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Posts posted by FarangLife

  1. 27 minutes ago, Cranky said:

    Talk about double standards.  You don't give a flying fig 'Poor sad little boy' was fiddled with but when some guy whose had one too many shandys glances at your titts in a funny way you scream blue murder and expect everyone with a willy to be banged up abroad.  Trust me, if we need to see, grope, fondle, or ogle titties in this place there are many finer ones than yours up for grabs.

    He wants my sympathy than better to start by not calling me names first. You will never know if there are finer ones than mine or not, Chester, thats the joy of being a keyboard warrior ♡♡♡

    • Haha 1
  2. 25 minutes ago, Cranky said:

    Speaking as a Chester, why would I stay home with Miss Palm and her five sisters when I can go out once a year and grope all the drunken wet-t-shirt gals I can get my grubby mitts on in the name of harmless fun ?  It would be awfully quiet if we all stayed home.

    Hahaha! But how would it be quiet with all of us wet t-shirt ladies in one place? 

    • Haha 1
  3. 19 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

    oh. who disputed your point number 1.it's good you avoid kao san whether songkran or not. and a bunch of men may well may know what happens. 

    have you ever been to silom on songkran as a male? no. whinging western girls. you do make me laugh

    This was not about men being molested. Forgive me, was that you attacked? Poor sad little boy, you'll get your chance to tell your story when someone cares. I however am a woman and lime Songkran, amd I won't be told its my fault someone thinks its okay to touch me just because they had too many beers. 

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  4. 8 minutes ago, Ossy said:

    And that, thanks, Rkidlad, was the key point of my post, advising females:


    1. to avoid getting drunk, themselves.
    2. to avoid provoking molestation, e.g. by seductive behaviour, wet T-shirts, boob-bouncing and the like.
    3. to avoid - and assuming that it is absolutely necessary for you to be on that particular street - getting within arms length of the problem louts.

    And where does Thai law stand, here? Despite a number of attempts for clarity, I can't read whether groping is classed and is punished as sexual assault, whereas rape is, of course. If groping is illegal, here, then evidently - just like with enforcing driving laws - there should be a massive police presence, with a policeman, every ten yards on the celebration streets, if things are as bad as the headline makes out.


    We don't need posters jumping on the self-righteous band-wagon at the slightest suggestion that the groped girls can sometimes be as much to blame as the groper. We all know that he is most at fault, but let's not dance to his tune . . . let's just be sensible.

    Don't have a beer? Don't get wet at Songkran? Our breasts bounce when we walk. Are you suggesting we can stop walking during Songkran? Don't get within arms reach of other people on the crowded street? How about this...if you molest people when drunk, do not drink. And, if you have urges but aren't man enough to catch a lady's eye who will allow you to touch her boobs, give up on life. My advice seems better, don't you think? 

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  5. Bangkok taxi drivers have stopped the cab in dimly lit areas to "negotiate" a non-metered amount. They have gone left when I said go right in both Thai and English, running the meter to over 200 baht for what should've been 60. There are some really sweet and polite Thai taxi drivers in the Mall Tha Phra area, most of the rest are scammers who are not above intimidation to rip off Thai and foreigner alike. I am surprised that there weren't more complaints lodged. 

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  6. So many people suggest she should've gone to Hong Kong! Would you want to work as a prostitute or do people not understand the words human trafficking? I wouldn't have allowed my daughter to go either. If they did take the money, they needed it to keep their daughter safe. If they didn't take the money than that explains the job search. I wish her luck, this all sounds like a horrible thing to go through as she tries to complete her studies.

  7. Inadequate supervision ?

    What a tragedy for the girl's family.

    More of a tragedy for the girl.

    Thai people don't have this kind of catastrophic thinking that some irrational westerners have. They have a faith that evening happens for a reason, karma and all that.

    Yes, everything does happen for a reason. But fate/karma is never it.

    And who are you to disagree with approximately 4 billion people?

    An enlightened one living in Pattaya, that spiritual Mecca, where old wise men renunciate to lol?

    I also disagree with 4 billion other people. The only reason this happened is because some usless <deleted> didn't do their job properly.

    Or maybe I am wrong and they/you are right. Would you care to enlighten me and tell me the reason a 3 year old girl had to die ?

    I'm sure her family is grieving, not saying "it's bad karma, let's move on." Even if you feel she died from bad karma the girl still DIED. If mourning is an irrational act to you, you're most likely a sociopath, most people have compassion. In fact, I'd even eager that most of those 4 million people mentioned would feel sad over the death of a child they didn't even know. Three is so young, she should have had a full life ahead of her. I hope she rests in peace.

  8. Most of the Thai cabbies are nice man who work too many hours. Its the few bad ones who give them all that bad name. It's not fair to say this article was paid for. More likely the man who wrote this has a Thai cabbie brother in law or friend he feels needs to be given a break from all the bashing. :(

  9. Spineless,cowardly scumbags.Hope you feel proud to be Thai.Congratulations you've just cost your country an untold amount of Baht,in tourist(or lack of)revenue,with your heinous actions....Enjoy your rice porridge.

    In Thailand people don't push and shove their way through crowded places,

    You obviously have never tried getting on a bus here then, it's a free for all of pushing and shoving to be first on for a seat, or even if the bus is half empty, old people, blind people kids, they don't come into it whistling.gif

    Sure there will be exceptions to the rule and probably bus queues is one. But people walking down the street whilst shopping for example is a very different picture.

    Last week I was at a market. I was next to my husband, walking pretty close. There was no one beside us, we were looking at tables to our right and walking. There was a metal grate in the ground so I stepped even closer to my husband. A Thai woman came up from behind and pushed me into the grade, hurting my already injured foot more. She brushed up against my husband then cut back to the left, to the other side of the grate, to greet another Thai woman. There was enough room to walk to the left of the grate. Tell us again how Thais will not bump you in a crowd or will apologize.....

  10. To all you who came up with the same old shit about me being a pimp and if it was my daughter yada yada yada,stop acting like a load of tarts and get real.What was the reasons you sad lot came over here for in the first place.All you sanctimonious, holier than thou,Hippocrates.yeah! i did it and i made a bundle of money out of it,some of it probably yours.Prostitution is a way of life here 'cos poor uneducated girls have got f##k all else,their government gives them sod all.I never made one girl do anything she didn't want to,and most of them ended up with probably more money than you sorry lot. So, all you fine fellows who go off for your sneaky little massages once a week,telling the little woman you'r just nipping down to soi Bukhaouw market on a Sunday,i'm on to you.Ive known people like you all my life.This is Thailand my anal friends,live with it.At least i had the balls to get up off my arse and make some money in this country.

    Me thinks you all doth protest too much.

    Im not from Greece and I am not the father of modern medical practices thank you very much.

    I didn't come here for prostitution or to take advantage of people with less money either...

    Scumbag... Why don't you get a proper job instead of using people for your own ends

    I'm not here for sex and I don't drink. I think Dave forgets women come to Thailand too. I do love the real Thai massages however, so when I sneak off it's called keeping the economy thriving not wrecking some innocent young girl's life.

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