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Posts posted by MyFrenU

  1. On 09/09/2016 at 11:21 AM, simon43 said:




    They have done it on 3 occasions for me after I called them to report that a guest had skipped without paying.


    And I didn't do this with my 'police volunteer' hat on either, (as some might accuse me) :coffee1:


    In all 3 cases, the airport immigration stopped the person from catching their flight until I arrived at the airport to personally collect payment.  Although the airport is only 5 minutes away, very 'bad traffic' meant that I wasn't able to reach the airport until after they had missed their departing flight. :cheesy:


    I have no time for 'thieves'

    Where were they from? :whistling:



  2. 23 hours ago, cheapskatesam said:




    here is my spreadsheet from the rice thread that i am planning to live on.. i only want to live in thailand for a few months with no commitments and the ability to fly home at a moments notice.

    Is this your entry for the CCC,the Cheap Charlie Championships then?

  3. 49 minutes ago, bamukloy said:


    I think your scenario is probably not far from the truth.

    One thing i wonder is where was the stuff made and by who?

    Obviously, someone who had the good sense to be invisible when the shit hit the fan.

    But yeah, Ego, Stupidity and Arrogance in big doses on the Aussies part.

    It just amazes me how these guys want to be the big profile hot shot and think they are gonna get away with it.











    Probably from Indonesia or Cambodia,they have the Sassafras Oil needed to make Ecstasy there?

  4. The truth is most of the time a foreigner with a Thai girlfriend it is the foreigner up to dodgy things and the Thai girlfriend as an unsuspecting bystander,this is fact.So if he kept the pills at his girlfriend's apartment he is a scumbag that deserves a life sentence,it's like someone that gets his girlfriend addicted to Heroin!
    His job makes it more likely that he was the guy at the top of this little chain,with his mate out there dealing pills for him that he stashed at his innocent girlfriend's apartment.The more I hear about this case the more it sounds like he thought the was being a real smartass,letting his mate serve up the dancing tablets while stashing them at his girlfriend's apartment.
    The Pattaya Police know a scumbag when they see one,put two and two together and Bingo!
    There may not be a single ounce of truth in that scenario but to me it seems the most likely one.

  5. 19 hours ago, dcnx said:

    Mr Feeney told Fairfax Media that no drugs were found on Mastroianni or in any of his belongings.

    He pointed out that the 61 ecstasy pills were discovered in an apartment rented in the name of his Thai girlfriend who was never charged with any offence.


    That's incredible. So the DJ had no pills on him or in any of his possessions,  and got life in prison. His life is ruined. The Thai girlfriend didn't get a single charge and 61 pills were found in her apartment. 


    That makes my blood boil. 

    It's obvious why,because no Thai would ever do that!

  6. 7 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


    Lilly might not be a good one to have on the list, he was doing pretty damn good up until he started using the drugs, then he started going on about the Intergalactic Coincidence Control Office and how our only single obligation in life is to accept the control of earthly coincidences by some alien beings, that is when they locked him up. 

    That's some good sh1t right there man!

  7. 7 hours ago, JustNo said:

    lol ikr, it is as if people can never change! or lose interest in something!! I used to take illegal street drugs, I must be the scum of the Earth!! 

    The DNA structure was worked out whilst on LSD by the way, and many great leaps forward in human history are due to substance use.

    Francis Crick — LSD
    Thomas Edison — Cocaine Elixirs
    Paul Erdös — Amphetamines
    Steve Jobs — LSD
    Bill Gates — LSD
    John C. Lilly — LSD, Ketamine
    Richard Feynman — LSD, Marijuana, Ketamine
    Carl Sagan — Marijuana


    Albert Einstein took LSD also before calculating his theory of relativity.
    Antoni Gaudi the "Son of Barcelona" was killed by a tram while high on magic mushrooms,he had stepped outside to admire his life's work and was knocked down.It took the city officials three days to identify the body,they thought he was a vagabundo (vagrant) as he had become obsessed with 'La Sagrada Familia' and was sleeping in the Cathedral by then!

