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dimple joe

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Posts posted by dimple joe

  1. The way the media was spinning this story right from the start was completely wrong - it was all based on a lie that this was an "unprovoked" attack which it certainly was not! lol

    This is a serious slap in the face of people who were victims or the actual unprovoked attacks in Thailand, because their stories never got as much of international attention as this story did, and many of them didn't even manage to walk out alive!

    But in this case - three drunk Apes from Wales start a fight with Thai gangs high on drugs in the middle of Songkran - get their brains smashed out of them - and this requires the attention of the world media? Are you kidding me or something?

    This is precisely why I think this whole story had a political underpinning right from the start - it was definitely based on a lie and emotions alone so this has nothing to do with violence in Thailand, but rather the Brits looking for a "license to kill" wherever they please to land and get themselves smashed with alcohol. This is a rather cynical self-centered drive by the Brits trying to assert their voice in this country despite the fact that they are the one's acting like violent drunk apes much more than anybody else does in this country... Or in any other country where they happen to visit for that matter... Lol I've seen this in a few other countries wherever Brits happen to show up - they act the same way everywhere.

    It all started with rumours that "Thai gangs are going around attacking and targeting farangs in Hua Hin" or whatever... Now we know it was all complete bull and this is a really lame way for Brits to drag all other Farangs into something which is always an exclusively British problem... If you want sympathy from me - you are not going to get a lot, I mean maybe you should at least learn to tell the truth for starters - i.e. Who started the fight? What do other farangs have to do with Brits going to foreign countries, getting themselves pissed drunk and the going around attacking people?

    As a Brit myself I am ashamed to say I agree wholeheartedly

  2. My but you are an apologist of the worst type.

    My post contains all that needs to be said by me on this subject.

    You are defending the indefensible and cloaking it in this coating of "innocent families".

    You imply I am defending those who cause trouble by doing so.

    I don't.

    I have said from the start that trouble makers should be removed or arrested {Newin being who he is can ensure the BIB do his bidding.Not a good thing when you think about it...}.

    What he cannot do [and I mean cannot in the legal sense of the word, the situation, one you defend, being as it is, this man can act with impunity as he considers himself, with justification to be above the law} is entomb people in cells he has had built.

    The fact you defend this situation is beyond the Pale.

    Are you are being deliberately obtuse?

    Is it your second language and special needs issues that cause your lack of comprehension?

    Or is there something else that makes you rely on half truths to support your contentions?

    The words “entomb” and “cells” have been introduced by you in a cynical attempt to make the situation appear much worse than it is.

    Please re-read post #1; the words used are “detention” and “morgue”.

    Do you and your PC pals really believe that Newin built the morgue and employed security staff so that he could boost his ego and abuse the human rights of some unfortunates for his personal gratification like a villain in a James Bond film?

    Or could it be that he made sure it was well publicised so that miscreants who had heard about the Muay Thai and Cage incidents would think twice about causing trouble because in this instance they understand that there will be consequences if they misbehave?

    More difficult questions for you to grasp I know, so I'll give you a clue:- the latter is true.

    The troublemakers behaved or stayed away, there are no reports of any untoward incidents.

    If you still disagree with his actions, you can still make a complaint report.

    If you have the courage of your convictions that is; or are you just a pathetic blowhard?

  3. It is staggering that you can be so wrong about every single point you make.

    It would be laughable if not for the dangers that lie in your support, defence and justification of thugs employing extra judicial vigilante tactics and the abuse of power they wield. In this case when they entomb or threaten to entomb people because they want to exercise their power in a visual manner.

    And yes I know exactly know what entomb implies. It is apt.

    Upon such support abusive, authoritarian elites rely.

    Finally I need do nothing to imply intellectual superiority. Some posters are "hoist by his own petar" to quote a man who knew all about the abuse of power.

    Edit:correcting aspects of what is according to some my second language. Am also incidentally searching for my first. If anyone finds it, please pm me.

    Your reply is just spurious nonsense.

