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Posts posted by Katia

  1. 13 hours ago, steven100 said:

    it seems some folks are just not travel savy  .....  in any country, if someone who you don't even know invites you to any drinking establishment, bar, kareoke, gambling den or otherwise .....  you should smell trouble straight away.

    Especially if you're then flocked by women... it's not like he's a looker that he would think it would make sense.

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  2. www.womenlearnthai.com


    "Read Thai in Ten Days" or similar




    Search on Youtube for pronunciation.


    Stuart Jay Raj.


    Learn Thai With Mod.


    Benjawan Poomsan Becker's books.


    A good and compact Thai-English dictionary (or app).


    There are a ton more resources out there (and you'll find most of them at the first link).

  3. They've done studies that have found that it can have an effect to practice something physical by thinking about it (but you have to have your mind in the same place as when you're doing it, visualize doing it *correctly*, etc.).


    That's not going to build muscle for you, though.  And while it can supplement real practice, it won't make up for it entirely.


    And here's the problem: a lot of people start an intense exercise problem and don't understand why they're always hungry, tired, etc.  Until someone else points out to them: they're burning a lot more calories now and can't keep eating the way they were.  It's not an excuse to live on Big Macs and chocolate cake, but more nutrition for the body is necessary.


    And yes, I notice fewer gains in the gym when I am not good about protein.


    As far as people getting larger when they work out, including "big asses"-- yes, that's called muscle.

  4. 7 hours ago, Greenriver said:

    I think he now is broke and out of money. So I am now positive to his GFM account.


    I was a bit Big mouth before because someone Wrote He was fulloaded and had properties, car and savings. That was just bullshit I think.


    So I like to say sorry for that.



    A lot of people are poor and diagnosed with cancer.  Where are their GoFundMe accounts and sympathy?

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  5. 3 hours ago, Vacuum said:

    Speaking of selfies. Why do they take them from a 45 degree angle? Irritating, unless there's a nice cleavage view....

    45 degrees from where?  I tend to change camera angle on selfies depending on the light, what is in the background, etc.  I imagine other people do, too.

  6. 17 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

    I think most of the people on this thread have given you a the best advice which is to seek professional help asap but I will add another point which is to not give up on him.

    A close friend of mine suffered from depression and over many, many years he lied, cheated and generally buggered up his life to the point where most of his friends and family had given up on him. A couple of us stuck with him though until it got so bad that even we thought a bit of 'tough love' might do the trick; so we cut all communications with him 'for his own good'.

    Two weeks later he killed himself.

    I live with that awful decision every day and the guilt is unbearable at times. If I could go back and change that decision I would in a heartbeat, but I can't and it's done now.  

    You sound like a really nice guy and you've already done so much for him and I know this sounds unfair considering he's not even a really close friend of yours but he cannot be left to his own devises. Get in contact with the family and try and get him home (this sounds to me like the best plan) or if that fails get him to a proper psychiatrist who can judge whether he really is a threat to himself. He can then judge whether he needs to be sectioned for his own good (I'm really not sure you would have the authority for this as it's usually only family that can do this but it's worth a shot) or maybe he will refer him to the US embassy. All of this would be made a lot easier if he was back home.

    I'm sorry you have to take on this burden but I can assure you whatever guilt you may feel about walking away from the situation is a mere drop in the ocean compared to the guilt you will feel if it all goes really badly.    

    The problem is that it is not your fault.  You are and were not responsible for keeping him alive, especially not since it sounds like you would have had to take a lot of abuse to do so (lying and cheating is not a "normal" part of depression, and while depression is a terrible disease, it does not absolve someone of taking advantage of others).  In the end, we cannot be responsible for other people.  If he was standing there with a gun to his head and you said "Oh, that's too bad but they're having a sale on Chang over at Cheap Charlie's, bye" and walked out; if you handed him a bottle of pills and said "have fun"; if you said "yeah, world would probably be better off without you"; that would be one thing, but no, it is not your fault that you could not and did not babysit another person 24/7 (especially since doing so would have been to your own detriment) for fear of what might happen, and there is nothing wrong with protecting yourself against someone abusive.  Do not feel guilty.  You did what you could, and even hung on longer than family... in the end, you could not work miracles.  There is no guilt in that.

