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Everything posted by Odysseus123

  1. Great photos Owl! Yes...my wife informs me that Songkran was kinda quiet in her village this year. I miss the hardy annuals..Songkran,the Buddha parade..Loy Krathong..
  2. Well..Julian Jaynes postulated in his essay 'On the Origins of Conciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind' that the left side of the brain influenced the role of logic and rational thought and that the right side was utterly insane-almost in a state of chronic schizophrenia.. Judging by the people I know-including my good self-and taking a peek at history and social anthropology,that seems to be a judicious judgement????????
  3. Heavily influenced by you, perchance? Crazy American Libertarians.
  4. As the Grand Orange Pumpkin says-"This is fake News.." The QR response is to state.."You have been such and such" and gives location. It then advises that if you are experiencing symptoms to go have a test, and if not,then to continue monitoring your general health. The testing stations are full of fools who instantly took their masks off,danced in the streets,went to Xmas parties,spruiked "libertarianism" and now have gone screaming to the various State Gov'ts for tests. An internet nation.Dumb as they come.
  5. Oh Dear,I am not a thai basher.. But if I was the Thai Gov't reading the endlessly obsessive repetitive crud here generated by Ozarkians or wide boys from Lower Piddlington I would simply scoop you up and send you back to the Gorbals or Cloacaville,Alabama where you belong..
  6. Oh dear..yet another emissary from the semi-psychotic Land of the Orange Pumpkins.. Kicked off Farcebook,Twatter,Tik Tak and a host of other social media they find their places in "free to air" forums such as this..
  7. Yes indeed. A most interesting topic and one conducted with a great deal of civility. The entire thread is a pleasure to read. As for the parade of the generations they all seem to have developed their own versions of "millenarianism" as they shovel the old folks into their graves whilst preparing to detest the new oncoming brood. And detestable they are????!
  8. Yes indeed. A Happy New Year to Owl and everyone and best wishes to all for 2022.
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