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Posts posted by Starseeker

  1. Hi,

    I'm looking for a freelance job as webmaster or Internet marketer. Have more than 15 years experience working on the Internet and know very well how to evaluate/build websites. Full experience in SEO, backlinks etc and know how to build strategies upon.

    If anyone interested, please just send me a message. If you are in the process to establishing a website or promoting it, I'm sure I can help in one way or another.

    I'm fluent (Reading/Writing) in German & English and do understand and speak Thai reasonable well.


  2. I'm still not aware where the best place is to go, but luckily, I did found an older Bangkok Bank passbook from me. I went to Big C branch Onnut (BKK Bank) and got immediately a new book (same account) and a new chiped ATM card. The old book were from the HQ in Silom.

    The bank's personal were efficient, very kindly and helpful - but it was the same branch/bank I got a day earlier a NEW passbook denied. Without that old passbook I'm probably still testing different banks and branches around.

    So even if a passbook might have been expired, it looks like the best is to keep it for now.

    Thanks All

    P.S. My visa is a non-o. They looked at my passport and made a copy to be signed, but the most important issue was that I had an account with BKK bank already and could prove it.

  3. Thanks for the tip. No, I'm from German, but be here since decades. Have full family, too. The accounts are actually still being servered at times, eventually, so if I change them, some money may not arrive. Otherwise, you have right. Yes, I do remember at which branches they were made at and consider one of them visiting. Still, if I could just open a brand new account anywhere, that would be best. I like to get some money from my German family on separate accounts.

    It is very strange that I can't transfer money to here - where, if and when I want. It goes against all business practices. We are not talking about millions of bahts.

    Any other options, banks?

  4. Hi

    Which bank in Bangkok allows me to open a new personal bank account without showing a Work Permit OR a retirement visa? Just SCB and BKK branches declined to open one, even as I have valid credit cards with them AND bank accounts . They said I need to go to the HQ's (and outcome would be still uncertain).

    Just can't find my old (but still in use) bank books.

    Besides of those above, does Citibank need a WP or a Retirement Visa?

    Any suggestions? Seems everything is tied here now to either a hudge amount of money, employment/WP or retirement visa

    Any other ways suggested? Such as using PayPal? That would not be the final solution, though and likely expensive.

    Please let me know. Thanks.


  5. "There is no need to cancel the work permit until you have an official termination notice from the company." - Thanks for that tip.

    Is there a single place in Bangkok where I can discuss my issue with authorities? As it looks now, I have at least the immigration and the labor department issues (work permit & severance pay, 30 days advance notice) who needs to be clarified.

    I do not cancel my work permit. I do think that would be a bad step. I also do not initate a termination letter from my end. That would be even worse!

    If everything fails, I will try an extention based on "requests to be under maintenance of children" and if that is not possible, I try an extention based on "Visiting my wife" (strange term, as I'm with her 20 years+). That should give me some time.

    Of course, I try also to talk with my company. In one way or another, they must come up with their mind what they realy intend to do next month. For now, they just keep mostly quiet. In any case, I do not let them to ignore my severance pay. That would be a no-no. I'm not so much afraid of having no work (my family can support me, we are living together) but of the fact to have to leave the country and starting border runs again. Like I mentioned earlier, that would be difficult for me.

    Complicated issues and all at the same time. Lucky me (But I'm not crying)

    If someone has some new tips or related experiences, please let me know. Thanks.

  6. If you are the registered father or the children then you could apply for having dependant Thai children. This will give a 1 year stay and you do not have to show any money in the bank.

    Thanks. Is this based on:


    Actually the last change to the police order brought that option back. But not sure how it would be done.

    The line in bold and the one under might give you some more option since your children might be old enough to support you or they might take your medical condition into consideration. This from clause 2.18 of Police Order 327/2557 basis for extension of stay.

    "(5) In the case of parents, the father or mother must maintain an average annual income of no less than Baht 40,000 per month throughout the year or must have deposited funds of no less than Baht 400,000 to cover expenses for one year.

    In case the father of mother requests to be under maintenance of children, the age of father or mother must be 50 years of age or over.
    For other necessary cases, the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner of Immigration Bureau is granted the authority to make decisions regarding approval on a case-by-case basis."
    or on another part of the law? If so, do you know which one? And perhaps equally important, do you know someone who done so? Sorry, for me these are important questions.
    I tried to find the defination for requests to be under maintenance of children via Internet, and some officals there seemed to mentioned that it is done to help older peoples who can't meet the requirements as by law. On the other hand, someone mentioned that the supporting kid must have an income of 40K/mo (which I do not believe,as it is not written whin the code snippet above.But everything is possible!?)
  7. Oh, I don't go that easy. And yes, I do have rights. Anyway, everything is still under consideration, either way. I just had to start to evaluate my options. Better early to do so then too late. I do think however that my employment may end or change. The odds seems to be against me, for sure. Nevertheless, I do have a family who supports me and whatever will happens has to happend. Thanks for telling me my rights.