  7. 44 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    My big one is about 18 inches long.  Big girl.  The females are quiet.  The males make all of the noise.  The dog has a scorpion bark, poisonous snake bark, green flying snake bark, tookay bark.  All different.  The dog ignores big toads/bullfrogs.  So I don't know why she is freaked by tookays.  There was a Thai horror movie about them which apparently scared all of the kids.  They do poop a lot and it needs to be cleaned.  I had one trained to poop on a paper but my wife kept throwing away the paper and not replacing it.


    Wellllll, that picture would convince ME to get a few!


    Thanks for the video, too.  Strangely enough I never saw any (just had the little tan house geckos), but I recognize the sound, even though before now I didn't know what it was!  I wish I'd known when I still lived there; I would've gone trying to see one when I could hear them.

  8. On 3/11/2019 at 2:57 AM, JAFO said:

    I never take pictures with me in them nor do I take Selfies.  I am an "off the beaten path" type. Forget taking pictures of shit everyone has seen and posted billions of times everywhere. I always laugh when I see huge crowds of people jockeying for position to get a pic of a major monument or area. 


    But then again I don't post pics on social media sites either looking for feedback or acceptance.  I travel and see things for me, not to show others where I have been or visited or what I am up to. I routinely take photos or videos of things people don't typically see or are oblivious to them.  



    I don't post pictures "looking for feedback or acceptance," either.  I post pictures for people who will never see, in person, the things that are in the pictures.  Do I hope they like them?  Yes, of course, that's the point of showing them to other people in the first place-- because they will like it and find it interesting to see something they would not have otherwise.  I've loved seeing other people's pictures, so why wouldn't I "pay that forward"?

    • Like 2
  9. On 3/11/2019 at 5:48 AM, LammyTS1 said:


    It doesn’t bother me at all. I simply answered all your statements with the correct information. If your happy purchasing goods at a price set by the seller, that enables them to make a good profit from you, then go ahead. Id much rather buy an item at a price set by what the buyer thinks is fair.


    I don’t believe that your aware of how eBay works. Selling an item at a bargain price is not decided by the seller, it’s decided by the buyer, so they couldn’t sell it at the same price on amazon as there aren’t any auction type listings.

    eBay sellers can most definitely make a loss, hence the thousands of bargains each day. An auction can end at 1p or £1,000,000. Auctions happen all around the world, dating back centuries.


    eBay have millions of users daily and have been operating for 25 years. If they withdrew auction type listings then yes you are correct, they’d just be like all other online sites and they would also lose most of their customers.





    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    The last I knew (unless the rules have changed), sellers set their starting bid price, reserve price, and "buy it now" price (never mind the scam of "cheap item, expensive shipping"), so why do you think they have nothing to do with how much an item sells for?  They have every control over that-- they can even pull and relist an auction if it's not shaping up to make as much as they wanted.


    Again, nobody's selling things at a loss.  They may not be making as much of an up-front profit as some people (you can bet they're probably finding another place to make it up, though; they don't sell to you cheap out of the goodness of their heart and because it's their act of charity to spend their time and money just so you can buy things cheap), or perhaps the item is of cheaper quality than you could find elsewhere, but trust me, they're selling that item for more than they got it for.


    Meanwhile, how much are you paying in shipping to make up for that cheaper price?

  10. ...And what are you going to do about it?  Besides complain?



    On 3/8/2019 at 6:57 AM, grollies said:

    Are you sure about that?

    Sure.  Have you ever seen the people who decide to jump off of the cliff into the water... at the last second, they chicken out and change their minds... they fall anyway, just, they end up belly-smacking it without any control.  Or the ones who want to jump across the stream, but they're afraid and do it half-heartedly and fall in.  Make a decision and commit to it, or you might end up doing it anyway, just badly.



    34 minutes ago, xtrnuno41 said:

    Yeah maybe, i dont care.

    There was one man in USA, saying lead in gasoline brought diseases.

    A billion dollar industrie, but at the end he "won" and now its replaced allready for long time. Now they add other substances to it.

    There was one man at NASA saying they used a wrong item on a spaceshuttle, they laughed and the spaceshuttle blew up.

    Guess there will be waaaaaaaaaay more things like these.

    Im sure not the first one who has similair idea like this. 


    People have screwed up for ages.  That's nothing new with technology.



    11 minutes ago, xtrnuno41 said:

    I know in USA there are many people hungry, same as in all other continents.

    Maybe you should find some docu's on your phone which are worth to see the truth.

