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Posts posted by sidboy

  1. Every single baby born in Thailand is brainwashed from birth to believe that Thailand is not only the finest country in the world but it is also the largest. This is the literal teaching they receive every day in school and is enforced by the press and the TV. Along with this is the implication that all foreigners are by nature inferior, somehow not quite human, and to be tolerated, at best. At worst, particularly with young Thai men (who have a mental age of an adolescent out of control with an excess of testosterone) farangs are to not to be tolerated, given the slightest excuse. Add to this cultural belief that any kind of loss of face concerning a farang needs addressing immediately, and the aggression and hatred bursts out.

    This wasn't just someone pushing back to save face. This was an outburst of hatred and rage - coming back again and again to punch and kick the old people who were already semi-conscious on the ground.

    If further argument is needed, the same culture teaches Thai people to venerate the aged. Which they do. Unless the old people are less than human and somewhere between an animal and a person - a foreigner.

    It is totally irrelevant who pushed first or if the farangs started it or not. This incident is yet another example that Thailand is not a civilised nation in the way the rest of the world understands the concept. This is a country where there is so much dissatisfaction and aggression that the name of the daily exercise for everyone is to make everything *appear* wonderful and keep things in line with way that the Thais like to perceive themselves - smiling and gentle. In other words - do absolutely anything at all to save face.

    Unfortunately for Thailand, again and again and again, the instantaneous nature of social media and its world-wide coverage is revealing the lies and cover-ups almost daily to the rest of the world. And the more it happens, the more laughable the Thai reaction, as they panic and flap about pathetically with implausible explanations and responses which only serve to dig them deeper in the shit, as they desperately try to save some last despairing shred of face, like senseless schoolkids babbling blatant lies at the teacher.

    Very sadly, I think it's all going to get a lot worse before it begins to get any better.

    Excellent post. Thank you.

  2. A province spokesman said that the footage was evidential material and was their property and bringing it into the public domain was both damaging to the country and an infringement of rights.

    They shouldn't really complain. I'm sure the police were able to hold onto plenty 'evidential material' following the Koh Tao murders of David Miller and Hannah Witheridge to ensure damage to the island's tourism was as minimal as possible. 's

    How can this laughable threat be taken seriously when the very people who showed no sensitivity (police and rescue workers) posted the graphic pictures of the brutally murdered Hannah and David to the web?

    I would have thought that anyone making any sort of film on a mobile device automatically owns the copyright. Is Thailand any different?

  3. Hope the English press picks up the video of the girl being kicked unconscious by a bunch of bikers sent by some guy's wife that demonstrate that an attach, like the British one, is very common ..

    According to a British friend of mine, it is ALL OVER the news in England, and apparently has been picked up by major news outlets around the world.

    Well it was in the Daily Mail yesterday ...











  4. Was it just me or did the rest of you see the mother push her son who fell like a deck of cards then she slapped the The Thai man in the face?

    The media title of British family being attacked is nonsense I have walked on Soy Bintabaht probably hundreds of times and never had any problems, this foul mouthed granny thought she was at home in Glasgow where 'a man would never lift his hands". my sympathy would lie with the dad,having to take a grown up son on holiday having to wear that shirt she bought him and having a wife with more testosterone than he has.

    Mai kho jai

    There has been no report of this in the Scottish press, why? 1.30 am drunk tourist attacks a Thai national while he and his friends celebrated Thai ney year.

    There has been no report of this in the Scottish press, why?

    Probably because she was from Wales blink.png

  5. The thing that I find odd is that (whoever he is) running man is walking/running for around two hours with only shorts/pants on, topless and no shoes. That is what we have seen on the CCTV. No doubt there is more CCTV with him that we haven't seen. Surely this man would have known he would draw attention to himself by his continued half nakedness. In what situation would this be perceived to be the norm? Fire dancers maybe?

  6. Some criminals believe that they are smarter than the police and want to watch them try to figure out what happened. Others revel in the chaos and hardship that they cause. Others may be uncertain about what's going on and want to see what evidence is being gathered so that they can assess their likelihood of getting caught. And for some specific criminals, it's a demonstration to the witnesses and the onlookers of their power - that they can stand there and watch while the police investigate the crime, and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

    Interesting, particularly the last sentence.

  7. Moonsterk

    Apologies fot harping on about Mon, however after speaking to a colleague he did not confirm or deny if it wss possible for the village headman to deputize in such circumstances.

    My colleague made a request if you could clarify the deputisation of Mon is from an official or unofficial source

    That is my explanation for his proximity as already stated, you can believe it or not.

