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Posts posted by Anastasios


    10 minutes ago, Anastasios said:

    Worst of all, cashless is the voluntary enslavement, called taxation, for things the slave masters say you need, without declaring how much they need and for what. It's like, dude, you're going to your barber who lives almost a third world country lifestyle and you're feeling envy that he made some tax free earnings. 

    Correction. The worst of all is when in an event of a natural disaster, war etc the communication systems that digital payments rely on will be first to go down. Even with small weather events many areas lose this. Here in Sweden when this happens I <deleted> lose money. Grocery stores lose tons of money... Imagine having an enemy nation attacking these networks, it will bring the people down to it's knees. Yet still here I am in this moron country whos people let go of cash because they decided to call it convenient, I see people want to spread this to other societies...

  2. Cashless is moronic, you have to type out the reasons to people who can't understand (still, in 2020 there are people who can't understand cashless is bad)


    Cashless discriminates against those who have had the bad luck of getting indebted and broke, and unable to afford banking services or even outright denied due to their records.


    Cashless discriminates against the disabled and the very young who are unable to think abstractly and realize the value of money without seeing it. This group of people is suspectible to fraud and theft.


    Cashless discriminates against the old who due to their age can't use this type of technology well or can't remember passwords, I am a business owner and this is often a pain in the ass when grandma or Grandpa thought it was a good idea to not have cash.


    Cashless means government and banks can control money supply with zero production cost and wreak havoc to our personal economy.


    Cashless means government and banks can freeze our money at will as has been done in numerous countries, and by this I mean when they <deleted> up their job and are about to go bankrupt, not because you did anything criminal.


    Cashless means government and banks can freeze our money at will without trial, with any sudden new law, whether you agree or not.


    Cashless means we pay for extra services and fees, which means less money for us and more for the world's richest elites.


    Worst of all, cashless is the voluntary enslavement, called taxation, for things the slave masters say you need, without declaring how much they need and for what. It's like, dude, you're going to your barber who lives almost a third world country lifestyle and you're feeling envy that he made some tax free earnings. 

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  3. Hello guys, just for informational purposes and some statistics I'll provide some data on how our third visa got acceptance.


    Girlfriend has been studying specialization since after her first visit in early April. After that we got a two month visa during the summer where she had study break. She's coming here after the second and last semester of her studies. Now we applied for a third visa and asked for two years, and if not possible, one year. They gave us 1 year, good news won't have to pay for the visa again for a year. This is good news considering she hasn't been employed and is low on cash, and will find a job after this winter visit to me. On the other hand the financials I submitted prove I can pay up for 20+ times her trips and expenses. 


    The letter motivating the need for the visa was simple, I just said I am finishing off some work and will sell my business and want her to visit me until I can finish off and move to Thailand. 

  4. On 11/4/2019 at 8:15 AM, SteveK said:

    The problem with farang women is that one who is above 6 out of 10 knows it. They won't speak to anyone who doesn't look like Brad Pitt. Oriental women are slimmer, prettier, know how to treat a man properly and aren't up themselves. When was the last time a farang woman cut your toenails?

    Hey, who told you my Thai girlfriend cuts my toenails? Lol

  5. 46 minutes ago, Tagged said:

    I have been around, and lived many places, seen many who is stuck there in a life they have two choices, go home to the village, or continue living in "paradise" having fun with men in the bars, being taken to paradise islands, temples, reataurants, do the same talking over and over, and drink with customers week after weeks, years after years. Men come and leave, and the same all over again, just like an normal boring job, but here they have to sleep with men to get more paid. 


    Some customers is great, and some not so, but often they have duties, and can not choose, or know before the go with someone who is not so good. 


    It is not science is it? You as customer can choose, some of them can not. Thats the difference. 

    Pretty much every business is either going bankrupt, about to go bankrupt, or making a slight profit, and of course some few make great profits. But still no business owner would come to the insane conclusion to turn down a customer because they don't like their shoes or some random <deleted>. Why on Earth would this be different for prostitutes, unless they're so lucky they can literally choose...


