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Goong Ying

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Posts posted by Goong Ying

  1. Sure she might be speaking American and as disgusting as it is, at least you are letting her know it is not English.

    Never was it so well put as in the musical "My fair Lady" when Rex Harrison declared:- "the American's haven't spoken English for years.

    Unfortunately even in Australia some "uneducated" journalists are using the American bastardization of English  intrude into this country.



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  2. On 9/26/2017 at 9:14 PM, Elkski said:

    Didn't you read the OP message where he said she holds a grudge.  She gets violent.  OP has even determined  her violent triggers.  She is a picky eater and grumpy when hungry or had 2+ beers.  She gets violent and refuses to change for more than a couple days.   


    When i read OMF's description about just this above, it could be his ex has Borderline Personality Disorder.  Abandonment at a young age often causes it and emotional and relationship maturity ceases from that point on.

    Just one symptom is;- Love you - hate you - love you,  etc.  Q- How do you spell hungry?  A- Angry.     Morbid jealousy, Paranoid anxiety, Un-forgiveness, judgemental. Most horrible monster ever given breath sometimes,  then Soooo lovely.

    You name it, my Thai wife has it all but I'm trapped and OMF isn't,  and he's sensibly easing himself out of it. 


    Edit- Any posts expressing interest in OMF's ex surely haven't read all his posts and might well remember -  "fools rush in where angels fear to tread"


  3. How sad and how traumatic for the person who described what they saw.

    When I saw "collision" it sadly reminded me of another very different collision between some Aussie skydivers and the plane that had just launched them.

    It happen near Rabaul in the New Guinea Islands about 1968 when the pilot turned back to observe them but didn't know they were suspended in an updraft.

    How sad.  R.I.P.




  4. 1 hour ago, Happyman58 said:

    Ok they might of stole money which is not right But my question is " How do the Thais feel about all the money this government has wasted on miltary equipment

    I originally posted this;-

    Yes Janpharma-- How do the "red shirts" feel about this knowing that their "icon" has stolen billions of dollars from the Thai people?

    Yingluk's denials are probably still accepted by the brainwashed rice growers, but surely their money loss will fade it away?  Wasn't it her promise of money that originally got them excited?


    Sorry Happyman  but I'm not entering that debate about military equipment but I forgot to add a proviso that I believe most or all Y/L financial assets  have been confiscated??  and some paybacks have happened.  But I could be misinformed?

    Stay away in exile Yingluck-  LOS is surely better off that way.

  5. 10 hours ago, Abilene said:

    The last thing the authorities want is to find her living in a country where they can extradite her. 

    Agree Abiline.

    The longer she can successfully stay in self imposed exile somewhere -- without being extradited -- the better.

    Whatever grief she suffers over all that time will be added to the 5 years prison she eventually might suffer if she returns home. (unless the sentence somehow ever gets overturned).

    Meanwhile the red-shirt activities could be minimal and declining after two Shinawatts?

              Yes Janpharma-- How do the "red shirts" feel about this knowing that their "icon" has stolen billions of dollars from the Thai people?

    Yingluk's denials are probably still accepted by the brainwashed rice growers, but surely their money loss will fade it away?  Wasn't it her promise of money that originally got them excited?

    ABBA    "money money money in a rich mans world"


  6. How about a different approach, or approximately ;-


    The pedestrian presses a button, timed flashing red LED stop lights activate both at eye level and in a "bumper line" in the bitumen, a camera captures any vehicle that crosses an "appropriately placed" sensor loop also under the bitumen. Better camera proof might also show the (hopefully vertical) pedestrian.

    The public must be made aware of the "new smart crossings" and the fines they can expect.

    But even then smart pedestrians could only have a slightly better chance of trusting them more than the present distrust.     


    Agree with other posts about lack of respect and speeding up etc.




  7. 13 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Raped his own daughter!! bloody disgusting excuse of a man.

    A father is supposed to love, protect his children, not violate them.

    Jail the bar steward for life.


    Agree Colinneil, and in jail,  he in the end will surely get some of his own back , if its anything like Aussie jails for those who harm kids and wives.

    And no escaping--  news will get around what with his name on the published photo.

  8. Bit of a disrespectful beat-up story there??

    e.g.  "this hot Thai cookie" ,        "collective melt down".  "sexy conductress "

    Both photos were very respectable and though not looking quite as "Thai" as many other girls, on face value (photo-shopped or not) she seems a sweetie and was probably embarrassed by the publicity.

