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Everything posted by OldPedro

  1. Just shows Thailand in many ways is still a 3rd world country. Baffling how so many affluent Thais don't seem to spare a thought about human rights.
  2. What a pity she didn't press charges....only way to stop these morons.
  3. Thailand democracy .....what a joke, if it wasn't so disastrous.
  4. Obvious solution...stick to local food, it's very good!!
  5. "Both sustained multiple gunshot wounds".... could've been one of the best movie scenes of all time!
  6. Forgot to put up their "Safety First" sign.....
  7. What are they on about? XBB1.5 may be more contagious than previous strains, but it's less serious, no worse than a common cold. People are better off catching this strain than not, because it gives natural immunity, which is more effective than the latest vaccines. Bivalent vaccine is a mix of 25mg/25mg of the original vaccine for the Wuhan virus, and "new" vaccine for BA4/BA5, all of which have disappeared. Why does the medical profession persist with these lies?
  8. Test the Chinese before leaving...if positive, keep them out. Problem solved.....
  9. "passengers will be advised how they can get coverage"...!! Just another opportunity for corruption....
  10. I would suggest tourists stay well away from this stuff....even if it's claimed to be 0.2%, big fines await those silly enough to indulge.
  11. All "above board and transparent"....yeah, right!
  12. A government heading for self-destruction....
  13. What does "organic" mean in the context of cultivating cannabis? Does it mean not hydroponic? I'm asking because someone I know used hydroponic cannabis and developed severe schizophrenic behaviours.....
  14. Not 100% certain.....could've caught it from a person who visited the clinic, or anybody in public who breathed on him, or in the vicinity...
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