    Enjoying the time with the customer is a bonus, it's not a real date, that's why you pay for her, silly! LOL

  6. My girlfriend told me about this a while ago with many examples from her workplace. The older women often henpeck the younger ones and are bossy and demanding, despite being so far behind in ability and expertise that they still can't use a computer. Even a janitor lady would come up to her and make demands or say something negative about her work.


    The younger ones universally think the older ones are annoying. I even remember times my girl would call me to vent, she was reprimanded by older ladies for eating lunch for over 15 minutes, while they would sit eating and chatting for an hour. I was shocked why she didn't tell them the truth but she explained and it took a while for me to accept it but that's how it is in Thailand, they must respect elders.


    I'm not surprised that lower level jobs won't accept older people then. 

  7. On 4/12/2019 at 6:34 AM, Pravda said:


    I guess it's just a part of the culture.


    My wife's very rich westernized friend opened a hotel in the middle of Bangkok recently. She doesn't believe in ghosts or bad luck, but still had a bunch of monks bless the place in a full day ceremony. It was an event and possibly a bit of advertising going on.... I don't know and I don't care as long as I am not poorer at the end of the day.



    Well let me tell you, it's not part of the culture of typical marriages, it's part of the story-telling-culture of a particular section of thai women looking for older western men. The typical Thai can't even get a bank loan for the sums people post here, let alone muster up the money. My girl told me in her village, many don't even marry because they can't afford the ceremony. They just have kids and live life as if married. 


    Would you sell your daughter away? This answer ends that discussion. Would you partake in that kind of ceremony where you show off your ability to provide (under the circumstance that you get it back, only for show)? Up to you, I wouldn't. 


    You're declaring things as facts, as if they're an universal part of the culture. Yet these sums are unobtainable for the vast majority in Thailand. And just because some can afford doesn't mean they give a flying f about any tradition even their own western traditions, and thus many more marriages than you believe occur without any sin sod.


    Sorry for the rant mate and I don't mean to attack you but this talk is so repetetive here yet when you meet a lot of people in Thailand you see a different story. You also have the choice to stick to your guns and deny any sin sod and get upset over being asked. This will force your partner to show what they really think of you.

  8. 8 hours ago, Donutz said:

    Which EU nation? UK (for as long as it may last), Ire? Schengen? Other EU countries?


    Some Schengen embassies are simply a bit conservative with issuing MEV, while others issue them pretty much by default. This is supposed to get standardised under updated Schengen rules. For now all you can do is motivate reasons for requiring a MEV: frequent trips in the foreseeable future,  a positive travel history to other (werstern) countries, I can't think of much else. Just keep ticking the 'multiple entry' box on the application form and explain your reasoning in a letter, the worst that can happen is them issueing a single entry again.


    Edit: And yes with a Schengen visa you can enter, travel through and leave via any and all Schengen states. See sticky topic for more info.



    I'm in sweden. I'll ask for plenty of years then since I want to travel with her in the future ????

  9. We applied for multiple entry on the first visa application but got denied. Though we did get single entry. Her letter motivating the need was poorly and hastily written too. 


    I can't move to Thailand yet as I have a company here and some projects to finish, and also I have a hard time travelling and leaving the business. So we have genuine reasons and have a successful single entry visa done this year.


    How should the letter motivating the need for multiple entry visa be written? Any other reasons apart from the above that should be included?


    Thanks in advance

  10. On 4/9/2019 at 2:54 AM, Pravda said:


    I am always curious about replies like this as I find them a little untruthful and require a bit more explanation. Did you marry in amphur only, no ceremony? What kind of Thai woman did you marry? A bargirl? Did they have living parents?


    I certainly "paid" million baht which was promptly returned to me down to last satang (to clarify returned to me, not us). Her parents also paid for all wedding costs. I was told money is for the couple not for the parents. The money was simply the part of the ceremony. 


    I have been to some wife's Thai only very upper middle class weddings. There was always a sinsod involved. I think this topic must have been posted on the first day the internet was born. Sinsod is not a rip-off and you certainly don't "pay" sinsod. This is why I think your reply is utter bull. Maybe you didn't pay sinsod but paid the monthly "allowance".





