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Posts posted by Truscott

  1. On 20/08/2016 at 2:29 PM, peeba7 said:

    I am not sure if this has been mentioned but you can buy Thai aspirin in little yellowish packs at mini marts for about 1 baht, i think you drink it in water, never tried them.  Has anyone tired them?  Results? 


    I am pretty sure there are also Thai herbal remedies for whatever ails you.  



  2. 18 hours ago, geriatrickid said:


    The syringes do. However, the needles can and do break off and lie in the sand. People step on them and are injured. They also step on broken glass, discarded  metal andvarious other trash items.



    Water quality  is questionable.
    Because Thailand refuses to properly monitor  water quality and to publish the results,   visitors will never know when they are swimming in Somchai's turds, industrial effluent flushed from the factories or toxic waste dumped into the ocean in accordance with Thai custom to pollute and to blame it on non Thais.


    Why would you make such a misleading comment, as you have obviously never been to Koh Si Chang.

    For the last 10 years I have visited Koh Si Chang around 9 to 10 times per year and I have never seen a turd or any pollution in the water.

    During my visits the water at the beaches is always crystal clear  and is comparable to how the beaches looked on Koh Larn back in the early 90s (before the Chinese and Japanese tourists had ruined it).

    In fact the water quality is so good around Koh Si Chang that there is a marine biology research center there, which is used by Thai universities to research marine biology as well as training marine biologists from all parts of the world.

    Do you think that they set up the center to study floating turds?


    If you have any information on a better beach so close to Bangkok or in fact any clean beaches that you have actually been to and that fit with the OPs requirements, please feel free to advise the OP but please don't post BS answers just to try to look as if you have knowledge on the matter, it makes you look pathetic.

  3. 14 hours ago, impulse said:


    That's like saying someone who showed up at their well established coffee shop only to find the door bolted should just go find another shop to rent.


    People make their livings with Facebook accounts.  Fraudulently getting her account shut down could cost her many thousands of dollars before any new account may (or may not) catch on.


    As for her looks- she's peddling a look that people want and is apparently making good coin with the look.  More power to her.  Not Kardashian coin, but better than most hookers- and she doesn't have to touch sweaty old foreigners.  (I don't know if she does, but she doesn't have to)


    As RaggaTwin mentions above, FB don't owe her anything.

    She should be happy that she has had a free platform for so long, she doesn't even have the overheads of renting a place to work from.

    As for making a living, she could try working for a living instead of getting gullible idiots to pay her just for looking at something that my dog would turn his nose up at.


    I wonder how much tax she pays on her 'millionaire' business?

  4. 23 hours ago, kimchibogan said:


    No need to be sarcastic, it is better than nothing.


    No it is not.

    It leads people to believe that credible action is taking place and therefore their safety is assured.

    Any terrorist (and I mean any) could easily put an IED into a locked suitcase and drive through the security search, knowing that the suitcase will not even be checked.

    Yes I know that if a terrorist wanted to hide a bomb in the car it could be done in such a way that it would be very hard to detect but to effectively hide the bomb would limit the size of the explosive.

    Currently a terrorist could easily pack 2 large suitcases with a major quantity of explosives without a cat in hell's chance of being detected, do you understand how much damage that could cause?

    The current system at the airport car park makes it easy for a terrorist to carry out his work and is no deterrent at all.


    So no, it is not better than nothing.

  5. The Merc pick up will fill a niche market in the same way as their SUV does but if launched in Thailand it will not make an impact on the market.

    The Thai pick up market is dominated by the local made trucks and no other company will be able to get their foot in the door.

    Volkswagen tried with their Amarok, which is widely popular is most other markets, but failed miserably here.

    I seriously doubt that the Fiat Fullback (based on the new Mitsubishi Triton) and the Renault Alaskan (based on the Nissan Navara NP300) will be launched into the Thai market either.


  6. At least people will feel safe going to Swampy, as the car searches at the car park entrances are very thorough.

    When you open the boot of your car they search all the areas that are not taken up with locked suitcases.

    Obviously a terrorist would never think of hiding a bomb in a locked suitcase, knowing that it will never be searched.


    Well done lads, keep up the good work.



  7. 3 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

    What Are 5 Things You Wish You Knew Before You Came to Thailand?

    1. The 30 day rule l thought l could stay 90 days,  8 days fine @ 200 baht.

    2. Learning a bit more Thai,  why did people laughed at saying swaddie khar.

    3. Going touring North sooner than l did but planning my own tour plan.

    4. Learning more about the culture.

    5. The 2007 financial crash, would of got all my dosh from UK sooner. 


    why did people laughed at saying swaddie khar.

    Are you male or female?

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