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Posts posted by b24u

  1. 48 minutes ago, eefoo said:

    Outlets of 'Big Camera' will usually accept repairs for a small fee and forward a camera to the official repair agency, probably in Bangkok. My Canon went that route.

    OK, thanks

  2. On ‎24‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 9:01 AM, Kerryd said:

    I've just sent an email to the Canadian Public Safety minister regarding this case.


    "Good day sir.
    I find it unbelievable and near incomprehensible that you would even CONSIDER a prisoner transfer for this convicted MURDERER who not only killed a young woman, but dismembered and MUTILATED her body to try and prevent it from being identified (and thus tied to him).


    This man was a CONVICTED criminal BEFORE he went to Thailand and travelled on a FALSE passport. Now he thinks YOU are going to bring him back to Canada and let him go free after serving ONLY FIVE YEARS in prison !??!?!?


    Is that some kind of SICK joke ? Or is it the Liberal mindset that because the young woman was a Thai citizen her life doesn't matter ? 


    Do you even READ what some of these people have done before making your decisions or do you just rubber stamp everything ? Five years for murdering and dismembering a body, by someone who was already a convicted criminal. She was a 27 year old woman and he admitted to "snapping her neck". He then used an electric saw to cut off her limbs and mutilate her face !


    And YOU want to bring him back to Canada and let him go free ?!?!?!??!??!??


    What would the sentence be in Canada for a convicted criminal found guilty of murdering and dismembering a body ? This person should be spending the rest of his life behind bars, PERIOD. 


    He does Not deserve to be rewarded with freedom. "


    I agree, leave him to rot it the Thai jail.


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