    So, what's the logic between taking your money out of one pocket, only to put it in the other pocket? And even worse, having someone else do it, hoping it comes back LOL

  11. 9 hours ago, ramr said:

    Good point, but better management of the country by the government might help minimize the disruption of boom-bust cycles like you're referring to.  Or maybe not...a lot depends on the outside world.


    Thailand right now.  And the foreigners you're referring to are the Chinese.  It's already happened here.  


    And anyways, anyone with Thailand's best interests at heart would focus on Thailand being the best version of itself that it can be, not on maximizing "Thainess" at all costs.  There is a middle ground where they can apply *some* ideas from the outside world to actually make themselves stronger and more self-sufficient without becoming a totally bastardized culture.  Your all-or-nothing thinking sounds very...Thai.


    Actually in my mind I had the problems of bankers/credit institutions, lobbyism for big corporations, tax evasion etc, didn't refer to thainess. No country is pure but IMO protectionism is beneficial in the long run. To be honest I don't know as much about Thailand as I do about my home... I could be wrong. 


  12. Agree Thai women like the gentleman and some westerners really have that trait. The women are very polite and would be ashamed to deny conversation, therefore getting to know one and talk to her is easy, compared to western women. I agree with many posts here. If there's anything I'd add is that in the west women often demand something unaccessible for them in the market. This leads to stupid things like demanding the man has an expensive home and car (which means lifelong debt) degree (debt) high status job. There's also this belief that any status guy can be had regardless of ones own status, and you have things like "trading up" even after kids, not that it works out when you look at statistics but it's not uncommon. Meanwhile if you can provide a decent lifestyle, romance, and secure future the good Thai girl is more than happy. Although expect to foot the bill if you're a decade or more older :P. 

  13. 10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I'm not in Sweden, but that sounds just like where I do live. I loved Thailand because it WASN'T feminist, though it wouldn't hurt for it to be a tad more environmentally responsible.

    I agree as long as it doesn't become a game of making people feel guilty and using it to gain power or increase taxes as punishment without providing anything for said tax.

  14. Mate all cultures have their own values which shine and then things they don't care about. I was born and raised in Sweden and hate it to death for the socialist feminist environmentalist shithole it is. I am of Greek blood but can't stand the laziness, corrupt, mismanaged shithole it is either. Well Greece and Thailand are both pretty nice if you semi retire or retire, I prefer Thailand, it's even cheaper and Bangkok is a true metropolis that I enjoy.


    You can't decide how others think but over time (read centuries) the world is turning into a better place ???? otherwise just enjoy yourself without putting much focus on others. Try lifting weights and improving yourself. Set goals whether it is strength, endurance, physical appearance whatever. Become a better you and your brain chemistry will improve. You'll have less of a need to get affirmation from your environment to be satisfied this way. 


    You can't demand that everyone follows your values. Think of what is happening in the west with the current ideologically possessed ones who won't let you have an opinion... 

  15. Remember that not all foreign investment is needed. When the country is hard pressed they'll take anything. When they aren't they get more picky and consider self interests beyond how much money is flowing in. What would happen if foreigners had a massive stake in the economy? Suddenly they'd influence regulations, politics et.c. then Thailand is no longer so Thai but rather a bastardized place with too many actors with distinct self interests, often in conflict and often in opposition against their own culture for the sake of profit. Does that last sentence remind you of any place?

  16. On 1/14/2019 at 9:41 AM, guest879 said:

    Thailand is a dream country for men. just don't get legally married. it is really that simple. so many foreigners get conned into marriage.  just do a temple marriage if necessary and get lots of photos.  don't buy a house. they take years to sell. took me 5 years to sell my 2 houses, and even then I only just got my money back not including inflation.  the only exception would maybe buying a house in your kids name if you have kids. that's the only way I would own a house in Thailand again. I will support my kids mum for the rest of her life but no way I am going to risk her destroying me financially. 

