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Posts posted by Totsagan

  1. Oh well, thank you to the Reds and Thaksin for destroying Thailand.

    Tom, I think you'll find that The Army will attack the redshirt camp, on the orders of the Government after a compromise deal was turned down.

    I can't for the life of me understand why the PM would turn down any possible peaceful end to the problems.

    Violence seems inevitable, the PM knows this, yet refuses point blank any compromise deal.

    I don't think it's him that makes the decisions though, he's just the pretty face doing what hes told to do.

    This could have catastrophic results, I hope that there is still time left for peace talks.

    I have stayed out of this debate up until now, but I am quite amazed at some of the posters here who appear to be risking heart failure by getting so worked up.

    This is not our ( Farangs ) problem, to spout such hatred towards either group could have severe repercussions.

    Certain posters have been calling for a bloodbath, I pity you, and I know that none of you have ever been in such a situation yourselves, else you would keep your thoughts to yourself.

    Calling the Redshirts Terrorists is a dangerous game.

    How can the Redshirts cause maximum disruption to this government ? By acts of real terrorism, bombs in Tourist areas for example, kill a few hundred Farangs, destroy the tourist industry stone dead.

    For all the Farangs here that are so brainwashed by either side in this conflict, I actually pity you, but I also pity any innocent Farangs who may be caught up in any backlash against the haters on this and other forums.

    If I was a Redshirt and I read some of the hate posts by certain individuals here, I'd think very lowly of Farangs in Thailand.

    So please stop the hate posts and think of possible repercussions in the future.

    Yes, I know you're anonymous here, thank god, but the hate posts are way over the top and do nothing but antagonize.


    My apologies to you, for being so light of foot.

    By your attempt at banding all foreigners in a bracket (unimportant) you neglect to include those foreigners here with businesses, families and kids, this is our problem also, not the holidaymakers and those that are here temporarily.Have been here for 10 years and have a <deleted> voice, have thai kids , Thai business. Do not dare to tell me it is none of my business.how conceited of you to include everybody in your statement.

    these thugs have held the country at ransom for long enough.just cause has been seen already to make a harsh crackdown with the entire severity of the (legal) law of dealing with insurrection.

    this game was started by the reds, and should finish with their demise, no negotiation, no threats, action is what is required.I am "farang" but also a family head of thai people, nearly all of which say to me, Enough games, finish it now". this is thai to farang.

    believe what you wish, and hold an allegiance to whoever, but expect a penalty from the rest of the pissed off society.

    Even if it is 1 million people, that leaves 65 million others that do not want this to continue.

    make a cake crack ALL the eggs.

    enough said.

    I don't think the Reds are holding the "country" hostage...just you folks in Bangkok. You seem to have done alright for yourself in BKK. Nice house, nice job, nice car with driver, nice Thai family. You've been here 10 years and you've been pretty happy.

    You think all this could have happened without the other 70 provinces outside the Bangkok metro area?

    How many people live in BKK? About 12-13 million? About 20% of the Thai npopulation. From those 12-13 million, about 25% come from the provinces. They consider the provinces their home. They are transient workers. Now what if they pulled out of BKK?

    Three million from Issan and another million from the South and mid-central. You wouldn't be enjoying life so much then. You'd be back to Tim the toolman, doing your own chores, driving your own car, and your wife cooking her own food and doing her own laundry.

    The people out in the Mayberry provinces are laughing at you all. They don't feel like they're hostages. They feel empowered. I apologize in advance if I lumped you into the category of a rich foreign businessman. (P.S. If you're making more than BHT 25,000/month, you're rich. :)

  2. I have just read this thread and for the first time I am compelled to join this forum. Everybody is entitled to an opinion so I will give mine. It would appear that most people on this thread are based in the more affluent areas of Thailand and have never ventured further north than Don Muang Airport and if they have it has never been for any extended period.

    Posters using phrases like 'minority rabble' just indicate their total ignorance of what is really happeninng in Thailand. How can 20,000,000 people be a minority. Yes 20,000,000, that is the amount of people living in the NE regions of Thailand. Add the North and they clearly have a majority. It has always been a non written policy of many previous thai Governments to keep these people poor and keep them this way so they go down to the 'smoke' and take jobs to help feed their families. Without these people BKK would shut in a few days. Posters should be aware if all migrants workers went home South of Ayuttyha would cease to function.

