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The Muji

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Posts posted by The Muji

  1. :D Your percentages are way off, not only are there plenty of what you call "type 4" girls, but many of them have much better jobs than in "cafes, restaurants, hotels and banks". I work in recruitment and interact with them every day. So do my friends, who work in other industries in Thailand. Open your eyes :o
  2. 5. And I get pissed when people mistakes me for a "working girl." (Just for no particular reason at all!)

    I just graduated from University in Hua Hin, this constantly happens to all my female friends - whether they be Indian, Philippino, Burmese, Vietnamese or Indonesian. We got into a few scuffles and fighst like that. Seems once the barscene-frequenting tourists get off the plane, in their mind all women turn into whores. :o

  3. Last year all of Thanon Yaowarat was blocked off, with thousands of people celebrating on the street, lots of food, souvenirs, t-shirts etc. Down one of the sidestreets (either Chakrawat or Ratchawong) there were acrobats doing insane stunts, climbing on to a 10 meter pole held up by the rest of the group, and doing tricks from up there. Very few farang tourists, mostly Chinese and Thai-Chinese, and everyone got a kick out of seeing my girlfriend scared shitless for the acrobats. There's also Dragon dances and puppet theatre, great stuff, some of the best fun I've had in BKK. :o

  4. My point was, you don't have to speak Thai, as long as you know two other useful languages.

    Go to www.global-report.com, scroll all the way down and go to 'contacts' and 'job opportunities'.

    I interviewed with them a while ago, maybe not a career but a decent part-time job. :D

    I don't know about salary but they let you work from home, so this could work from Chiang Mai

    Good luck, don't change your plans, you won't regret it :o

  5. From what I learned in university (not so long ago) the terms 1st, 2nd and 3rd world are not really being used anymore. Thailand falls under what are called NICs - Newly Industrialized Countries. These are all the countries that are quite developed, but in a different way than the West and Japan, because they didn't industrialize in the late 19th/early 20th century but recently.

    Does that make sense? Feel free to tear it apart if you disagree. :o

  6. I couldn't agree more. And the worst thing is that most backpackers that 'travel' Asia have seen nothing but the KSRs along the way. They get there straight from the airport, then board a bus full of (you guessed it) backpackers, which takes em to an island, where they hang out with yet again more backpackers. They go home with their backpacks full of flags of all the countries they've been to and consider themselves Asia connoisseurs. :D

    On the other hand they aren't as disruptive to local culture and society as some of the barcrowd tourists.

    All in all I prefer living in a place for at least a coupla years to merely traveling it. It's the only way to get any insight (not that I pretend to have much on LOS :o )

  7. Agree with almost everything that's been said. It took me 6 months and over 300 applications before I got the job I wanted in Bangkok. Jobsdb.com is decent but I got the most responses from jobs that were advertised in the BKK Post and the Nation. Also: many medium sized companies only advertise a position once or twice, and only in one paper so I suggest you read the classfieds of both papers every day :D

    Also, you won't be paid very well, at least until your probation period of 4 months + is up.

    Best of luck :o

  8. Quoting from your post:

    "He's one of those writers like Stephen Leather that is much admired by the ignorant."

    "There will of course always be those who enjoy trash and label anything else as "pseudo intellectual""

    Your posts are somewhat judgemental. I'm trying to point out to you that there is a gray area. To give an example, my Dad has a Masters Degree in French literature from a respected European University, but when he comes to Thailand to travel with me, he loves reading Christopher Moore. You can appreciate world class literature without having to put down authors like Moore and the people that enjoy their books.

  9. "Asia Hand" and others by Christopher Moore - very entertaining read, well written, suspenseful and with plenty of BKK and Thailand insiders

    Christopher Moore's books are many things but they are definitely not well written.I sat next to him a few years ago at an Oxford and Cambridge dinner in Bangkok where he seemed very out of place.He didn't seem to know anyone and anyway nobody would have been interested in his deriviative and tedious bargirl/detective tripe.He's one of those writers like Stephen Leather that is much admired by the ignorant.He's good looking though I must admit!

    Well, despite all the bitchiness and back-biting seen on this thread (why?), as someone planning a move to LOS, I for one have gained some very useful information and look forward to researching further many of the titles suggested.

    The very fact that at something like an Oxford and Cambridge dinner, which incidentally, sounds dreadful, where an author seemed "very out of place" and "not knowing anyone" will have no bearing on whether I choose to read his books, or not (oops, have I just been bitchy?)!

    I agree my little anecdote has no bearing on what one might want to read.And you are quite right -the dinner was a dreadful occasion.However the deriviative and painfully laboured prose of the comically named "Hemingway of Thailand"may well put you off.I don't think this thread is bitchy but you might well have picked up on a certain irritation at certain hacks being wildly over praised.There will of course always be those who enjoy trash and label anything else as "pseudo intellectual".Best advice is to read for yourself and make up your own mind.There are some excellent recommendations in this thread, eg "Siam Mapped".

    What's with the personal attacks? You just labelled everyone who enjoys reading Chris Moore as ignorant. Please get off your high horse and realize that many educated people choose to read certain books for entertainment (as I said before). You obviously only read Hemingway, others read Moore and Hemingway and know well to distinguish between the two.

  10. From my personal experience, relating to Thai skills with the motorbike: I was studying at an international University in Hua Hin for two years. Among the farang that rode motorbikes around town, there was close to a 100% accident rate, even among those that never drove drunk. On the other hand, most motorcycle taxi drivers start drinking sang som and mekong in the late afternoon. Nonetheless, I don't recall anyone ever getting into an accident on a taxi. Bottom line for me is: I'd rather ride with a drunk Thai than with a sober farang :o

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