    A ceremony only seems to be my better choice now. My only issue is if we have a child. I always consider worst case scenarios. I'll have to read up and probably ask a lawyer but the thought that 10 years down the road things change and she leaves with my child is frightening. If marriage helps then I have to go back to the drawboard for protecting myself financially, in case things go bad. Thank you for your input.

    On 1/14/2019 at 10:19 AM, BritManToo said:

    It's a useless piece of paper because the house and land will be 100% in her name.

    What you don't bring into Thailand, she can't get on Thai divorce.


    Take her back to your home country and the game changes.

    Thank you for your input.

    On 1/14/2019 at 11:03 AM, murraynz said:

    agreed.. why get married ???? it achieves nothing.....you can still live with the lady...

    only buy in thailand ,what you can own 100% ie. condo...

    leave any remaining assets in home country...

    its not rocket science, just common sense... surely.

    if farang wants to leave an inheritance to his younger thai partner-- after his death, to look after her..

    that can be done simply, with a thai will....

    i also get 'stary-eyed' over thai ladies, but i dont ever forget what i have worked so hard for, over the previuos 45yrs, to give me a great retirement for my final 30yrs....

    Thank you for your input.

    On 1/14/2019 at 11:33 AM, geoffbezoz said:

    Another load of tripe by someone who does not trust the person he professes to love !!  Don't get married as clearly your state of mind prohibits any long term loving and trusting relationship IMHO

    Trust doesn't have to mean I trust the persons actions over decades. The only times my love for her gets mixed with money is when we go out. She pays sometimes but I can't stomach her paying when we go to western restaurants, sushi et.c. when I make several times what she makes. 

    On 1/14/2019 at 12:56 PM, Toscano said:


    " So in essence an agreement that any property I have be it apartment, car, bank account, jewelery etc that I buy with my money after we married is solely mine and vice versa. "


    You are a real mean stick !!! What you have before marriage is YOURS , and best to keep your capital in your own country .

    If you are over 50yrs have a retirement visa , then you don't have to have an Amphur official marriage ; either don't marry or if pressed have a simple Thai marriage that is not binding , no strings attached and no need for a divorce . Lease or rent a house or apartment , you have to have your own bank account , don't fill it with more money than immediately necessary , on your death remaining money would pass to your wife/partner/girlfriend .  Likely you would give her money every month into her bank account . Often the car is in the wife's name unless you buy it outright . Jewelry you buy her is hers .  Gold jewelry is not seen as jewelry , but as potential money to be pawned or sold .

    Thank you for your input. 

    On 1/14/2019 at 2:19 PM, 4MyEgo said:

    Thailand is a place full of corruption, know that and you are ahead already, I say this because of stories I have read and heard from farangs with their experiences.


    As for Thai law, well, I suppose the less you have here in assets, the less you can lose. I have seen guys build houses, been in love with their wives, and thinking all alone the guy in the background was the brother, only to find out later, it was the boyfriend, tragic really, but a reality here for a fair few guys.


    I had a village ceremony which we registered at the local Amphur (government office) years later and we had a wedding back in Sydney, she didn't hesitate to sign a prenuptial agreement and yes they still are legal in the land down under, others will tell you differently, although they can and have always been able to be challenged, so if you do it right from the start, you shouldn't have any issues. I know of idiots who have had their wives sign them after they were married in their solicitors office, (same solicitor) which in both cases is null and void and illegal, but they have bluffed the girls so far...lol, but watch out for the bite down the track if their marriages falter, which they will, because I know these girls have had enough, but not my business. 


    My advice was sought from a family law specialist and the agreement was made, and she was referred to an independent solicitor to go over and have her sign it, but not before trying to sway her for an hour not to and to ask for more, however a piece of land in the village that we now live on cost $4,000AUS back in 2007 and a life insurance policy for $100,000 which I still maintain to date, and that is exactly what the agreement had in it and she signed it in his presence. 


    I don't believe they exist in Thailand, although I have been told it's usually a 50/50 split in Thailand (excluding land) and you can say you had what you had before you entered the relationship and things stay that way, but best consult a Thai lawyer.


