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Posts posted by nonagon

  1. All the people that egged her on should be rounded up in a room and be made to apologise to the girl's family.....

    They should be rounded up and charged with inciting or assisting a suicide.

    Facebook should also be charged with poor management of their web site resulting in encouraging suicide.

    Any other criminal charges you'd like to invent and charge them with?

    Just because the suicide occurred after the comments does not mean the suicide occurred because of the comments. Ad hoc ergo propter hoc informal fallacy.

    The girl chose to kill herself. She wasn't coerced. It's sad but it's not the fault of Facebook or other members of the public.

    What caused her death? We don't know. It again shows how important it is for suicidal people to discuss their issues with those who are in a position to help.

    Hanging herself in the family's living room... maybe she did reach out. The family don't want to discuss it. It shouldn't be up to them. A death has occurred.

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