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Posts posted by JaninePage

  1. I need some advice on what a group of people can do with regards to getting issues sorted out. Without naming places or people. That is not needed. So please do not ask. This is not what this is about.

    We are owed a rather large sum of money when all put together, and we are not getting the return of our advance payments made. We have not received a service for this advance payment, and have requested this advance payment be returned to us. It has been promised both verbally and in writing, but over a month now and nothing has been returned.

    Requests for information as to what is going on is now being met with generic emails going out.

    All we want is to conclude our business and carry on with our lives now.

    We seem to be in the middle of another battle, but this should not be put on our shoulders.

    Now I really do request some honest advice. And I really ask that no one start adding names and trying to bad mouth companies and people. As said before. This request is not about shaming people. It is about getting honest help and opinions.

    Please no trolling either.

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