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Everything posted by mvdf

  1. Highly commendable effort of the force to have caught him within a short time span. That they managed to identify and locate him is indeed a job well done. I hope he is not let off easily with a meek ขอโทษ and a wai.
  2. All good things come to an end. The day will come when a certain overeager, highly motivated, supervisor-wannabe NZIS/Customs intern will find your antagonistic strategy a reason for sniffing and digging deeper in those bags. Then you will remember your post above and how not all Christmases fall on your travel day.
  3. Soon to happen... a deluge of "sick" foreigners coming to the Kingdom. Genital ailments would be the main medical certificate presented for this visa category. For sure. Alcohol Polydipsia (extreme thirst that cannot be quenched by drinking) Oh ok.. just read that part. Looks like it's gonna be just a trickle of applicants then.
  4. At the behest of banks, banking software developers must have engineered the AI to interrogate or intercept random amounts that have a comma before three zeros. "if >999 or if foreign IP address or if transfer frequency exceeds whatever, then intercept or flag and stop transaction and redirect for manual checks" .. something like that. Yes, everything is policed now. Even credit card use go through an approval system that is now AI screened for risk mitigation. It's literally an electronic brain asking "if.. then". IF John Doe sends GBP 1001 or IF he sent it from an overseas IP or IF he recently transferred multiple times or IF source of funds unclear, THEN flag or stop transfer.
  5. I have indeed heard of cases of fully vaccinated people contracting Covid-19 and dying from secondary complications and not from the virus itself. This is especially the case with immunologically compromised persons. If you are immunocompromised, vaccines offer no guarantees.
  6. Stomach churning. And you had to mention this because? To let the whole world know something that is profoundly private?
  7. Very nice. Just make sure they are advised to never ever wire 47 million baht upfront sans due diligence.
  8. Wise wife there. Looking after your safety as there is a certain 2-legged deviant species who manage to get passports and covertly board planes. Did you happen to have a glimpse of what they were wearing? Was it something like this..
  9. Oh my word, unbelievable people. Substantial efforts are made to reduce the requirements and here they are again, commenting about how it is a hassle, an inconvenience, a royal pain, an invasion of their sacred orifices, an aggravation of the highest order la la la. Never ever satisfied. The planet's worst Karens and Kevins. What is it exactly that you all want? Just shamelessly say it outright: "JUST LET US IN. NO MORE HEALTH CHECKS. WE ARE A SPECIAL SPECIES! NONE OF US CARE IF WE INFECT THAIS!"
  10. Perhaps also look into the legality of using it? I understand some mobile service providers routinely scan for these devices. If there is an identified user from one of these scans, the results are provided to the telecommunications authority (NBTC in Thailand) for their appropriate action. In my country, this action involves advising the owner to turn off and dismantle the repeater. I am not sure if repeaters are regulated or restricted devices in Thailand. You should consider it nevertheless before investing time, effort and money in purchasing one. A handful of countries have banned signal boosters because carriers have found that they can interfere with how their networks function. While it may provide a stronger signal to the person with the booster, it lowers transmission levels for those on the outer edges of the network. As a result, the coverage area is considerably reduced, and a lot of customers within the area or your neighborhood are left without service. It's when they raise a complaint about poor reception that the tower is scanned for issues which in turn leads to such devices being detected.
  11. A team of legal experts is advising him every step of the way. And if he has second citizenship, fighting extradition can stretch the entire legal drama until it reaches the absolute statute of limitations, effectively barring prosecution. Even if Austrian authorities were to take action, expelling him to Thailand can take years. Appeal after appeal all the way to the country's highest court and eventually the European Court of Human Rights.
  12. That's no solid escape-proof strategy. In the absence of an extradition treaty, there is the deportation approach which is achieved by cancelling the fugitive's passport. Without a valid passport, the foreigner is effectively an illegal immigrant and risks arrest and expulsion. This is of course the scenario if he holds a Thai passport only. If however he was very kindly granted citizenship by Montenegro or one of those cash-starved Caribbean islands, then he can continue enjoying that Wiener Schnitzel with Dom Perignon while waiting for the statute of limitations to run its course.
