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Posts posted by DanielDoyce

  1. I'm in my early 40s, retired and have been here a little more than a year, but am leaving at the end of the year to try out somewhere different. It's a tough sell for people in between the teacher crowd and the traditional retired crowd. The older folks are nice but, for the most part, have much different interests than I do, and the teachers are very cliquey and it gets old hearing about how much it sucks to be  a teacher here nowadays.


    Getting plastered in a bar gets old after a week or so for most people , but there does seem to be a contingent of the same older people always drinking away their days at the typical haunts. Doesn't seem like a great way to spend your retirement, personally.


    The visa process here is annoying for people under 50 and only seems to be getting more hostile.


    Please don't interpret this as an "I hate CM" thread. I've enjoyed my time here and made friends and traveled around and had great experiences. This is just the view of someone in a demographic maybe not highly represented on this forum.

  2. I crave Johnsonville breakfast sausage links, and have never found a suitable substitute in Asia. If you're right, this will be close enough, even though I prefer links to patties. Thanks for the tip!

    Now I'm craving some nice hot Italian sausage with some marinara sauce and a good coating of real Parmesan cheese :)

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