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Posts posted by Thailimpan

  1. I need an antigen test one day prior to returning to the US. Looking for a hospital or clinic that can follow CDC’s guidelines 


    A test result must be in the form of written documentation (paper or digital copy). The documentation must include:

    1. Type of test (indicating it is a NAAT or antigen test)
    2. Entity issuing the result (e.g., laboratory, healthcare entity, or telehealth service)
    3. Sample collection date
      • A negative test result must show the sample was taken no more than 1 day before the flight.
      • A positive test result for documentation of recovery from COVID-19 must show the sample was taken within the 90 days before the flight.
    4. Information that identifies the person (full name plus at least one other identifier such as date of birth or passport number)
    5. Test result

    Recommendations welcomed.

  2. I put in a RO system and it works great. Super convenient and great not having to deal with plastic bottles and jugs. However RO water is completely free of minerals and has been found to actually deplete your body of minerals as per a WHO report. There is a fix to that by adding a cartridge post filters. This cartridge will re-introduce the good minerals and in addition it will make your coffee taste all that better in the morning. Link to the WHO report below, 



  3. 8 hours ago, sandemara said:

    What makes you think Thai women are any different to women of any national when it comes to love and romance? I think the fact that you apparently think this is so is a big hindrance to your hopes and dreams; it is probably also achingly obvious to your lady love. So many men seem to forget women's ideas of love include various organs of the body -  the ears, eyes, mind, etc as well as the heart. Why not try being honest and ask some direct questions about love and romance in Thai culture?  People will forgive clumsiness if honesty and sincerity is apparent. Much better than wasting time.

    I do not think that Thai women are different when it comes to love and romance - not at all - it may just take different expressions for certain things.  My relationship is great on so many different levels, it is loving, romantic, respectful, full of lust and we have a really great time. I was just making a small observation that when I try to do the extraordinary (not the day to day romance) it doesn't have the expected effect. 

  4. 7 hours ago, kenk24 said:



    For many Thai, our Western view of romance just does not translate well. 

    Yes - I guess that was the point I was trying to make, it just doesn't translate well, probably for the reasons you mentioned. 

  5. I have been dating this Thai woman for some time, less than a year. She is a professional, well educated and she speaks perfect English. We can run a good conversation and a good banter but I realize from time to time that she is an egg - white on the outside, yellow on the inside. 


    One of the the way it shows is when I think I am romancing her, just to realize whatever I am doing is going over her head - champagne, bubble bath, fine dining and miscellaneous gifts. So, the question is what makes a Thai woman tick on the romance level? Would prefer for the Thai ladies in this forum to respond....

  6. On September 13, 2016 at 8:11 PM, bwpage3 said:

    Do you know his wife? If not how can you even make such a ridiculous comment?

    My wife lives in Florida and she never wants to go back to Thailand, not even to visit

    Try having some facts to post

    So your own personal experience is a fact. Of course there are exceptions to the rule. Your comment is laughable stupid

  7. 1 hour ago, Gary A said:

    I'm quite happy being retired here in Thailand. Since 1991 I have been here full time except for a five year period working in Kalifornia. I would never have thought that I would learn to despise Kalifornia. 

    Where the eff is Kalifornia? Looking at the spelling, looks like a place I would despise too.

  8. Looking for the seasoned veterans to share their immense knowledge and wisdom for stereotyping the Thai female population grouped by ethnicity or origin such as Isaan (I think I have that one figured out), Thai, Thai Chinese, Khmer minority (especially interested to learn more about them), any other significant group and education farm girl vs university girl or farm girl becoming university girl - once a farm girl always a farm girl? Comments in regards to temper, affection, money, fidelity, love etc. I realize the combo's could get out of hand so just have fun with and I am looking forward to some insightful comments knowing very well that stereotypes are stereotypes.

  9. On 8/29/2016 at 0:16 PM, blackcab said:


    Apologies, I could have said that better. You have to hand in your prenup at the Amphur on the day you register your marriage if you want the prenup to be recognised in Thai law. If you don't hand in your prenup as I mentioned, it is void. (Section  1466 of the CCC, quoted below). As such, if you are going to have a prenup it makes sense to get that bit right.


    When the prenup is handed in it will be noted in the Addendum on you Khor Ror 2. I have attached a translation of such an Addendum.


    You are completely right in that the Court will make its own decision regardless of whether there is a prenup or not. That is the thing with prenups - I think people believe a prenup will guard them against anything and everything, when that is not their purpose.


    Section 1466. The ante-nuptial agreement is void if not entered in the Marriage Register at the time of marriage registration terms of the ante-nuptial; or if not made in writing and signed by both spouses and by at least two witnesses and entered in the Marriage Register at the time of marriage registration stating that the ante-nuptial is thereto annexed.


    Thank you for a very informative post.

  10. On 8/29/2016 at 9:16 AM, happylarry said:

    You ""have"" to present a copy at the amphur.

    Well I for one didn't and I don't think many people do, so are you saying we are all breaking the law by not doing so?  Regardless of whether a prenup is recorded on the document BC, it is still only for guidance as Manfred said. It will make no difference to the outcome simply because the law only considers assets accrued during the marriage.


    If you don't follow procedure, you are not "breaking the law", you just lost your legal right to excrecise the prenup  because you didn't adhere to the rules.

  11. On 8/29/2016 at 8:06 AM, happylarry said:

    The prenup basically is just a list of pre marital assets, so it can make things easier but doesn't alter the judges decision about whether to grant 50/50 or some other percentage either way.

    Of course the Thai courts wont go by the laws of a different country. Do you think the British or American courts would try somebody using another countries laws, of course not....lol


    Thank you for your comment. Family law is quite complex. I do know US courts will uphold prenup agreements  referencing other countries laws but it do differ from state to state. In addition I have personal experience, I was divorced in the US, if I had divorced my ex within 3 years after arriving the US from Europe, my European home country law would have applied to the divorce as per International treaty signed by a number of countries but in the case of the US not ratified by each state. 

  12. Do a prenup agreement hold up in a Thai court? If the prenup references that the laws of the husband's or third party country should apply, would they respect that?


    Please, this is not a thread about prenuptial agreements as such, just two direct questions that may or may not have two simple answers. 

  13. 21 hours ago, villagefarang said:

    My wife is definitely my best friend and the only person I trust completely.  We have been together for 19 years and share interests, lifestyle and language.  We both speak each other’s language and switch back and forth with ease.  There is a twenty year age difference but that leads to synergies which enrich both our lives.  I can’t imagine a better, more loving relationship than I have with my wife.:wub:


    I couldn't live like most couples I know but fortunately I don't have to.  It has been brought to my attention that despite how bad some relationships look on the surface, they are often the best relationship either person has ever known, so I have stopped judging.  If I find it too painful to watch, I simply limit our interaction and don't get involved.

    You are one lucky SOB

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