    Sorry I slightly digressed there. This is a class war between the old elite and the new money. The old elite has paid the army to do there dirty work for centuries. When they dont like a government they call a General and we have them removed. The new money has enlisted the help of the poor to further their cause but there will be a price to pay when they finally take power. The poor have now been empowered and the genie is out of the bottle and he is not going back. Forget Thaksin, he is just the bus driver for this crusade and on his return he understands he will have to retain that support to keep power.

    Living amongst these people I have realised Thaksin is just a figurehead who either personally, or with help from interested parties, has managed to raise enough funds to keep this protest thriving. These people want social reform and a bigger piece of the pie.

    There can only be one outcome if you think logically. That outcome may come tomorrow or 1 year from now or 10 years from now, but be sure it will come. This is not just about fair elections it about winning back power that was unlawfully stole from them in a coup. Not only do they want elections, the leaders of this movement want removal of all the money families that run Thailand. You remove them and there is nobody to instigate another coup. The 'Amataya (elite) will do whatever it takes to keep a grip on this country, even throw grenades into their own supporters to cause one side to fight the other. They are looking for a reason, to justify to the watching world, a ruthless crackdown.

    What is scaring the current elite is the finances flowing into this movment and where it might be coming from. That takky chappie has been on a jolly around the world for 3 years.... I dont think so. I believe he has been flying around garnering support to enable his return. Making promises to smaller nations of trade links and access to do business in Thailand in return for donations to his movement. Haven't the arabs been trying to get access to grow rice here but have been told you can only own 49%. Paints a nice picture for Thaksin,returns to power and then changes current legislation to allow the arabs 100% access to grow rice here. Oh where is all the rice grown.... yes red shirt country and they will get xxx more money per tonne. Game over..Tilt. Dont you just love this guy

    The above is just a scenario of what might be happening but please take your blinkers off and forget your own insignificant life and see things from both sides. Thaksin is a poor man by Thailands elite standards and cannot afford to finance this movement alone. Somebody is helping him.

    Yes my support leans towards the reds but I want a peaceful conclusion to all this and no more deaths. I have got 3 children born here in Isaan and if somebody does not remove these faceless people from power my kids may grow up with no prospects, no money and no future. I apologise to all living in Bkk and my feelings to all grieving relatives on both sides.

    This fight for reform was won two years ago when that funeral pyrah( maybe mispelt) was lit.

    Great post. However, I think the Isaan speaking population is closer to 26,000,000. At any rate, it's the largest regional (ethnic, if you will) population in Thailand. :)

  3. Can all the red supporter who joined in 2006 Please learn to use quotes so people can actually follow. You joined in 2006 and kept your mouth shut for 4 years and all over sudden have too much to say

    Hi Amigo

    At first glance, I thought this post might have been referring to one of my posts, in which I screwed up the quotes. But you were categorizing the poster as a Red Shirt, so I knew it couldn't be me. I have opinions, but I'm not siding with any particular side.

    That might hamper a visa renewal.

    You know, I bet one of you old timers could help me out on how to do a partial quote and then post.

    I did join in 2006, AND I did keep my mouth shut for 4 years. Now that I am posting, do you think I have too much to say because you disagree with me?

    Anyway...let's be friends. Where's the best place to get a great pizza in BKK and in Khon Kaen? :)

    If i understood correctly you had nothing to say when PAD occupied airport? you had nothing to say about the coup? nothing about money seizure or court ruling? you had nothing to say about anything for that matter, but now all over sudden you do.!!! Hmmm, why such a sudden need to express yourself? And this is not directed just at you, but another 4-6 members who all happen to join in 2006 and all had nothing to say till this moment.

    and you consider that not taking sides?


    I had plenty of opinions during all those events. I had plenty to say, during my "visits" to Thailand during 1999 through 2005 about the events during that time. I had plenty to say about the extrajudical killings during the campaign against drugs. I had plenty to say during the 97 financial crisis, when I was going out to karoke bars with the people responsible for causing the crisis. I had plenty to say back in the eighties, dodging road blocks up in the country, between the commies, the refugees on the eastern borders, and small battles on the Lao border over the teak forests. I had plenty to say in the seventies, especially during 1976 riots, when protesters where being rounded up and taken to the crocidile farm. I had plenty to say when I was in TH during the early 70's when I was here saving the world from communism instead of finishing college (darn Nixon dropped the college deferments in 72). (Were you even born then?) I just never posted to all those events.

    Now...I'm in a more "relaxed" status. I have time to post. I've seen a lot over the last 40 years. I just haven't found a good pizza joint since Pizza Hut pulled out of Thailand.

    So, amigo....what about a place to find a good pizza?

    I'm just saying.... that's all ... just a look at the facts...


