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Posts posted by kebabman7

  1. I've not been myself but my other half took the nephews there last week. She said only a few animals there at the moment such as camels, wild boar, some deer, meerkats/prairie dogs and one skunk! But they are due to get alot more in next year including lions and tigers etc. The kids liked it and it was free entrance when they went, expect they will charge when more animals arrive.

  2. Well for the past week or so I've been having a problem with MSN Messenger, I'm outside of the LOS at the moment and normally chat to my better half on a daily basis. Initially was having problems with the video not connecting but last few days the call function does not connect. All we can do is send messages so there is a connection there but not enough to support the VOIP function. Today she advised that her friend was also experiencing the same problem with messenger. Has anyone else experienced this? Not sure what provider she has, is in Khon Kaen so is probably TT&T.

    Have read the Royal Thai Police Block thread here; http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Royal-Thai-P...html&st=140 - could they be traffic shaping aswell? Its infuriating to say the least, will be interested to know if anyone else is experiencing the same problems.

  3. I'd recommend the Fino, very easy to live with, just sit on it and go - maybe getting lazy but the automatic gear change is ideal for a small bike. If he's 17 its a good choice as has a trendy image and he can modify it with off the peg accessories so can make it stand out from the crowd. Worth paying an extra 5-600 baht for a half decent helmet to match the bike rather than getting one of those plastic egg shell things :) , he may be more likely to use it rather than have it hanging off the wing mirror. When I bought mine was offered a 3 yr deal on 1st class insurance for about 1500 baht. If you do buy one make sure you know which colour scheme he prefers, good luck with it. I'm sure it will make his day and be remembered by him for a long time.

  4. My other half needed some treatment and after doing the rounds of the private clinics we ended up going to KK University - they have a faculty of dentistry which trains most dentists in Thailand, details here:


    Alot cheaper than the private clinics, you need to pay them a visit to sign up and arrange an appointment - best take along a thai speaker if you cannot speak Thai to arrange an appointment, the dentists she saw spoke English quite well. They have a couple of notice boards with details of type of work they can carry out and these are printed in both Thai and English so you know how much any treatment will be. Dependent on what work is required you may need to go on a waiting list, there are usually quite a few patients waiting to be scene but you usually end up being looked at within a hour of your appointment.

  5. I used to fly past this place in Khon Kaen (maybe not flying as using a Yamaha Fino :) ) and found these details on khonkaen.com:

    "we have been the sole supplier of the Thai-French Meat since 2008 from Sakhan Nakhon. The row beef is vacuum packed and available in all types in various pieces.

    if you like to give a try to this famous quality meat why do not you try to visit the BON APPETIT SHOP or call the below number to order or visit ;

    แผนที่ไปร้าน BON APPETIT BEEF

    256/63 ซ.เวชยันต์ ( ซ.รอบเมือง 13) ถ. รอบเมือง ต.ในเมือง อ.เมือง จ.ขอนแก่น 40000 โทร.081-3803317

    256/63 Soi Wechayan (Soi Robmuang 13)

    Rob Muang road Tambon Naimuang Amphur Muang Khonkaen 40000

    Call: 081- 3803317

    Enjoy !!!"

    Haven't tried their steaks myself but maybe an option for you.

  6. Well, its taken a long time but I finally got around to cobbling together a small site on thai ghosts, gave me something to do on my last trip to LOS :)

    The site is here if anyone is interested: www.ghostsofthailand.com

    I've included a few other things on there, one of the more interesting things I heard about was Mak Ga Ree Pon (see Paranormal section on site here). I remember seeing these mentioned on a program called Beyond Bizarre ages ago but not been able to find out much on internet. If anyone has any more detailed information on them or any other interesting Thai phenomena feel free to let me know and I'll try to put it on the site. Same goes for any glaring errors, I can speak abit of Thai but things may have been lost abit in translation with my girlfriend and some other Thais I've spoken to.

  7. Has anyone got an Avanza 1.5 ltr engine model? If so what are your views on it.

    I've searched the forum but most of the previous posts relate to the old 1.3 model and wondered what the new one is like. Thinking of buying one so would appreciate the good, bad and ugly of the car. What mileage do you get from it?


  8. I stayed in HatHai House approx 1 month ago, nice clean rooms and about 5 minute walk from the main road in Lamai. Is fairly quite and has its own small swimming pool. Wi-fi is available in your room but you have to buy a card, rooms have aircon, fridge and satellite TV (only a few english speaking channels). Run by a thai family that stay on site, reception closes at about 8pm.

    Good value for money for Samui, when I stayed they were virtually fully booked most of the time.

  9. Hi,

    I plan on getting a multi entry non-immigration O visa from UK consulate, I've not yet booked my flight and am unsure if there is any requirement on having a return flight booked when entering Thailand via Suvarnabhumi airport - I've normally only entered on tourist visa but plan on staying longer this time.

    If I do need a return flight is there any time period for this ie can it be 6 months from intial flight. If not I may get a single flight to Hong Kong stay a few days then fly to Bangkok.

    Thanks for any help.

  10. I flew into Phuket from Bangkok this afternoon on Air Asia flight which landed at approx 3.20 pm which must have been just before this one2go flight. When we were landing there was alot of low cloud which cleared on the approach to the airstripe but was covering the surrounding hills. It had been raining but had stopped for our landing. Got in a cab and was driving down the road when about 5 minutes into the cab journey there was very heavy rain, the taxi driver found it difficult to see and car was aquaplaning abit on the huge puddles created. Must have been this that they were trying to land in. About half hour into our taxi ride the driver received a call from someone at the airport who said a one2go plane had crashed into the mountian and 30 people were dead. He didn't speak much english and my thai is limited so couldn't find out more.