    She probably is able to carry out a more  intelligent conversation than any of those in collective meltdown with her   "bachelor's degree in ...wait for it.......communication arts. "

    Does the  bold print above send a mixed message?

  9. 18 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    . And, more important, I want that she leaves and if I don't give her any money then likely she will not leave and I don't need that headache.

    You have my sympathies OMF.  After many years of marriage I'm in the same situation and the last straw has broken this camels back.

           You said--- We had good times and bad times but now the bad times are just too much.

    Would you elaborate please about the bad times?  Maybe there is a common challenge with my wife and your Thai ex?

    Thanks for the reference to that book. It could help me yet.

    One wonders how a Thai guy would act in your situation. Just thinking?

    Maybe it shows farangs can live in a world apart?

  10. 1 hour ago, ICECOOL said:

    RIP. Not every Aussie lives near the beach so may not have understood or recognised the danger.

    TRUE mate,  its sad  but there's soooo much publicity on Oz TV about warnings but if he is Russian perhaps has not been watching TV about  flags?        Or colour blind? Red appears to be blue??

    The statistics here in Oz released recently about foreigners rescued/drowning on Oz beaches are quite alarming.

    Mostly Asians outside the flags or un-patrolled beaches.

    B.T.W.    Joecoolfrog--- I was tempted to mention arrogance played a part more than ignorance.


  11. Only understanding little about her crime/s,  I'm hoping they might recover all or much of the ill gotten gains, give it to whoever justly deserves it and let her roam free.

    The alternative of having her as a martyr in a Thai jail may stir up more red shirt troubles.

    She'll never be able to return to politics by the look of it so that's ok.

    Seeking asylum in U.K might have been because too hot in Dubai? or perhaps the suppression of women there??

    i don't know enough details but on the surface it seems good riddance?

    Just thinking.

    (Re my nick name Goong Ying,  I'm no relation to her, just a common Thai expression I'm told as to what happens to your your eye if you accidentally see that very private part of a lady that's not supposed to be exposed in public.  Anyone else heard of this?)


  12. 14 hours ago, PETERTHEEATER said:

    Ask an American. The term 'pant' is often used to describe a pair or trousers, chinos, jeans or similar apparel. My neighbour used to say 'Gee. that's a fine pant'

    Please don't ask a Yank how to speak English.     They haven't spoken English for many many years. Quote from 
    "My Fair Lady" musical  production.

    There was another mistake in ; "one of the pockets of her jean"  (even the spell corrector just  picked this one up).

    My Thai wife still hasn't grasped the plural requirement for glasses, scissors, pants, jeans, and as for the double barrel slingshots ladies wear, she still calls them a bla.   :rolleyes:  Bless her.

  13. His bloody family name is Ng. How do you pronounce that?

    It's pronounced "Ing".

    Hi Dap and luckyman.

    Even though they said "Mr Ng" I wasn't so sure it is his family name because of the way some Thai refer to people e.g. khun John.

    I could be wrong and often am, and also guessed it might be pronounced Ning or Nung a bit like the end of "entertaining" being

    a bit like the numeral 1 in Thai that looks like a fish hook.

    Ng Ng means silly or crazy in Thai and maybe the Singaporean victim is wondering if he was quite foolish to be so deceived by the beautiful L/B looks.

    Wouldnt be surprised if the entertaining Ladyboy in red had a beautiful face to match the body and na ok suay (breasts beautiful) but the lep pooying yai (ladys fingers large) are a give-away.

    Cant help thinking what a misnomer;- She, being a ladyBOY.

    Forgive my atrocious Thai and just thinking how gender-identity-confusing for L/B that boys want to be beautiful girls, and some emerging criminality associated with it.

    Like that saying goes "beware, where there is an (Adams) apple there is usually a banana." rolleyes.gif

    Just thinking.


  14. Its a sweeping statement, but IMO the deeper cultural significance is the often lengthy (Christian like) guilt complex that westerners seem to suffer from even on trivial stuff and Thais generally do not.

    For example, baring a grudge can happen for like 20 years, Thais are good at not carrying over petty squabbles,

    Anyway, lets say I have carried over a 'heated discussion' from the night before, I seriously get told off for it, Thais do not like lengthy discussions, this I thank my wife for because she has taught me just to move on and not get stuck on repeating stuff (that no longer matters)

    Thais are good at only living a day at a time, many westerners do not live in the 'now' they worry either the past or the future.