    Our finances have always remained separate, although I have always supported her in our 12 years of marriage, as she has also taken care of me domestically and the kids. The only thing I have done is invested 10% of my worth and built a house on the land and purchased a new car in her name, now 3 years old, suffice to say, I am not a cheap or bitter Charlie, she is and always has been a top chick in my eyes and deserves the lot if we ever split up which isn't going to happen until either one of us passes, hopefully me 1st because I couldn't handle raising the kids on my own....lol


    You sound like you have your head screwed on right, just keep going the way your going, as you say, NEVER mix love with money, add to that the backup, "plan B" where you can just up and go and still have 90% of your funds back in your home country as I do, it also has some good tax advantages for me whereas I pay no tax for investing in the stock market, you may have similar laws that you might want to look into.


    As far as visa's go, if you don't want to get the marriage visa, you might want to look at the retirement visa, both are not really a visa, although they are referred to as such and can be extended annually, all you have to do is have either 400,000 or 800,000 baht in the bank 3 months before it's due for renewal, the amount depends on the extension, and then hand them over the paperwork they want when you apply for it, that and report every 90 days which you can do one line.


    Best of luck

    Thank you for your input, even more for me to learn. Yes I do have that advantage and I have my money in an ISK (Investeringssparkonto) and pay minimal tax. No plans to move money to Thailand.

    On 1/15/2019 at 5:35 AM, sometimewoodworker said:

    Completely unnecessary related to assets prior to marriage as Thai law protects you. You just (we had to) list them on the marriage documents. Your assets remain yours, hers remain hers.


    I don't know about after marriage protection, if any agreement will override the standard court 50/50 split of the assets (or value of assets) gained after marriage.


    You will never be the owner of land as that will have to be 100% owned by your wife, though if bought after marriage you get 50% of the value in a divorce, as with any other asset.


    That is the law, off course enforcement may not be straight forward if your spouse has no money when you divorce. There are also various tricks to reduce the land value.


    I believe the after marriage split is related to the fact that you both contribute so should both benefit, whoever earns the money they couldn't without the other to help.



    So you may find that a pre-nup is unnecessary possibly worthless

    Thank you for your input.

    On 1/15/2019 at 10:51 AM, Janner1 said:

    For marriage read Hang mans noose


    For pre nup read Hang mans noose.


    neither one will stop you breaking your neck once you start to fall.


    Take the cheap route buddy, village marriage ( no papers )

    pay the old croak with an un signed cheque so she will look good in the village but can not cash it.


    Visa? Marriage visa gives you only one advantage that I can see 500,000 baht in the bank instead of 800,000 that’s a safer bet less to lose.


    Kids? They will get you a visa BUT do you need the hassle of cloths, food, schools, university, motorbikes etc etc.

    Give careful consideration because the cheap Charlie route may just suit you better.


    You don’t have to marry her to get her to stay with you, if she looooves you she will mop your brow right up until the day she does’nt anymore, and it will not cost you so much on the exit.


     So there you have it probably the most cynical, and pessimistic view you will hear in a long time, but good luck anyway


    I always consider cynical and pessimistic views regarding these things ???? Thank you for your input. Kids are a hassle but it is a goal of mine and no I am not retired, I am 30.


    So it seems the easiest protection is leave the money where it is, lol I never even considered moving it out let alone Thailand. The idea of having a house/land in the childs name is appealing but I don't know if I even want a house. I like Bangkok and I like the BTS. There are no houses near BTS stations ????


    I appreciate all the input. 

  17. 10 minutes ago, swissie said:

    OP: In Thailand love is mixed with money!

    Presenting such a pre-nup, GF is likely to walk. If not, you may have found a diamond among the rough.

    That would be excellent if she walked, of course I'd need antidepressants for a while but it would save my life if it ended there. I already asked last year, she said yes without hesitation. I already mentioned she is a nurse and has done further specialization and can more than support herself, I wouldn't be with her if she ever asked for money. My question is can a prenup actually save me or is it a useless piece of paper in Thailand? Can it also save my future wealth gains, done post marriage?

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