    I asked you to clarify his explanation, curious as to how it would void mine.


    I am not evading your question, Mons explanation is in the pulic doman and would appear to differ from yours.

    In order to maintain some independance it would be prudent if this was located yourself so as to allow you to make an independant judgement.

    On the issue of Mon deputuzation would I be correct in saying you have no sources formally or otherwise to this fact ,and it is your own personal summarisation of his presence at the scene

    From the mouth of Mon in the documentary following the revelation by the speaker that Mon is seen in a restricted area as the police gather evidence:

    'I didn't touch anything at all. I don't see anything wrong about this. It is because the Director of Investigation flew all the way to Koh Tao. And they approached me as I was the first person who saw the dead bodies. Therefore I would definitely be involved in this case'.

    The problem here is that Mon was not the first person to see the dead bodies. He is lying. Cleaners discovered the bodies and alerted him. So the cleaners were the first people to see the dead bodies and therefore the cleaners should have been in court to deliver their testimonies. Only they weren't. Just like Maung Maung was not called to testify at the main trial. Join the dots. Only a complete retrial will deliver the truth with original witnesses on the stand (if they can be found to be alive) along with the friends of Hannah and David who are aware of their final movements.

  8. Moonsterk

    Where is it stated Mon was deputized

    It isn't. That's an explanation offered for Mon's proximity to the scene.

    " Deputized" is my western word for what a village headman can do with whomever he wishes- appoint them to act as police. Limited police presence at that time meant civilians were needed to act as police.

    Shall I link to nameless experts quoted by an anonymous article in a publication, say - The State Rag.


  9. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/thailand-beach-murders-dna-investigation-death-of-british-backpackers-hannah-witteridge-and-david-a7002421.html

    International legal and DNA forensics experts have advised Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo - the two Burmese immigrants sentenced to death over the killings - to make a formal complaint and demand a retrial.

    Laura Witheridge: ...."You probably haven’t heard of them, as not all were British nationals. The deaths, where possible, are covered up as suicides and accidents.

    “This would have happened with Hannah, if it had not been for the hideous brutality of her passing.”

  10. where is the link to this info? She is one of the top 25 in the world for forensics and for the good general not to graciously accept her participation really leads me to think the fish rottenly stink in Koh Tao. The whole crime scene with uncle Mon directing police traffic in the photos I saw sickened me with contamination of such backwards country bum -as bafoonery of police work, I can only believe they run the island with impunity. Big fish in a little pond on Koh Tao but social media makes them little fish in an ocean of world wide public opinion

    with uncle Mon directing police traffic in the photos I saw sickened me with contamination of such backwards country bum -as bafoonery of police work,

    More lies wrung out of the Facebook truth scrubbing machine.

    Montriwat, as the brother of the village head, Tuvichien, was ' deputized" to assist police as is the headman's right and duty to do. The island at the time had very limited police presence.

    When he stepped over that line, he was acting in an official capacity. Bodies had been moved, and wrapped by the ( admittedly limited forensic experienced ) officers already.

    Using still shots it was CSI La that perpetuated the entire story of the Tuvichien's involvement along with some carefully edited and manipulated CCTV from Bangkok that sought to discredit NOm Sod's alibi.

    Seen some very interesting FB conversations on Why CSI La fb page wanted to discredit this family- let's just say petty retribution was involved.

    As I pointed out to you in a previous post on here, the bodies had NOT been wrapped when Montriwat Tuvichien stepped over the cordon and was on the beach with police. Obviously you have not seen the crime scene photos and continue to talk rubbish.

    Really? The please then post up a pic of Mon crossing the boundary with the bodies shown as they were found- prior to being moved or wrapped - of course you can blur out the more graphic portions.

    Or pm it to me if you prefer

    When he stepped over that line, he was acting in an official capacity. Bodies had been moved, and wrapped by the ( admittedly limited forensic experienced ) officers already.

    NOT wrapped as you continue to insist. Can't believe you have't been struck off this forum yet for continually spreading misinformation and blatant lies.

    The police have arrested a suspect in the murder of two British tourists in Koh Tao and are still hunting for a second suspect who has escaped into Bangkok.

    Eighth Region Police Command commissioner Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen identified the first suspect as Mon.

    He is the brother of a village headman in Koh Tao.

    He was arrested after evidence which police collected were examined and proved he was involved, he said.

    He also said another suspect is also a son of that village headman. But he has already to Bangkok.



  11. DNA investigation in murder case of UK backpackers ‘incompetent’

    Police in Thailand may be reported to an international regulator over the investigation of two Burmese men convicted of murdering British backpackers Hannah Witheridge and David Miller. International legal and DNA forensic scientists have advised the defence team of the two Burmese, who were sentenced to death, to make a formal complaint and demand a retrial.