    Thanks to ExoticMatter. From experience i agree with the highlight above, yet challenges rear their ugly head again and again.

    Yes there is an admiration in your sound advice from your wife. Forgive and forget? Least said quickest mended? Move on from stuff that doesn't matter? Westerners living in the past or future.

    You can learn much from TVN. thumbsup.gif

    But I wouldn't like to be in the shoes of Dazz the guy with the scum brother in law.

  15. What's the happy couple actually done wrong?

    Right with you nottocus.

    Live and let live.

    A song; "aint nobodys business but their own"

    Another famous song sung by Nat King Cole was

    They try to tell us we're too young

    Too young to really be in love

    They say that love's a word

    A word we've only heard

    But can't begin to know the meaning of

    And yet we're not too young to know

    This love will last though years may go

    And then some day they may recall

    We were not too young at all

    That song was also sung by Donny Osmond, early 70's.

    I think you will find that it is about TWO young people, not about a 17yo girl and a 71yo perv.

    Yes I realise it was about a young couple and the reference implied indulgence to some poetic licence.

    Unless you have almost been in a similar potential relationship situation you probably wont understand like I do about the potential reality, hence you judge him a pervert. But that's OK, I respect your view.

    You no doubt have seen life's circumstances placing a steep learning maturity curve on younger people and also know when love is love and not lust.

    Don't know if that applied to that young lady in particular, so I couldn't estimate if it is just infatuation.

    Live and let live?

  16. What's the happy couple actually done wrong?

    Right with you nottocus.

    Live and let live.

    A song; "aint nobodys business but their own"

    Another famous song sung by Nat King Cole was

    They try to tell us we're too young

    Too young to really be in love

    They say that love's a word

    A word we've only heard

    But can't begin to know the meaning of

    And yet we're not too young to know

    This love will last though years may go

    And then some day they may recall

    We were not too young at all

  17. On the bike topic, your wife is correct. You gave it to him, it was his possession to do with as he wishes. That's true everywhere in the world. Would it have made any difference if it was sold after 5 years? If you wanted to control it's destiny, you should have lent it to him.

    Agree Rethaier.

    "We cant be responsible for other peoples decisions" and ouch that is a hard one to learn sometimes.

    Giving with "NO strings attached" is another adjunct to this and can be just as hard to learn also.

    It could be that lending it to him was going to be a disaster also?

    Whatever lessons the brother needs to learn, so be it, maybe he will never learn, but if you have an open mind to accept; "what can I learn from this" you will be infinitely better off than he may ever be.

    And give thanks for the opportunity that life provided you to learn for who knows what is later to come?

    You are worth more than going to jail or simply having a criminal record because of a scum brother in law and a wife with indecisive faithfulness.

  18. Hence why i would never deal with family..farang or thai in a business sense.

    But this motorbike thing left a bad taste in my mouth as i could have had 10,000 baht myself but gave it to him on my wifes advice then he lost the money playing cards .;

    Still looking for the same advice , should i not be upset with and stop him first coming to my house every day secondly stealing food ?

    Lock him out of the house and lock the food in a storage cabinet that he can not open.

    Should not have to resort to that....but.... it seems in this case you have to make the effort to stop him from entering the house and or access to the food.

    Ignore the wife's protests.

    If it becomes an argument then pack you bags and let her know you are leaving for a week or so and let her know that every time she does not control or reprimand the little dick head then you are going away for awhile....and maybe not coming back.

    Seems the brother has a gambling and alcohol addiction? If so, "all addicts are liars" even they have told me. So that's just another worm in the proverbial "can full of worms".

    Just a thought about "locking him out" and you "leaving for a week" and "maybe not coming back".

    Could you be so sure you may be locked out on your return because of changed locks from her unchanged mind.?

    A very divisive and decisive turn of events that could provide an instant answer for you, or could it be just keeping brother out if he for example ever had a key?

    Again--- good luck, or better still I wish you good management.

  19. Many westerners in Thailand should be ashamed of their own behavior, not just the Thais.


    And just an observation;- The westerners often (not always) look the part of scum from their appearance but the family complications in this topic are insidious and quite often undetected till you are in the midst of it.

    The word "Quicksand" comes to mind.