  8. Everything in Thailand seems only be a temporarly solution. But yes, I'm aware that Thais would not accept this ongoing. I believe I must even have great luck that they accept it once.

    I think I try to extent my Visa in BKK the day it expires on ground of 'visiting my wife'. That would me give 60 days. Can this be extended one time (30 days) more, or do I have to leave the country after those two months?

    I got once an annual extention granted based on my kids and my age, no financial questions were ask. But a year later, the Thais changed the law back again. Since then, money were needed to show it as it is now.

    When you apply for the 60 day extension your wife will need to be with you and you'll need:-

    • Form TM7.
    • Original marriage certificate plus signed copy.
    • Signed copies of wife's ID and Tabien Baan.
    • Signed copies of your passport pages: ID page, last visa, entry stamp, departure card.
    • 1 x photo 6 x 4.
    • Maybe form TM30. (This is the form used by the owner/house-master of the address you live at to report you are staying with them.)
    • 1,900 baht.
    • Forms can be downloaded from here. http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/en/base.php?page=download

    Thanks too, posting this!

  9. I got once an annual extention granted based on my kids and my age, no financial questions were ask. But a year later, the Thais changed the law back again. Since then, money were needed to show it as it is now.

    Actually the last change to the police order brought that option back. But not sure how it would be done.

    The line in bold and the one under might give you some more option since your children might be old enough to support you or they might take your medical condition into consideration. This from clause 2.18 of Police Order 327/2557 basis for extension of stay.

    "(5) In the case of parents, the father or mother must maintain an average annual income of no less than Baht 40,000 per month throughout the year or must have deposited funds of no less than Baht 400,000 to cover expenses for one year.

    In case the father of mother requests to be under maintenance of children, the age of father or mother must be 50 years of age or over.
    For other necessary cases, the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner of Immigration Bureau is granted the authority to make decisions regarding approval on a case-by-case basis."

    Thanks for that very useful information! My kids are over 20, two are over 22. All have a Thai passport & ID card. Does that mean, in your opinion, no money needs to be shown? I need to find someone who knows more about it. Please let me know more about it, if you can. That law might be something I could try. I'm over 50, of course.

  10. Thanks all for the feedback. It seems I do have some options here.

    A few more questions, though (for now): If the employer does NOT send an termination letter to me, where do I stand than? Both, the VISA & Work Permit will expire beginning next months, first WP and a day later my 1 year extention permit.

    Can I go (latest) on the last day of my permit to stay in Thailand to extend it in Bangkok for another 60 days? Or is the permit to stay already expired when the WP epires a day before? Do I need to change my type of VISA for the new period (of 60 days) or can I still go along with my current non-B?

    Finally, as I remember, the company must employ me for another 30 days (in any way; as I'm being employed since a long time) latest after the WP expires? Usually, that goes along with the termination letter. But what if the company just do not renew my WP? And don't sent a letter? I know, it is a little bit complicated, but maybe someone has some ideas here too. Thanks thinking about it.

    When your work permit expires, your visa expires as well. Youll need a cancellation letter from your employer, otherwise you could easily be on an overstay without even knowing it.

    Your type of visa cant be a Non-B because youre not employed anymore, youll have to apply for a Non-O, based on your marriage.

    No idea if the company must employ you for another 30 days, is it possible that youll just receive a one-month salary? I dont think that your company will renew your work permit, you need the termination letter from your employer to cancel your extension of stay and to cancel your work permit.

    If you dont do that and try to leave the country to lets say apply for a Non-O in Sawannakhet, they might (will) send you back to do both cancellations first.

    Best of luck.

    If you are employed for many years,a company in Thailand can't just close the doors. Depending on the past employment period, they have give you a warning, that is max 30 days after having sent the termination letter. In Europe it is perhaps up to 6 months (for both sides) but in Thailand, neverthelss, it is max 30 days. That said, based on my expiration dates of WP & Stay in Thailand, it is almost the same day. But you have right, if the WP expires, so likely (sure) the permit to stay in Thailand,too. But not sure why a termination letter is still required IF both dates have practically expired the same day and likely already when having entered LAOS.

    I am also trying to make any sense out of this but really it doesnt...so if you leave the country on the last day your permit expires they might not let you out if you have no termination letter from employer..if you wait one more day you are on overstay...so what are you supposed to do if your employer does not cooperate or if simply you do not want to get the employer involved?

    More great news :( Staying 20 years inThailand and now this. Never broke a law and got every year all papers in line. Now, they could keep me here in order to fine me. Maybe I should go to Pattaya. There are many Balconies still available, especially high up... (Of course that isn't an option for me!)

  11. No offence against the OP but surely after 20 years of being and working in Thailand you could have managed to save the 400000b required for a non o based upon marriage. Just saying.

    Sometimes I do think the same. But life is life. Feeding and educating my three kids was never easy, but it paid of. One of them is just finishing her computer science degree and prepares for future master classes.