    Just got back to hotel to discover how bad it is, very sad news for all those on that flight & their family and friends.

    edit - typo

  11. I asked my Thai language teacher (who is Thai) about the fire as I had not seen anything mentioned about it. She said it happened at about 4am on Monday and that Patong does have alot of fires. I said whether it was electrical or just the landlord wanting rid of the tennants but she didn't reply so I'm still none the wiser :o

    A bottle of Heineken says we see at least one more of the same in the same area in the next month, what do you say?

    If it happens within 3 weeks you better make that two bottles :D

  12. I asked my Thai language teacher (who is Thai) about the fire as I had not seen anything mentioned about it. She said it happened at about 4am on Monday and that Patong does have alot of fires. I said whether it was electrical or just the landlord wanting rid of the tennants but she didn't reply so I'm still none the wiser :o

  13. I'm currently taking a month long learn to speak thai course at Patong Language School so I asked them about the education visa when I was there today. Basically they can provide a letter for the ED visa extension, if you already have a non-immigration visa you can get the three month extension in Patong but if you have a tourist visa you will need to go to an embassy outside of Thailand like Malaysia or Singapore to get the non-immigration visa and then the ED visa extension.

    You will need to book 60 lessons, one each day from Monday to Friday and the course will take 3 months to complete. Lessons are 50 minutes long and you will be taught on a one to one basis. Cost for the full 90 day course is 19,500 baht (6,500 per month which is the amount I was charged for a months course) and they will require 50% deposit before they can provide the letter for the ED visa extension. As far as I know there are no moneytary requirements for the ED extension.

    On a side note, I can recommend Patong Language School, I picked up abit of thai from books etc but the teacher will show you how to pronounce the words correctly which is all important. Lessons are taught using the LinguaPlus system, you have to buy the study books which each contain 10 lessons for 190 baht per book. Have completed 14 lessons so far and am now able to structure sentances and ask/answer questions. And don't worry if you have a hangover as they are fairly laid back and only give you homework if you want it.

    If you need any more advice you can call them on 0 7634 0373.


  14. Hi,

    I'm currently in Khon Kaen and will be on my way to Bangkok in next few days and am looking to rent an apartment for approx 2 months.

    My preferences are in Business area (Sukhumvit) close to BTS, with cable/satellite TV, clean and must have hi-speed internet in room or reliable wireless connection. My budget is approx 20,000 / mnth but can go abit higher for the right place.

    If anyone knows of any places fitting my preferences I would be grateful for any advice :o

  15. Just googled South Wales Echo and the story is there....

    Also found on google:

    Thai Skorpion News - Fri 31-May-2007

    Brutal Slaying Of Beloved Father in Pattaya Jungle

    A beloved father of 78, grand father to 874, was brutally murdered last week in Pattaya. The hideously mutilated corpse of Bumpy, so called because of any unusual bump on his back, was found last week by a shocked millipede. Police were called to the scene which was described as one of the gruesome they have seen for some time.

    Forensic scientists discovered a pair of huge soiled humans shorts at the scene, which is believed to have been left as bait to entrap the hapless Bumpy who was foraging for food. It is thought that once inside the shorts the muderer pounced on his victim. An autopsy confirmed that Bumpy did not give up without a fight as his poison sack was half empty, although some of this may have been discharged when he was crushed to death. The force of the attack left few remains of Bumpy's exoskeleton in tact.

    A large white skeletal human figure was seen fleeing from the scene early on Sunday morning. Police are appealing for witnesses. The prime suspect in the murder investiagtion, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is believed to have fled the country.

    The remains of Bumpy were released to his relatives on Wednesday, for a traditional Skorpion ceremony in which his remains were devoured by his family. One of his daughters said "Bumpy was such a fun loving figure and loved by everyone he met. It was such a brutal and senseless killing, we are all still very shocked. Oh yes, and he tasted like chicken."

  16. It sounds like it may be one of the SR range - they currently make an SR400 (used to do a 500) details here: http://www.yamaha-motor.co.jp/news/2006/02/20/sr400.html

    and here is another picture with a two tone tank:


    The one you saw was probably an import as a quick look at the Yamaha Thailand site there is no mention of it being sold officially in Thailand. If that is the case and you find one for sale make sure its got all the green papers and import duty paid :o

  17. A big thanks to KK-Mike and his wife, I have managed to find out exactly what was wrong with my GF, it was a blocked vein in her brain. She is due to be released in the next couple of days, which is a great relief to me :D

    I'd also like to thank Cuban and the others who have helped me with their advice and input. This forum can work miracles when you need them, I'd have been totally lost without it.


  18. Thanks for everyones help and advice.

    I have just spoken to my GF and she was transferred to a hospital in Bangkok last night. Her family are there with her so she has plenty of people around her.

    KK_Mike, I have sent you her details by email - thank you for you offer of help.

  19. I've started a thread here about my GF who may possibly need an MRI scan:


    I only found out from her that she is in hospital about 5 hours ago and as she will now be asleep so I will not speak to her until tomorrow. I may be jumping the gun abit as I still don't know what is wrong with her but if she does need an MRI scan does anyone have any experience of getting scanned in a hospital near Khon Kaen? If there aren't any close what hospitals in Bangkok would you recommend, and if it is a brain tumor does anyone have any experience of treatment in Thailand?


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