  20. most of the issues you have are of your own making. if you took time to observe and learn about thai culture and behavior then you would not be getting so stressed;

    - your wife clearly put her family before you - you should have looked for this before marrying her if you are not able to accept it

    - never pay a thai to do a job up front

    - never explain to a thai what needs doing and then leave them alone to get on with it

    - you gave him the bike so it is up to him what he does with it, judging by past behavior it sounds like it was likely he'd either pawn it, write it off in an accident or write himself off in an accident - and it would be your fault for giving him the bike

    - you've given him an inch and he's taken a mile, you should have stood up for yourself from the start with your wife and the brother

    Yup how easy to be wise after the event. Tell me about it. sad.png

    A saying comes to mind--- "Don't start something you wont be able to stop"

    Good luck mate. and remember "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" means we could be all walking half blind and toothless.

    BUT, I did like one post where a gun was involved, the table was turned and now the poster is respected.

    Again good luck and good choices mate.

  21. I'd hazard a guess and point out my suspicion that those who think this isn't a big deal have never made any physical commitment of any sort... i.e. running a Marathon...

    Of course, you don't need to run a Marathon to have an opinion... but, having done so would go some way to understanding the commitment and effort this lady has gone to in achieving an incredible feat of human endurance.

    And no, I haven't run a marathon (yet) either... but that's not really the point... some people are just way too negative and can't see anything positive..

    Britain have just been celebrating the First Britain on the International Space Station.... Thailand are celebrating the First Female to Summit Everest.

    These are both incredible feats involving in spades... teamwork, commitment, training, ambition, focus, technical expertise, mental tenacity, self belief....

    ......BUT... its much easier to dismiss them from a bar-stool... "" there are some very sad and depressing individuals around.""

    Agree Richard. Don't know your country but its ironic that;- ""The Bell Jetranger III helicopter, Dick Smith Australian Explorer, was flown by Australian businessman and adventurer Dick Smith on the first solo circumnavigation of the world in a rotary wing aircraft in 1982/3. "" He is an Aussie legend who couldn't pronounce his surname properly as a kid yet grew a multi million dollar electronics business and an inspiration to anyone that ;- "what the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve".

    I've climbed mountains, done some interesting adventures, helped young people recover from addictions, haven't told many about this and many more achievements, but has inspired me to live a worthwhile life with a self belief.

    Good on that Thai lady. The advertising slogan comes to mind;- "if you never go, you'll never know" .

    I see her publicity as worthy to inspire others to achieve "other" sorts of unrelated but worthwhile goals.

    It could be that her "Royal-association" is about the wonderful achievements of "my revered and adopted King" of Thailand, who has inspired me, and will remind other Thai's to follow in his-practical and her-metaphorical footsteps.

    Another of today's most inspirational people is one "Nick Vujicic" with no arms or legs who's positive encouragement will do more than some very eloquent but denigrating critics on this thread haven't done "yet" or might ever do, and Nick cant even sit on a bar stool.

    There's a special reason there's not much metaphorical room on the top of Mt Everest and;- the lofty bar stool thinkers will espouse their conclusions why, the doers in life will have a different view; inspired by the Dick Smith's, the Sir Edmund Hillary's, this Thai lady and the doers in life.

    "Live and let other posters live" and have their opinions, whose posts and whose names (albeit nick names) will be their only life-achievements recorded.

    P.S. Just one reason there's "not much room";- RichardSmith237 summed it up in his last words above.

  22. What happens after death?

    Nobody has ever come back to tell others, so i dont know.

    Not true Colin.

    You seem to be forgetting a guy called 'Jesus' are you not?

    Do you have proof ?

    I was once on a course where the dopey trainer was trying to break the ice with participants asking the usual sort of question that do the rounds. One was "who would you like to most meet and what would you ask?"

    One guy said he'd like to meet Jesus, and ask him what really happened when you died?

    The next person actually said he'd already met Jesus and resolved that question!

    Delusional or chosen, who knows.

    Who knows if the "guy" on the course had met Jesus, but many hundreds met Him, talked with Him and ate with Him after He arose.

    Too many witnesses back then to deny this but its up to modern individual to believe or not.

    Neverdie may have been reading John 3;16 and more, to be the believer he is.

    Peace brother.

  23. I wonder if he'd been there to help if it was a car full of dudes?

    The point is he helped a tourist and that is to be commended. Stop trying to pull every decent act down

    A timely quote from 1893. A do-good-ers code? What possibly could some skeptics say? watch this space?;-

    “I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”

    "What the world needs now is love sweet love etc".guitar.gif Good on ya; Thai drink vendor. wai.gif

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