    You rely on a generalisaton saying I am wrong on every single point I make, but are unable to refute or even answer many of them.

    You say I support thugs who threaten to bury or inter people, which is not true.

    I actually support people who consider the human rights of innocent families are more important than those who cause mayhem at public events.

    You will find on page 29 of your Boys Own Book of Quotations :-

    'The end excuses any evil,' (Sophocles c 409 B.C.) - just because it's old does not make it right, although in this case it is, because the recipients of the punishment are not innocents.

    In conclusion I must say that I am surprised that the moderators have allowed this thread to run.

    Comments by yourself and others sail very close to the wind with regard to Thailand's draconian libel laws.

    Are you given some sort of dispensation because of “special needs”?

  4. No, he cannot illegally entomb people because he doesn't like their behaviour.

    He can throw them out, he can have them arrested [the BIB will do whatever he wants, such is his "influence"} or he can refuse them entry.

    This is the behaviour of a man who has power and abuses it.

    The behaviour of a man who represents all that is wrong with the culture of immunity that exists for the rich and powerful.

    As to whether I live here or not, none of your business, but you may note the times I post at. Even you can work it out from that.

    As for your last sentence, looking into a mirror when you came up with that collection of sad little cliches perchance?

    You repeatedly say he cannot when he can and in fact he did. You probably mean he shouldn't.

    Similarly, he didn't entomb anyone; troublemakers were imprisoned or confined, not buried or interred.

    It seems that English is probably not your first language, so let me explain:-

    Someone who quotes Voltaire and Terry Pratchet on a forum does so in an attempt to to appear intellectually superior to his readers, therefore “pompous psuedo intellectual” is quite apt.

    Equally, “sad keyboard warrior” accurately describes a person who's views on the human rights of troublemakers are so strong that it becomes a duty; keen to display his outrage anonymously via his keyboard but reluctant to actually do something.

    “All mouth and no trousers” (Arthur Daley) springs to mind.

    I think you'll find that the time of a post is local Thai time, how can your location can be determined from that?

    Your “into a mirror” comment is straight from the school playground so maybe you should update your English Language textbooks.

  5. Nonsense.

    Newin, who is the embodiment of the abusive nature of power in Thailand, can provide whatever he wants.

    He can throw out who he likes.

    What he cannot do is act as the law and entomb those whose behaviour he dislikes.

    He has no right to do so.

    None at all.

    Your first word was spot on, you do spout absolute nonsense,

    He cannot?

    Sorry, he can, he did and an extremely peaceful fun night was enjoyed by all.

    Do you live in Thailand?

    Surely you will lodge an official complaint about the human rights violations you say have been commited.

    Go on – you said yourself in post #20 “its a duty” - do let us know how you get on with it.

    Or is it that your posts on this matter are merely pompous pseudo intellectual nonsense from a sad keyboard warrior?

  6. I disagree with every single sentiment in your post.

    Reading your earlier posts on this subject, this comes as no surprise at all.

    You really should venture out of the ivory tower you inhabit and taste the real world.

    This is Thailand; the Police are ineffective with only lip service paid to the rule of law or human rights.

    All that matters is money and power.

    Newin Chidchob has both.

    He provides I believe free entertainment for the less fortunate of the area and does his utmost to ensure their enjoyment is not spoiled by mindless hooligans.

    For this he should be applauded rather than castigated.

    The threat of “the morgue” will I am sure, be much more effective in controlling the unruly youth than a whole ream of quotations from Voltaire.

    I think the rights of innocent families trump those of troublemakers

  7. The man's methods may well offend some of you barrack room lawyers, PC brigaders and the odd tough guy.

    Rest assured they are very effective and ensure a trouble free environment where families can enjoy themselves without being terrorised by drunken louts.

    On a previous similar occasion, he'd put on a demonstration of Muay Thai boxing as part of the entertainment.

    When the gangs of youngsters began inter village fighting, Newin's security men rounded them up and they were made to fight the Muay Thai guys in the ring.

    The professional fighters were told not to hold back or they would not be paid. No more trouble

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