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Posts posted by Herberto

  1. I do hope the media and social media will continue to track such stories - just like they did with the Koh Tao Case. We need to know what punishment these people eventually receive. Anything less than substantial jail sentences would just serve to make a double travesty. If the media spotlight continues to focus on such cases, then we might actually contribute to making a difference here. This country cannot hide away all of its' inadequacies any more because social media helps to bring these stories out. When the Courts start to issue punishments that bear some correlation to the crimes committed - on a consistent basis, then maybe we will some some improvements. However, no progress can ever be expected to be made whilst ever the Police / Courts accept apologies and remorse on the grounds of being intoxicated with some sort of substance and issuing 500 Bht Fines as some sort of closure. Accepting apologies with 10 year prison sentences would be a reasonable starting position for most of these particular perps, - with an attempted murder charge for the piece of trash that delivered the knock out kick to the old lady whilst she was already on the floor. This hard line approach should be led from the top for Thailand - and applicable to anyone and everyone who commits crime here - all treated equally, natives or foreigners !!

  2. It would be interesting to see what level of education these "thugs" attained (meaning - all such thugs that engage in this type of thuggish behaviour). As well as photographing them and the usual finger pointing that takes place, it would be interesting for the police, courts and media to also report their level of education. There is probably a common denominator in many ( but not all ) cases of this type of behaviour.

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