  13. I love her calculated and effective attack and exit approach. Made my day. That it is now being posted here indicates she successfully executed it with a lasting impression to the extent that you seem troubled about the incident.
  14. Don't listen to all these jealousy-driven comments above (and perhaps more to follow). If invested wisely and you plan your life in the Kingdom intelligently, 20M THB is a sufficiently large amount of money for a comfortable and financially secure life. This amount converts to about 600k USD which is why I can detect hints of resentment in those attempting to imply "it's not enough... it's nothing.... it's just pennies... it will go a long way there in Indonesia rather than in Thailand etc etc" Thailand is not Geneva or Oslo. USD 600k is a reasonably large amount of money here in South East Asia. Most westerners do not have that kind of money and some of them have been living here for decades. Plan by first researching where to live in Thailand. When in Thailand (or anywhere for that matter) the golden rule is to be discreet. Do not openly advertise your assets. Always do due diligence before investing. Even if invested conservatively, your money will earn a decent ROI which you can comfortably live with/from without even touching the principal. If you invest some of the money aggressively, I would strongly advise investing only a portion of the money you can afford to lose in the event of the investment not performing as initially presented. If however you plan to live in one of the most luxurious areas of Bangkok or the islands, then 20M Baht will definitely not suffice for retirement.
  15. I regularly cash out some of my BTC holdings, then send the money by SWIFT telegraphic transfer from Kasikorn to my account in Germany. Absolutely flawless and painless experience. EUR amount converted from THB reflected on my Berlin account within days. Just provided my IBAN, Swift/BIC code and other personal details.
  16. Yup... selective bullying in the works. Exclude those governments not aligned with the bully's governance system.
  17. Grateful for IBAN, SEPA, Sofortueberweisung all those goodies. I now rarely use SWIFT to avoid issues of any kind that could give me grief and headaches. Resolving such issues in this age of closed borders and travel restrictions can be a nightmare. Not all banks welcome resolution requests via a phone call. Some still insist on Jurassic age verification procedures such as sending OTP codes by snail mail which can take ages if a bank adamantly refuses to send the code to an address other than the one shown on a customer's account. I have accounts in Bangkok and Phnom Penh. For Cambodia, I am especially mindful with international transfers as the country is on FATF's grey list. Consequently I never use the Phnom Penh account for SWIFT transfers to or from my bank in Germany. Not worth the stress of dealing with the enhanced scrutiny and costly reversal of transfers.
  18. Very disturbing trend of account infiltration offenses. One would think that a company dealing with millions of baht would have the common sense to at least use or integrate 2FA and anti-MITM technology in their communication systems. It is an incredibly low-cost investment. Apps such as Authy and Microsoft Authenticator are free and secure. Yubikey is another tried and tested anti-hack system. They are isolated systems which makes them difficult to infiltrate or penetrate. 12 million. Mind boggling amount of money.
  19. Forlorn wish but I can't help but envy Thailand for steadfastly giving this convention a wide berth. It has imperiled the national security and welfare system of many a country in Europe.
  20. As long as STD checks return a negative result. Advising your friend's friend.
  21. Phuket expat on linked article on bragging mode: “All up, I have spent almost 15 hours researching and inputting on my laptop. I have made 3 calls and 5 emails to Thai Elite - they can’t help. Apart from having a Thai Elite visa, I also have an APEC card,” he added. Vomitably cringeworthy.
  22. I swear by my iPhone 13 Pro Max and pre-ordered Pixel 6 Pro. You can't go wrong apart from their price.
  23. Consider one of the Nokia smartphones. They are not expensive and Nokia phones are known for their longevity and clean presentation (no "bloatware" such as unnecessary or redundant apps). Samsung A series phones are also reasonably priced. Look into the A22 or A52. Cheaper ones have less RAM and might lag and cause frequent bouts of ripping your hair out from frustration.
  24. Done. Just finished 10 our fathers and 30 hail marys. Will sing 5 ave marias after breakfast.
  25. I hope your user name is simply indicative of having a penchant for Goncharov's novels and not a representation of your nationality being from that writer's country because if it's the latter, the above statement would be a laughable contradiction.
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