  8. 6 hours ago, dragons70 said:

    Agree with what you say about pathetic statements from some who would be "happy" for their children to do extasy when they are adults...obviously these people have never had to tell parents that their "child" has overdosed on it or literally had their heart explode at the age of 15...MDMA is a synthetic substance concocted from all types of chemicals...the criminals who produce it do not care what effect those chemicals will have on the users, they just want to make it as cheaply as possible. Having seen many MDMA labs first hand, I've no doubt users would be shocked to see what toxic chemicals they are putting into their bodies. Every pill taken, especially in Asia, is like playing Russian roulette in my opinion...sooner or later you'll get a bad one, and that could be fatal. I've seen teenaged kids die from their first ever extasy pill...I'm yet to see a kid die from his first ever beer...If this Aussie DJ sold my kid a pill that proved fatal, no gaol sentence would be enough...just saying.

    Are you the director of "Reefer Madness" by any chance? :facepalm:



  9. 7 hours ago, joeyg said:

    You all think it was quite cute and a display of bravado, boasting about your years of former and current illegal drug use.  Some even promoting it for their children.  Sad bunch here.  How crazy are you?  Take a good long look in the mirror.  Madness, indeed.  If this thread doesn't attract the attention of Law Enforcement to your IP addresses I don't know what will.


    It's like jumping up and down holding a neon sign saying, "I do illegal drugs and think your laws are bullshit!!!"


    And you guys are complaining about "Tracking sim cards." This is the result of the drug damaged brain,  Frightening...

    I'm really worried about what may become of me,considering I'm in Europe and we're talking about the illegal drugs I was taking 25-30 years ago.I'm expecting to see the BiB sliding down ropes in Tenerife and Ibiza back in the day,like a modern day Minority Report without Tom Cruise! :facepalm:
    joeyg I'm just praying that you are over 60-years old because if not you could really do with taking all of the above and having a good time in your life for a change,my biggest fear here is that you are some young kid trying to lecture people from your Mom's basement,who's idea of real life is YouTube clips and thinks that a disco biscuit is a Custard Cream with hundreds and thousands sprinkled on top of it!

  10. 18 minutes ago, Thechook said:

    Speaking out and defaming Thailand's image isn't very smart.  Others have been arrested and imprisoned for tarnishing the kingdoms image.

    Are you serious?So she should just take the sexual assault plus this halfwit jacking off over her,along with her broken back and go away quietly?
    What colour are the moons on your planet anyway?

  11. 6 hours ago, HappyDazed said:


    You sure?.... If so, what year?


    As I understand it the US left Indochina in 1975 after an ass kicking from a bunch of barefoot rice farmers using antique weapons.

    Exactly why Hollyweird has to rewrite history to make it look like they won WWII,when the real truth is they stood by watching Europe get pounded by the Luftwaffe until the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour,half a small South-East Asian nation roundly and soundly kicked their asses!

  12. 11 hours ago, Tonawatchee said:

    80,000,000 duds in Laos?

    Wonder about Cambodia and Vietnam. Kids are still occasionally getting blown up in those countries 

    War has no afterthought to any human welfare and we can still see that today.

    Cambodia is heavily mined also,by both the Americans and the Khmer Rouge,probably Vietnamese also.I believe Angkor and Siem Reap was a KR stronghold and last time I was at the temple complex there were signs warning you not to step off the clearly delineated pathways and to have a guide with local knowledge,as in where the landmines were!

  13. 1 minute ago, Scouse123 said:



    i really only want an answer to one question only and that is why one of them has been given two life sentences for 61 pills.???


    I can only think he had two separate charges but this has not been mentioned in any newspaper reports that I have read. He would not receive two life sentences for just the one charge.


    I am familiar with court proceedings, sentencing, Thai prisons, Thai courts etc but this has me wondering, I admit I am stumped by this.

    The answer is of course because he is a foreigner!

  14. 3 minutes ago, jimmybkk said:

    Sorry bud, but I gotta ask the question... what exactly did you see that wasn't pretty? Was it the gurning...? Or maybe that kinda involuntary claw/hand thing...? Or was it those guys who would for no apparent reason loiter right behind you thinking they had joined the queue for the bar or something... even though the bar was over the other side of the room?


    Please tell us... The suspense is killing me...

    Or was it that guy 'Mr Dancer' that always wants a dance-off in the middle of the night,maybe he wasn't pretty?

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