    Some stupid bargraph doesnt tell a thing, could easily be manipulated to keep up good figures. Find some real sites on that *** phone of yours. Your general knowledge seems to be fed by an overload of food. Greedy and stupid

    This has nothing to do with food production, simply food distribution.  What does it have to do with technology, except that technology can help get food to people who need it and can help people who have food coordinate with those who don't?

  11. 11 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    On the other hand, think of poor me set up with a tripod for a nice shot and someone just casually walks and stands in front of me? 


    Like wow, can you give me 1/640th of a second to snap dude? 

    Unfortunately, it does not work that way.  Interesting sights and tourist attractions are always chock-full of people and you're left hoping the crowd clears so you get your shot or simply give in and decide you're going to have people in it (I have plenty of pictures of neato things that are blurry because I took the shot hurriedly when there miraculously weren't people, or of neato things with people I don't know posed in front of them as if that was the point of my shot). 


    It sucks but there's nothing you can do unless you pay to rent the place and have it cordoned off from other people, so you learn to live with it.  But no, someone doesn't get to ask other people who are enjoying the view to move out of their way so they can get their perfect photo!  No one is that damn special.  I won't deliberately step in your path, but I'm not moving if I was there first until I'm done seeing the thing.  Everyone's right to see it is equally important and I'll be damned if I'll give up my right because someone else is dead set on getting a perfect shot or plopping their own face in front of it.


    Yes, this problem would be partly eliminated if people didn't feel the need to put themselves in front of everything they see as if they're going to improve the view or feel like if they aren't in the picture people won't believe they were actually there-- people have said to me before, "you're never in your pictures!" and I say, "You know what I look like, but the picture is of Wat Arun/this mountain/whatever."  But good luck changing that.

  12. I would far rather people take selfies than have other people take pictures of them.  At least with a selfie you don't have the picture taker 10 feet away glaring at you if you dare to walk in between them and the person being photographed.  Or asking YOU to move out of the way of whatever thing they're posing in front of so they can get their picture!

    • Like 1
  13. 54 minutes ago, JAFO said:

    I have read the studies as well and my real time observations seem to support it.  I do not use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. I use messenger or phone to keep in touch with friends and family on the other side of the world. Most of the time I call. What I find disturbing is as someone mentioned earlier about people engrossed in their phones in groups or walking into a restaurant and seeing people taking pictures of their food and the endless selfie behavior. 


    To VFs point, use it as one wishes but I still think those platforms have changed the world and not really in a positive way.  

    They've also allowed people to keep in touch who otherwise wouldn't, to meet people and learn things they never would have met or learned about if restricted to their own little "real life" world, connect to other people when otherwise they may have been lonely, etc.  Hell, maybe the couple texting while dining are being distracted from arguing with each other instead.  It's just that everyone likes to complain about the bad things and not talk about the positives.

    • Like 1
  14. 6 hours ago, MiNombreEsFicticious said:

    Sadly, the research says otherwise. Depression is strongly correlated to use of social media. The more people use it, the worse they feel. It's quite possibly the greatest threat to civilization, or at least to life as we know it. Have a nice day.

    Where did I refer to depression?  i was talking about people lying about their lives-- as the rest of my post evidenced.  And this is something people have done since the beginning of time and will continue to do long after anyone knows what Facebook is.

  15. I thought Dettol was for general cleaning/disinfection, similar to Lysol or somesuch... I didn't even know it was meant for use on the body.


    (That said, I think I've seen Dettol bar/liquid soap, too, and maybe that's what OP means, not the cleaner stuff?)

  16. On 3/7/2019 at 3:13 AM, Jack19290 said:

    I don't understand why some people think i am a troll.


    I am a 27 year old man. An accountant, do you think I have nothing better to do?


    The troll sayers haven't read my posts carefully, obviously, or they would understand better.


    I said I can offer her 10k-20k baht a month and 40k extra every 6 months. This amount wouldn't effect my life at home but anything more and it could effect my life in the UK.


    However, i said she would need to go back to Isaan while we get to know each other better until I bring her to the UK.


    She refused my money which was the 10k on offer to go back home and she doesn't want to leave Thailand. 


    What do you want me to do? Pay her while she works at the bar? No thank you.


    Also I know how Thailand works, I have been many times. I have paid 1,500-5,000 for girls and even got many for free from clubs and dating sites.


    She gets a basic salary of 8,000 baht a month with or without drinks, every lady drink which costs 140 baht she gets 50 baht from it.


    The girls at the bar, all 8 of them put 15 baht a day each and get a big meal and share it together.


    They eat once a day, so they can drink more and still stay skinny.