  4. Can all the red supporter who joined in 2006 Please learn to use quotes so people can actually follow. You joined in 2006 and kept your mouth shut for 4 years and all over sudden have too much to say

    Hi Amigo

    At first glance, I thought this post might have been referring to one of my posts, in which I screwed up the quotes. But you were categorizing the poster as a Red Shirt, so I knew it couldn't be me. I have opinions, but I'm not siding with any particular side.

    That might hamper a visa renewal.

    You know, I bet one of you old timers could help me out on how to do a partial quote and then post.

    I did join in 2006, AND I did keep my mouth shut for 4 years. Now that I am posting, do you think I have too much to say because you disagree with me?

    Anyway...let's be friends. Where's the best place to get a great pizza in BKK and in Khon Kaen? :)

  5. But heres the bombshell i want to announce to the world people, which hardly anyone knows about...

    Guess whos behind Thaksin?? Whos Mignon is he? whos puppet is he really? ready for this?


    Thanks for the explanation. This simplifies everything. No need for further discussion!!!! Alas, the Federal Reserve Board and the USA....

    Who new it was so simple? :)

  6. Oh well, thank you to the Reds and Thaksin for destroying Thailand.

    Why are the Reds destroying Thailand???? Thailand is more than just Bangkok. Since when can't people travel to their capitol to petition a complaint? That practice is centuries old.

    Two years ago the Yellow Shirts did a pretty good job of shutting down Bangkok, also.

    Heck, if I had a business in downtown BKK, I'd be peeved also, but obviously there's a (class) problem in the country since this divisiveness has been going on for ten years.

    People in the provinces keeping electing officials and people in Bangkok keep throwing them out of office.

    Taksin, ethics not withstanding, had done more for the rural people in 4 years than any other entity has done in sixty years - healthcare, roads, education, electricity, subsidizing loans so that almost every farmer owned a brand new pick-up, etc.

    I've been coming to Thailand since 1974, and the changes between 2000 and 2005 were dramatic.

    Of course there are claims the Red Shirts are paid to go to BKK and stand in the street. But it goes a little deeper. Rural people are sick and tired of being told to go back to their farms, till their fields, and keep their mouths shut.

    You must remember that the people in the rural provinces were so alienated, that there were still strong communist movements throughout the north and northeast until the early 80's (most national parks are former communist strongholds).

    With the possible exception of Abhisit, corruption is generally a part of every administration, every entitiy. Taksin was certainly no angel (national campaign against drugs) and the guy just doesn't get it that at this point he's old product. Taksin is a ralllying point for the Reds. If there are new elections, the Reds will win, the Yellows with find a way to dispose of the new administration. The circle continues, like groundhog day.

    The elite in BKK can't continue to ignore the provinces (the ethnic Isaan speaking population is larger than the central Thailand.

    Almost everyone is afraid to sit down and get to what many percieve to be the core of the problem, because they can be thrown in jail for discussing it.

    But hey, what do I know.... :)

  7. Have your GF apply for a fiancee visa (formerly K-9 visa) now while you're in Thailand.

    The fiancee visa will be approved much faster than if you marry her in Thailand, and then apply for a spouse visa.

    Once the fiancee visa is approved and your GF goes stateside, you'll have 90 days to marry.

    If you do the Thai wedding for the family and village :D , don't inform the embassy, they'll make you apply for a spousal visa. :D

    Don't worry about money. When you both get stateside, you can get your new wife a job as a nanny, and she can support you both while you pursue your graduate degree :)

    What did you get your university degree for, something useful like philosophy? :D

  8. I'm not worried about entering US. - my wife will have the US passport.

    I'm wondering if the airline will refuse her ticket to depart BKK because she does not have a US visa in her Thai passport.

    Let me explain further.

    Three months ago we departed US for Thailand with a Round-Trip ticket for six weeks.

    The airline would not issue us our pre-purchased tickets because we did not have a Thai visa (required for more that 30 days).

    I explained that we would also be traveling to Laos and Khmer within and we would re-enter Thailand obtianing the appropriate (15-day) visa.

    The airline replied 'Nice story but no dice'. The airline would not issue our RT tckt without visa.

    Quick fix - we purchased two return tckts (return within 30 days) - which we later cancelled once we were in Thailand.

    Sooo.....Will the airline in BKK refuse my wife her ticket if she does not have a US visa in her Thai passport, or can she show her US passport in lieu of the US visa?

    I appreciate your reply, but you lost me in your prose about causing attention in mid-air. We're commoners...we fly coach, not first class.

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