhaps English marry of fair speech of connection the importance which is not is permitted in me, enjoy English greatly. When standard you or there is no my England to anyone, so permit me. And I obtained the fact that you say that my stuff is on the side. In any case - the fair are searched people who go if the dinner party, the beverage and club me the teacher to whom I inform well is searched, pass the time. I have asked for the second time, - the sleeplessness night, with who who has the problem which does not have the man or woman dose. Do to think the coffeehouse do to go, eat at the roadside store that itself transport do to have, we would like to pass the time. The city, do to drive with the beer, look at the lady. Time of the fair murder which tries the fact that my social circle is expanded simultaneously. Lucky you friend.

    Turn off the stove.

    Allow 30-45 minutes of fresh air to let the fumes wear off.


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