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Posts posted by tararam

  1. This case make big headlines in Denmark also.

    This is from one of the Danish newspapers. (translated by google)


    The government has indicated that it should be seen a second time on the rules that allowed seven Im Nielsen and her Thai mother on Sunday was deported to Thailand because her stepfather died of cancer in 2012.

    But a change in the law will not Im Nielsen home Aabybro when she already deported.

    Justice Minister Morten Bødskovs own party colleague Bjarne Laustsen (S) has urged the Minister to make a bill retroactively , the government took office. He tries according to the newspaper Nordjyske to form the majority in parliament that it can happen .

    Bjarne Laustsen told the newspaper that such a change would include less than five people.

    Morten Bødskov denies that it is possible.

    - We legislature retroactively , but changes the rules , so it does not happen in the future, says Morten Bødskov .

    Liberal Party vice-president and group leader of the party's parliamentary group Kristian Jensen ( V) wrote Tuesday on his Facebook profile that he favors tight immigration policy, but not heartless immigration policy.

    Morten Bødskov says that it is the Liberal Party's own policy , Kristian Jensen scold .

    - The rules we changed are the rules that existed under the Liberal government , as also Kristian Jensen was a minister . It is the government, which has said that this is an unfortunate case and therefore we are planning to look at how we can change the rules , says Morten Bødskov Ritzau .

    It is the immigration authorities , who have made the decision that Suthida Nielsen most closely associated with Thailand and therefore should be exercised after his death .

    Court of Hjørring have decided the case on Im Nielsen and decided to expel her because she has not been in the country for more than six years.

    Bødskov will change the first rule , so no more being expelled because of death.

    - Not least, Kristian Jensen, who was minister of the time when the Liberal government stood on these rules to back up that is now being seen in the rules , he says.

    Im Nielsen lived with his mother, Suthida Nielsen, in Aabybro in North Jutland.

    Im going to school and Suthida has just graduated from social and health care training and had a job at hand .

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