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Posts posted by allatsea2000

  1. Dr Pat Pong thanks for the info,  the course is at the moment on a thursday night, which at this stage i cant attend due to work, but thanks for the info

    Caught in the Act, thanks for the website i have had a quick check and it looks to be a great help. So thanks once again guys for the help

  2. Hi edward

    thanks for the reply. I want to learn thai, because i love the place and the culture, and of course it makes it alot easier to get around if you know what is being sad, and know how to say and ask for things.(not ding dong falang).

    I would love to live in thailand for a period of time but at this stage work does not permit this, so i suppose it is a sort of hobby at the moment, which adds to the excitement back home, and the anticipation to when i can get back(october).

    HOpe fully one day i will get over there for maybe a year or so, so to be prepared is not a bad thing is it.

    Well state of origin, big publicity stunt, u needed to catch up, to put more money in the coffers, and to make it more marketble(Lol). seriously u spanked us, and i think u will again in the third one, We are at the end of our time, we need fresh young tallent, at the moment we have the old heads, and we play an old style of state of origin, u know 3 rucks up before it even reaches the backline, u guys it reaches the backline on the first ruck. But anyway u guys need to have something to justify why u live there in the first place> Qld is like thailand once u come here u want to stay

  3. OOuch

    Hang on be fair guys, i was just responding tongue in cheek, to brians ending of his reply. Just because i know what goes on doesnt mean i have changed tacked or anything. The post still stands, although it is now going in the wrong direction, where to meet Farang women, not Thai women.But for the record, yes i have been to patpong, and the suk area, but to be honest it reminds me of huge strip club areas. I dont frequent them back home, so im not going to make a habit of frequenting them over in thailand. Anyway the good thing about this board is everybody has and is entitled to there own opinion, and so far i have noticed nobody seems to get upset.

    Anyway back on track genuine replies would be good

  4. Just to take an earlier post further, what is the best way to learn thai. as in do any of u have any good advice or places or ways to learn the language, Probably initially just conversation, and then later learn to read and write. I live in Brisbane(australia) and realise it is probably more difficult, but suggestions would be great.

    Sorry to the previous poster, and the person who suggested this might make a great post, didnt mean to steal  your thunder, just have a desire, and respect for the culture and way of life to want to learn and converse with them on there own terms for a change

  5. thanks for the replies, guys and girls. Just to clarify a few things, yes i mean to Train as in Muay Thai, not as in catch train, but thanks for the advice i know u were just trying to be helpful. And yes i think it was brian who said on this board u r all well behaved ladies and gentlemen, which is a very true statement. So far i have only been on this board for a few days, and i find it fantastic, and relaxing. By this i mean sometimes we are all guilty of maybe putting up a post which might have been answered somewhere else, which on other forums will get the usual flaming from the  more experienced. However i find this board not only informative, but very patient as well

    Fantastic everybody, keep it up.

    and yes not being totally  nieve to what goes on, i have heard about these Russian women, but i must admit so far have not come across any in my travels. Maybe i might have to spend less time training and more time socialising> :o

  6. Hi Nat

    Thanks for the reply and the compliment. I am a little bit amazed as i thought for sure i would get flamed as it is called on some other sites.

    In october i will be over for about 14 days so i think i will spend the first few nights and the last few nights in bangkok, then if i go to train i will stay down at jomtien beach, which is the other side of pattaya(everybody has heard of this place) as i need to come into pattaya to train.

    If i go for a quick tour i will head down to hua hin, and chau am for the remainder.

    In may next year probably will just tour around.

    Hey thanks once again for the reply and the conteousy given


  7. Hi hope i dont get flamed for this post, but i thought i might get more help in here. I have been to thailand three times now, and will be returning in October. To be honest i love thai culture, and their family life, i think the girls are attractive, but i am not attracted to them in that way(i know what your thinking). Anyway i go to thailand to train, and i always go and see some of my monk friends at the wats. Hence my dilema yes i am male and have those desires, and im always  craving some farang company when im away( i dont know why it just reinforces my attraction to farangs when i am away).

    So hence the post where r the best places to go and meet western women, and have some fun.

    This is a serious post, so i hope it is taken in the context it is intended. It is not meant to demean or insult anybody.

  8. hi thanks for the reply

    just to clarify though, not looking to make any money, just looking to maximise the exchange rate just in case in went down over here, that way i would have more to spend when i got there. But i now know i have to first set it up in thailand when i get there, and then see if it is viable. If you can set up an internet transfer, do you still inccure the fees.

    Anyway might just put it in the two hard basket, and just live life.

  9. HI guys, go easy on me im just a mere virgin(yeah i know heard it all before).Have been to thailand three times now, and will be back in october. The exchange rate is excellent at the moment getting i think about 28baht per dollar. In february i got 24.80, so my thought were on opening a bank account over there, and transfering money to make use of the exchange rate, just incase it dips. That way i always have money when i get there without the hassles. Is this a good idea, or should i not bother. And if so can it be set up from over here, i know bangkok bank u need to be there with passport to set it up. Also if doing by the net, can u avoid transfer fees, as if u did it a little at a time, or $1000 at a time and incurred a 30 fee it wouldnt be worth it i dont think

    what r u thoughts,

    just need some help


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