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Posts posted by nationalInquirer

  1. In UK where there is a proper legal and judicial system, once someone has been arrested and charged the whole matter becomes sub judice which means that there cannot be any discussion or attempts to influence a trial result by members of the press or public. The matter would be thrown out of court due to unfair bias if anything like this happened! Reconstructions are sometimes used when the police are trying to find witnesses by jogging peoples memories, often sometime after the event and before arrests and charges have been laid. Actors or police personnel are used, never the alleged perpetrator! In the interests of justice, these charades in Thailand, and the press conferences and photo ops for police with the accused, should be outlawed to allow for fair trials without duresse!

    you angling for a bashing? ok we'll se what can be arranged. these pohms they got learning difficulties as well
  2. BANGKOK, May 13 (Xinhua)-- An estimated 50,000 Myanmar workers in fishing industry in central Thailand have called it quits and returned home while many more are believed to follow suit sooner or later.

    The migrant workers including those who had been employed and stayed in Thailand for many years have decided to return home and would not come back for jobs in this country anymore, Kamjorn Mongkoltreeluck, head of a fishery association in Samut Sakorn province, said on Friday.

    more @ http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-05/13/c_135357435.htm

  3. so how does that affect you? they get their breakfast before yours and you have to wait and wait and wait? perhaps the staff dont like you. cant see that many would.

    Doubt it. I actually tip as distinct from someone waiting for 10baht change
    wow you gave them a whole 10 baht! you must expect to get treated like the long lost messiah

    ps wasnt it you that the phuket immigration had issues recently. careful the powers that be dont haul you in for attitude adjustment

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