    The bodies of Ms Witheridge, 23, and Mr Miller, 24, were found on the island of Koh Tao in September 2014.

    The experts say at best the DNA investigation by the Thai Police Forensics Laboratory was incompetent with no chain of evidence or proper disclosure to the defence. The worst scenario is Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo were framed.


    well like I have been stating here for months, the DNA evidence used to convict the B2 was not reliable primarily because no original samples were ever produced, meaning it doesn't exist and there is no way to prove it ever did, DNA evidence is physical evidence just like a murder weapon, you cannot claim the bullet matched the gun if you cannot produce the gun, it really is that simple

    I know..? Let see what the Police have under there sleeves now.. its going to be interesting few weeks ahead of us now and you never know they may not see court ...

    this is a considerable step up in international pressure when official bodies are getting involved and publicly calling foul, I can't believe it took this long

    I can't believe it took this long either. Something has shifted for the good. More about this on AD's page.

  12. Drunk, having sex on a beach in early hours = trouble.

    No matter what country.

    None of David's DNA on Hannah. Do your homework before posting shi*e

    You are aware Hannah's body was at least partially submerged in water as evidenced by her lower left calf and half her foot are buried in perfectly smooth sand ? ( which preempts that " large footprint" nonsense.) Such a submersion might have contributed to lack of David's DNA or other physical evidence. I remember something about a condom- empty of ejaculate, being found nearby..

    Perhaps the couple had just started their tryst, and were reclining when two short Myanmar lads decided to whack David on the head.. using a cloth or item of clothing to hold the hoe. I never understood the buzz about how their size, or lack of their DNA on the hoe handle was supposed to be a defense. Criminals have been using cloth to hold weapons for some time now- ever since fingerprinting was discovered. And a long handled hoe, if David were standing, would be an adequate height equalizer.

    Maybe they really did not mean to kill David, but having done so, felt they must also do away with Hannah?

    None of David's blood on hoe.

  13. where is the link to this info? She is one of the top 25 in the world for forensics and for the good general not to graciously accept her participation really leads me to think the fish rottenly stink in Koh Tao. The whole crime scene with uncle Mon directing police traffic in the photos I saw sickened me with contamination of such backwards country bum -as bafoonery of police work, I can only believe they run the island with impunity. Big fish in a little pond on Koh Tao but social media makes them little fish in an ocean of world wide public opinion

    with uncle Mon directing police traffic in the photos I saw sickened me with contamination of such backwards country bum -as bafoonery of police work,

    More lies wrung out of the Facebook truth scrubbing machine.

    Montriwat, as the brother of the village head, Tuvichien, was ' deputized" to assist police as is the headman's right and duty to do. The island at the time had very limited police presence.

    When he stepped over that line, he was acting in an official capacity. Bodies had been moved, and wrapped by the ( admittedly limited forensic experienced ) officers already.

    Using still shots it was CSI La that perpetuated the entire story of the Tuvichien's involvement along with some carefully edited and manipulated CCTV from Bangkok that sought to discredit NOm Sod's alibi.

    Seen some very interesting FB conversations on Why CSI La fb page wanted to discredit this family- let's just say petty retribution was involved.

    As I pointed out to you in a previous post on here, the bodies had NOT been wrapped when Montriwat Tuvichien stepped over the cordon and was on the beach with police. Obviously you have not seen the crime scene photos and continue to talk rubbish.

  14. Who got rid of the clothing on the beach before official photos were taken? A light coloured pair of jeans is on the rocks on one of the photos in the leading article here. A dark pair of jeans features on the sand in other unofficial photos of the crime scene on the web. Official photo of clothes found at beach showed one pair of cream shorts, pair of trainers, underwear (male and female), pink flip flops, purse, and tee shirt. Two pairs of jeans it seems vanished. Who would want them out of the way, who had access and why? Someone left the beach while police were there carrying articles of clothing they didn't want found. Wouldn't think there were any Burmese traipsing over the crime scene stuffing them up their shirts in a bid to protect the two Burmese men! Why hasn't this been bought up by the defence?

  15. About post 89 to JLCrab - pink box wont let me reply to you.

    I know that JL. I think they lied. I think they do know who did it. They should have told the truth. There is still time. Who was I last week? What does that mean?

    I think that if they do in fact know who did it and have any direct knowledge of that fact, that they have received some very poor legal advice. BTW Welcome new member of only 3 days.

    I agree. Poor legal advice indeed. Thanks for your welcome.

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