    In the club's the girls drink for free if there is 4 or more of them. They get a free bottle and 1 random drink of there choice.


    There taxi bike rides from bangla road costs 20 baht and 2-3 girls jump on the bike. This is if they are to drunk, if not then they walk home.


    There cost of living is very low.


    I think they spend around 900 - 2,000 baht a month and that is the max they spend. 


    I guess they send home 5k/6k and live off the lady drinks income, this is my guess of what she has explained to me.


    The video chats are a little awkward, her English is a little better now, I would say like 5% also I am taking thai lessons 3 times a week and studying daily.


    I know around 10 sentences now so we just communicate a little and laugh a lot. Like big kids.


    Anything else you would like me to add?

    You don't trust her, to the point that you test her.  You can't communicate with her.  You can't see her except for a few weeks of the year.  For this you are going to pay her money?  Why?  What's so great about her vs. any other Thai woman you could meet the times you are there that you feel the need to keep her on the hook year-round for a few days of funtimes every year?  This is seriously baffling.


    Then there's you.  You're extremely jealous and paranoid that there will be other men yet you openly admit and feel no guilt over cheating on her.  You want to control her to the point of always knowing where she is.  You're apparently determined to take her back to the UK with you despite the fact that she's said she doesn't want to go.  If she's lucky you'll lose her phone number.

    • Thanks 1
  17. On 3/5/2019 at 11:31 PM, LammyTS1 said:

    Auction type format(sort of silly?) - Why is buying items at a small fraction of their worth and cheaper than anywhere else silly?

    Because they could just put on the price they want for the item to begin with and call it good?  A seller isn't going to set themself up to lose money on the items they sell, so I'm not sure exactly what the bargain is; they're still going to put on their overhead.  The auction format means that people play elaborate games to one-up each other to win the auction (hence why I said for some people it may be a "game" they specifically enjoy), means you have to wait days for an auction to end rather than being able to buy right away, means the seller has to do elaborate things with reserve prices if they start the auction below what they actually want to sell for (and then buyers get the further dance of trying to figure out just what that magic number is), means the seller might do shady things like selling the item for a penny but having shipping cost $50, and adding the "Buy It Now" feature rendered the auction format largely useless if someone can just buy the item out from under you outright when you've been waiting for an auction to end.


    On 3/5/2019 at 11:31 PM, LammyTS1 said:

    Sick of sorting though new stuff? - Simply add the word 'used' to your search.

    And then every listing that doesn't specifically contain the word "used"-- and not every seller will explicitly put it in there-- will be excluded.  Also, the point is that when there is little to choose from that is secondhand, why would I waste my time at all?



    On 3/5/2019 at 11:31 PM, LammyTS1 said:

    Plenty stores around online/real life and easier to use? - Why spend your time & money travelling around numerous shops in the hope of finding what you want?


    I don't do this.  Do you? 


    Online = same as eBay is!  Real life = no paying shipping (which is still well more than my gas to go across town to a store) and being able to see/touch/try on/evaluate the item before purchase.


    On 3/5/2019 at 11:31 PM, LammyTS1 said:

    Not different than other sites like Amazon? - Didn't realise Amazon started using auction style listings enabling people to win an item at a bargain price?

    Did I say that?  No.  Read the entirety of my post.  I said that if eBay does away with auctions, then they're not different from Amazon.  And if a seller wants to sell an item at a "bargain price," then yes, they could technically sell it for that same price on Amazon.


    Anyway, as I told someone else, do whatever you want.  I'll do whatever I want.  Why it bothers you so much that I choose not to use eBay when it affects you not one jot, I haven't a clue.

  18. On 3/4/2019 at 2:34 AM, Jack19290 said:

    No ofcourse it is not right but I have to have sex atleast once a day ????


    Also i didn't want to post this as all the trolls will eat it up but here goes.


    Just before she goes clubbing which is every night we face time, she doesn't reply to texts while out and she doesn't FaceTime/reply when she goes back to her room. If she goes back to her room that is.


    Plus she sends me a picture every morning when at work and ignores the privous text that night ????


    Yeah shit is very wierd.

    I wouldn't text or Facetime you while I was out with my friends, either.  Why should she?  She's out having fun and living her own life.  It's not about you.  So now you want to control her completely, from the other side of the world.  This just keeps getting better (or rather, worse)...



    9 hours ago, Benroon said:

    Now I'm confused whether you meant to say Salary or Celery 

    Or... maybe both! 

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