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Posts posted by Happyman58

  1. 23 hours ago, ujayujay said:

    Oh...you have experience in sexual activities with kids in this age?

     That is a very serious allegation you are making against me and my character by reading what I said in a different way I was trying pointing out You are saying I am a child molester. Would I be correct in assuming that? Amazing all i can say. I won't get into a slanging match with you over this because what the use I don't want to lower myself to your grubby tactics. that NOBODY WINS You know I have seen questions like this in a few forums and it proves to me that people saying this have a very low IQ and weak character. They usually are trying to seek attention to themselves because they don't have many friends and trying to get a few laughs out of it which I am sure you will. But go ahead makes you feel good. 

    • Like 1
  2. Ok i think I need to write this I have had many replies to my response about kids starting at 13 in sexual activities  One guy by the look of it even suggested I was a pedophile Maybe should of explained what i meant  In this modern world sex is being pushed as its the be all end all of the lots of things It is being glorified mainly to sell things whatever Kids today with these mobile phones that seemed glued to their hands read all this . What I was suggesting is that is getting more exposure ok  which in my mind is bloody dangerous and makes them more daring to try 

  3. 4 hours ago, KKr said:

    1) I am sure all are interested to hear how you gained that knowledge ?
    2) What is the difference with your home country ?


    Ok, I just read your question. Not nice what you are saying and suggesting. I am sure you are not suggesting I am a pedophile are you?    a refined man like you would not think that Nooo of course not. But I will now answer your question Today in this world Sex is now being pushed like never before in our society Kids at 13 have use internet. Movies Billboards etc all exposing them to these sexual behaviors a 13-year-old student today would have 20 times more exposure than 15years ago Ok  What they are doing is glorifying sex and the kids at 13 want a piece of the action without realizing the consequences

    2/Ok its worse in my country They even have more access to these things and it is getting out of hand I tried to keep conversation to what happens in Thailand but it seems you want to include the whole world 

    • Like 1
  4. 9 hours ago, balo said:

    The next law on its way is to prevent soi dogs from having sex in public.  I would cheer on that one.   It gives me nightmares. 




    Well try telling my neighbor who is Thai  from banging his wife on the porch Its ok but she screams the house down Somebody might think she is being murdered, Is there any law preventing that yet

    • Haha 2
  5. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:


    I hope you are wrong. The very thing that brought them to power, and defined the moral standard and backing of the army takeover, is now gone forever. Think about it. If this ever happens again, will the people back another coup? Probably not. And therefore we have more than likely seen the last peaceful coup in Thai history. Next time, if they try, they will have to fight their own people. That could be a defining moment. I think the army is aware of this, and this is one of the reasons that they are clinging so desperately to power at this time.


    Mike, I know its bloody sad Ordinary people will die because of some elite people in Bangkok rorting the system That who this guy works for Look at Thai people they are mostly harmless people are kept in the dark and rorted by the clergy, elite class, and government. I will say they are just a bunch of pri cks

  6. On 8/17/2018 at 11:55 AM, spidermike007 said:

    No doubt he was getting close to something that the top junta guys did not like him getting close to. So he had to go.


    “This is even worse than the Tawil case,” Thida said. “It shows that they are dictators who can do anything without any concern. They already granted amnesty to themselves. Anything they do is lawful. They don’t have to be afraid of any lawsuit.” 

    But Veera, the transparency advocate, said future elected governments could also repeal the junta’s amnesty on its acts and pave the way for Romsit to sue over his expulsion.

    “They can do anything to protect themselves right now,” he said. “But this can be reversed in the future.” 


    One can only hope down the road, that Little P., Prawit, and some other leaders get the opportunity to spend many years in prison for their crimes. 


    What would be the odds Of little P and his mates spending time in jail Mike? I will have a rough guess 100,000000000 to 1 If the P goes there will be another General to take his place. The army will always be in control in Thailand How many coups has Thailand Had 35 I think?  They have now bought in new basic training for Thai Souldiers it called how to topple a democratically elected government in power in 2 hours.

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