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Posts posted by thommy1111

  1. Actually, I don't think any sane foreigner with the slightest amount of intelligence can call this country "great".

    We all have our own reason for living here but it's not because it's great.

    If I get asked by friends and family back home why I live here, my answer is not " Because it's a great country". They'd laugh in my face.

    Basically, if I get asked that now, I have no answer.

    Monty Python's Life of Brian raised the question "What have the Romans ever done for us ?" and there was a plethora of answers.

    If we sit back and ask "What have the Thais ever done for us", all you'll get is silence. And that is because this place is not great, hasn't done anything for the international community, doesn't breed people that go on to help the masses and is known for it's filth, greed, corruption, drugs and prositution.

    The best thing to happen here recently and has caused a stir is Roti Boy !!

    I don't think this is a whine, or complaint. it's just the way it is.

    A few years ago, you could ignore these issues because Thailand was fun. We lived here , moaned about how crap Thailand was but did so whilst having a great time. Now, we sit in crap bars that close early and complain about the same things. In fact, the bars are so crap and play such crap music that I stay home and save money.

    Anyone out there fancy opening a great bar, playing great music ? I'm in if you do. One rule, no nancy boy fluffy pop music like in Safari bar .... which used to be rockin'

    Just because the place(s) you live and/or go to are shit doesn not make the whole country and its people shit. You're obviously one of those "my glass is half empty" type of people ?

    Anyway life and the country you live in is what you make yourself out of it and how you deal with certain situations. Most of the time the grass isnt greener on the other side.

  2. "Repairs", "Refurbishment".........................

    For heavens sake this is a brand new building.

    What is the man talking about?

    Grab the contractor by the nuts and tell him to get the job done right.

    People like you are so naive. It doesnt work that way, not in Thailand, not in Europe, not in nowhere............

  3. I'm intrested in purchasing a 2jz gte engine in Bangkok (want to swap this engine with my friends 2.5 litre from his bmw e36 coupe), does anyone know how much that would cost me in Bangkok ? Are there any websites of jdm engine shops in Bangkok (websites that are in english ?). Does anyone maybe have some experience with these kinda swaps ? Sorry for all these questions but im totally new to forums and this kinda stuff. Hope anyone can provide me with some info.



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