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Posts posted by pogipaul0119

  1. On 3/5/2021 at 2:56 PM, CraigJM said:

    Hi again,


    Yes, turns out I'm not exempt from doing the test. Their reasoning is because my graduation year was last year. Perhaps PGCEi graduates who apply for a license in the same year as their graduation are exempt. Even though I graduated in December, only 4 months ago, I still can't get my license straight away. Safe to say the last few days have been a headache...


    So, my current situation (bear in mind I have a PGCEi qualification and Khurusapah currently have my docs, transcripts and cert. atm, so they're in the know)


    I may be granted a final 2 year waiver. This is on top of my already 8 years (6 years waiver, and 2 years study waiver). I may be granted this due to the fact that I physically cannot do the test as they haven't opened testing sessions yet, and I have my proof of PGCEi completion. So, to penalise me would be unjust and unfair (which it already is unfair as is). But, with rules changing on a whim, perhaps things will settle down in time and they'll remove this absurd requirement again.


    I can only see this being bad news for Thai schools as many foreign teachers may turn away from the extra hassle, especially after going through a PGCEi, or even an in country diploma. You start to think if this is even all worth it.


    I'll return to this thread when I find out what I'll need to do next.


    Thanks again for your input. Any information can be of use at this point

    So did you get the 2year extension? Sorry to bother you but I am in the same situation.. 

  2. Been caught twice for over speeding and beating the red light (paid all the fines). My question is " is there a limit for commiting the violations or it the fine would just be doubled evertime I violated the rules? Thanks.. sorry for making a new thread..

    Bit worried in renewing my registration.


  3. A bit off topic here... been caught over speeding twice and beating the red light (caught on cctv) my question is " is there a limit for commiting violations or it's just the fine that would double every time i violated the rules? A bit worried they will comfiscate my driving licence.. thanks or any links in english that could point me to their traffic rules and regulations.


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