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Posts posted by osr29

  1. It´s mostly in movies or books that people have courage to fight one on one. Thai´s and Asians are famous for gang attacks, I know. But bikers and their ilk are known for it too. I think a lot of people, in most of the world, only get enough courage to take up on a fight when they are backed up by their friends. This is generally speaking, I don´t know what really happened prior what was caught on camera. 


    After reading about so many gang attacks on lone tourists lately, I can´t help think that for once it was good to read that they bit off a bit more than they could chew. But probably both parties were at fault here. The farangs hit the motorcycle and apparently ran off and the Thais when after them to confront them in a way  I can imagine was not too nice...and then these biker thugs probably has the exact same mindset. It was a situation that was bound to explode.

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