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Everything posted by extercy

  1. Isn't the pilot the medical doctor in Suvarnabhumi airport in the reality show Bangkok Airport ?
  2. Received the same SMS via the app. Just got to know about this app earlier this year and now it is being phased out ????. This is so much better than WiFi Calling and eSIM. Hope they make a new version of this. Question will be when the services ends, does the Calls and SMS get switch back automatically or do we have to do the transfer before hand ? As you know, if the app is activate, no Calls and SMS will go thru the SIM. So the procedure to make the SIM "active" again will be going thru the app and disable the number in Manage Numbers. Is this procedure needed when dtac Call ends its service ?
  3. I wonder if these 2 HDDs are fake ? not sure there is a better word for it. I came across a HDD and USB thumbdrives before where it has a too good to be true price. The capacity is all there but you can never format it other than what is already formatted exFAT. If you try to delete and make new Partition in order to format to example ext4, the drive will get corrupted. Advice OP to get a new portable HDD from a reputable seller rather than trying to repair this. Your data is at risk here.
  4. What you are looking for is a WiFi router that has a Wireless Repeater mode but the reduction of speed will depends on the speed of the internet line since reduction of WiFi speed is definitely halved. Wireless Repeater mode are not available on some WiFi routers. If your current router has this feature, make sure to place it on the wall that is inline with the hallway router. Please do not buy those plug in Wireless Repeaters .... those are useless. You need a WiFi Router that has Wireless Repeater mode. Do a Speedtest and show the results here and also share what router are you using now. Need more details.
  5. Is this issue fixed ? Haven't been receiving maybe about a month or so ago.
  6. That is VoWiFi correct ? Interesting but wonder how well it works as some telcos does not allow this function to work overseas... not sure about AIS. VoWiFi and the dtac Call app is the same ... charges follow the plan. Rather than call/SMS go thru telco tower, both go thru WiFi/ data.
  7. To be more correct, dtac SIM card and use dtac Call app. Once dtac Call app is setup, you don't even need the dtac SIM to be in the phone. As long as there is WiFi / data, dtac Call app will work like a virtual phone. Calls and SMS will go thru the app. dtac app = check the status of your SIM details .. i.e credit, validity, etc. dtac Call app = VOIP app. Calls and SMS charges will apply as if you are using the phone. App needs to be installed when you are in Thailand or use VPN.
  8. Where is the video ? Please share. Thanks.
  9. Wet hands and water goes into the switch. Water will stay at the switch for a while hence the electric shock. My guess anyways.
  10. Yea.. this method is not convenient, that was why I created a Google account for each country that I use local apps as mentioned in my post above. Switching between the Play Stores are easy ... Play Store search bar, on far right there is your profile picture. Swipe on it to change between accounts. No need to change if you do updates as it will update whatever apps you have no matter the country.
  11. For Android Play Store, this is what I have experience. Google account is Malaysia and I cannot download apps from Thailand with the exception when I am .. well my phone is physically in Thailand with internet access. To get around this geo-restriction, I would create a Google account when I am in Thailand. By doing this and having both accounts in my Android phone, there will be no problems with apps downloading and updating. Apps from both countries will remain functioning in the phone. I cannot recall the scenario for iPhone as I have switch for a few years but my iPhone have apps from 2 countries also without issue. If I am not mistaken, I have 2 iTunes account for both the countries.
  12. Forgot to mentioned, heavy apps are like Whatsapp, Line, Shopee and Lazada. For really low end phones, these apps are heavy.
  13. I would not recommend to get an Apro as I have a similar device based on the specs. It is not a good beginner phone. Specs : 1 - 2 GB RAM, below 32GB storage are phones meant for Android GO edition - the super light Android which is what my device has. It is usable but really <deleted> to uses day to day. The main camera even struggles to capture QR codes, unless perfect lighting. Limited to 1 or 2 heavy apps that will be sluggish. If use for calls and SMS only, then it is fine as the most basic phone. Better to up your budget for specs with at least 3 - 4GB RAM, storage 32 - 64GB with the regular android. This should be the minimum specs as apps are getting bigger and heavier.
  14. Get at least an i5 4th Gen as these PCs will have USB3.0. Some laptops and desktop before 4th Gen mostly have USB2.0 and maybe a single USB3.0. 4th Gen, 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD on Linux Mint / Ubuntu should last years until some hardware fails.
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