    That makes me happy and the money lost in the process is secondary. After over 20 years, my family is still together. I even have a grandson now ;)

    • Like 2
  12. Everything in Thailand seems only be a temporarly solution. But yes, I'm aware that Thais would not accept this ongoing. I believe I must even have great luck that they accept it once.

    I think I try to extent my Visa in BKK the day it expires on ground of 'visiting my wife'. That would me give 60 days. Can this be extended one time (30 days) more, or do I have to leave the country after those two months?

    I got once an annual extention granted based on my kids and my age, no financial questions were ask. But a year later, the Thais changed the law back again. Since then, money were needed to show it as it is now.

  13. Sunny, thanks for that tip. While I can work at a place, I do have trouble to travel around.. such as been long in a car or train or just have to wait in long queues, possible even in sun. I will talk with my Dr.!

    Every tip in this forum helps a lot. When I was young I traveld to Malaysia (visa-runs), but now, traveling got realy complicated (as much as I love sightseeing!)

    I do not stay in bed, for that matter, but I hardly go out long distance, except to get my meds and some check-ups.

    Just to mention it here, I'm glad the Thai doctors could safe my life. They done an excellent operation!

  14. Thanks all for the feedback. It seems I do have some options here.

    A few more questions, though (for now): If the employer does NOT send an termination letter to me, where do I stand than? Both, the VISA & Work Permit will expire beginning next months, first WP and a day later my 1 year extention permit.

    Can I go (latest) on the last day of my permit to stay in Thailand to extend it in Bangkok for another 60 days? Or is the permit to stay already expired when the WP epires a day before? Do I need to change my type of VISA for the new period (of 60 days) or can I still go along with my current non-B?

    Finally, as I remember, the company must employ me for another 30 days (in any way; as I'm being employed since a long time) latest after the WP expires? Usually, that goes along with the termination letter. But what if the company just do not renew my WP? And don't sent a letter? I know, it is a little bit complicated, but maybe someone has some ideas here too. Thanks thinking about it.

    When your work permit expires, your visa expires as well. You’ll need a cancellation letter from your employer, otherwise you could easily be on an overstay without even knowing it.

    Your type of visa can’t be a Non-B because you’re not employed anymore, you’ll have to apply for a Non-O, based on your marriage.

    No idea if the company must employ you for another 30 days, is it possible that you’ll just receive a one-month salary? I don’t think that your company will renew your work permit, you need the termination letter from your employer to cancel your extension of stay and to cancel your work permit.

    If you don’t do that and try to leave the country to let’s say apply for a Non-O in Sawannakhet, they might (will) send you back to do both cancellations first.

    Best of luck.

    If you are employed for many years,a company in Thailand can't just close the doors. Depending on the past employment period, they have give you a warning, that is max 30 days after having sent the termination letter. In Europe it is perhaps up to 6 months (for both sides) but in Thailand, neverthelss, it is max 30 days. That said, based on my expiration dates of WP & Stay in Thailand, it is almost the same day. But you have right, if the WP expires, so likely (sure) the permit to stay in Thailand,too. But not sure why a termination letter is still required IF both dates have practically expired the same day and likely already when having entered LAOS.

  15. Thanks all for the feedback. It seems I do have some options here.

    A few more questions, though (for now): If the employer does NOT send an termination letter to me, where do I stand than? Both, the VISA & Work Permit will expire beginning next months, first WP and a day later my 1 year extention permit.

    Can I go (latest) on the last day of my permit to stay in Thailand to extend it in Bangkok for another 60 days? Or is the permit to stay already expired when the WP epires a day before? Do I need to change my type of VISA for the new period (of 60 days) or can I still go along with my current non-B?

    Finally, as I remember, the company must employ me for another 30 days (in any way; as I'm being employed since a long time) latest after the WP expires? Usually, that goes along with the termination letter. But what if the company just do not renew my WP? And don't sent a letter? I know, it is a little bit complicated, but maybe someone has some ideas here too. Thanks thinking about it.

  16. Hi. Likely early next month, my work permit will expire and not be renewed. I'm living here on a non-b visa (extention), have a Thai wife and kids with her.

    My yearly VISA extention will expire too, normally a day later than my work permit does. So what to do. I'm not particular healthy to make visa runs again after 20 years and crossing borders per bus/car/plane would be very difficult.

    Of course, I also do not have 400K to secure a yearly extention of my Visa.

    So what to do? Change my current visa to a non-o? Be a tourist again? Be a monk? What other choices do I have? Naturally, I do not want to leave my family; and going back to Europe is out of question.

    And just in case I do have to leave in Thailand (and perhaps have to live somewhere else), what is recommend: Laos, Cambodia or Vietnam? Or even Malaysia? Any particular place? I would need to live on a budget string until I can recover from the blow of being out of work by then.

    Still thinking about alternatives here

    Currently, I do stay in BKK.

    What would you do right now? Your opinions are very much appreciated.

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