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Posts posted by blabbel

  1. ...

    I must admit that my wife and I DO have differences in our hopes/dreams, but only in how we would deal with them if they were not realized. Actually, the more I think about it, that is not true. We both want very much to spend the rest of our lives together but if she were to find someone who would make her more happy, I would send her off with my sincere blessings and be glad indeed for the betterment of her life. While I would miss her terribly, my own self-pity would not taint my love nor my wish for her utmost happiness and well-being. No, Really! I actually have an ex-wife who is my wonderful friend and my current wife and I have stayed at her home and they really get along famously. We also visited a couple of other g/f's and had one visit us here in CM. My wife took her leave to go "shopping" with a wink and a huge smile...

    But, could I leave her? No. Could I lie to her? No way. Ever.

    My hat off to you, I don't know anybody who could maintain a relationship like this (but a few who tried).

    It makes refreshing reading after the comments about men having "instinctual urges", which I feel are designed solely to justify their womanising and 'cheating'.

    This is a dangerous line of thinking, the logic extension would be to apply this to rape scenarios, and it is indeed often brought up to avoid taking responsibility.

    Curious also is the statistic fact, that far more men than women abandon their child(ren) at a very young age, is this another "instinctual urge" some of us cannot resist? :D

    As humans we have evolved to have a conscious choice over our actions, though some of us need a few more reincarnations to get there. :o

  2. All you guys and gals who classify yourselves as loyal, loving, non-cheaters, please leave the forum and go and polish your halo's. They're looking a little tarnished.

    Let me ask you this: You are sitting in a crowded room/bar with your partner by your side. You look across at a most attractive person on the other side of the room/bar.

    Do you mentally undress that person? Do you imagine yourself in bed with that person and making U turns under the sheets? Do you find such thoughts stimulating?

    Is there a difference in physical cheating as opposed to mental cheating?

    Do you fantasies about others whilst making love to your partner?

    Honest answers required, no cheating please. :D

    You must be confused, if you cannot tell the difference between a fantasy and an actual event, and its impact on a real life relationship. :o

  3. And let's not forget that not ALL with "luxury goods" are showing them off. Just like in China, where "Chinese food" is just called "food," these "luxury goods" are often just goods to many people. It's all relative.


    It's the wannabes who feel the need to show off.

    I keep my "goods" well hidden from public view (except the BMW), it would only cause envy and discontent. :o

  4. ...blabbel the bubble desperately tried to reach the shore in the shallow waters of Lamai beach, as the snapping jaws of the old croc moved closer with every bite.

    Just in time, a bright blue jetski appeared on the horizon, and a tall, muscular guy pulled blabbel into safety. "Thanks ,Wes, that was close." he exclaimed.

    "No prob, btw, there's a party with some Thai girls at my place later, want to join? Don't tell any of the stuck-up, fat farang chicks, will you mate." Wes dropped blabbel on the beach and disappeared into the waves again.

    Just as blabbel felt safe, leisurely walking along, he noticed a huge pick-up truck speeding intently towards him.

    At the wheel sat a puppy wearing a tennis-ball as a hat, the writing on his T-shirt read: "TV mod!"

    Then, suddenly...

  5. Don't let them drill any supporting beams, Butterfly!

    I was happy with the craftsmanship overall, considering the low price, until it came to painting the walls and woodworks, something well above 'normal' standard where I live.

    To put it in one sentence: I forgat to specify I didn't want the floor, ceiling and windows painted as well.

  6. BTW: wasn't it this guy (Ulysses...going by other names) who has been banned from other Forums for his Anti-Thai rhetoric!???

    No it wasn't, but you are welcome to try to find some of these mythical posts instead of dreaming up lies.

    BTW, making absurd, unfounded accusations, that have nothing to do with the topic, doesn't help your argument in the least. :D

    Thou protesteth too much, "Ulysses"... :o

  7. Another 'odd' thing at Tesco's:

    Their canned sardines were on 'special sale' reduced from 13.50 to 12 bt, grabbed a couple and walked on to the next shelf, literally 2 ft away, and the same thing was on sale, reduced from 13 to 11.50 bt.

    Something is very wrong with the management there...

  8. I have been "welcomed" already. :D:o

    I am a 45 year old, lived in Thailand on and off since '94, Thai wife and kid, been reading here for some time, but haven't registered until the webboard I was active in (not a Thai thing) folded for 2006.

    So I've got some spare energy to invest (to relax after work), but need to adjust to this place, some members and mods have taken my comments the wrong way already - but I like to to point out others' misconceptions, aren't we here to learn from each other? :D

    Some posters seem to get away with challenging comments, others don't. :D

  9. Ahh, so the age of becoming a legal adult is 18?

    Why should an adult not be allowed to decide whether to drink in a bar or not? :o

    BTW, if there is no law prohibiting the consumption of alcohol, merely the purchasing and consumption in licensed premises, then 18 isn't the legal age, gburns, minors won't get arrested for boozing. "legal" as in "law". :D

    It's up to the parents to enforce what they deem appropriate... :D

    Anyways, none of this is to be taken literally, unless you're 15 and want to paint the town red in Bangkok.

  10. Pathet laos and some form of khmer insurgents frequently crossed the little muddy between Muk and Ubon , we were doing a bit of hearts and minds in a village near Muang Kao, after we left the Puyai ban and his family were killed by the pathet laos, a young british soldier was killed in the area a few weeks later,maybe the ambush I ran in into on 29/11/1965 in which my oppo got killed was just a dream, as I mentioned earlier in the thread have a look in britains small wars. Nignoy
    Please excuse my ignorance. What does "doing a bit of hearts and minds" mean, and how come the Brits were involved in "operations" in Thailand? :o
  11. How do they know if someone is smuggling something internally? :o

    If a customs officer has a strong suspicion that this may be the case, they will inforce an x-ray screening of the abdomen under medical supervision.

    Having 31 pellets (customs do know what the 'swallow' variety looks like) hidden in baggage and on the person is one of the things which would raise such strong suspicion. :D

    Stupidity, greed, or both??? :D

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