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Posts posted by WorawanWJ

  1. From what I know... since you are part Thai. .. you will never get work as a teacher for even the same pay as a normal non native speaking teacher. You also can get a job at any private or semi-private school without a degree as long as you can show you will be trying to get your degree while you are teaching. I know several Thai teachers that grew up abroad and speak perfect english as well as not having their degrees. They get hired on the same as any normal Thai. I think they are assistants the first year and then after proving themselves they get their own class. As a Thai, you don't need a TEFL

    I can tell you for certain that your salary will be small.. maybe not more than 13000 baht the same as Thai teachers but you may have tutoring classes that earn you extra money. Whatever anyone else tells you here. You are always going to be seen as a Thai. So you will not get more money.

    If you want to try for more money. I would suggest that you do not tell anyone your Thai heritage and never speak Thai. Try to pass yourself off as a foreigner.

    This has both good and bad associated with it.

    I teach at a large university in Korat. When you return you will be treated as a Thai Citizen. They will not hire you as a Thai Teacher unless you have a teaching degree with a Masters in English! I would also think you will have to read and write Thai to get that degree. I would recommend, if you want to teach English,

    go to the Middle East or another country and apply for an English Teaching Job.

    Thank you for both replies. Though, two completely different answers. I'll make sure to have either TEFL before traveling or getting it in thailand. Thinking it would be most beneficial to have it by the time I've arrived in Thailand.

    But yes, thank you again for answering.

  2. Well, before I go on with this topic I'd like to apologize in hand, if this is not the current place posting this question, bare with me.

    I am currently 21 years old, living in Denmark. Been staying here ever since I was nine years old and I am still a thai citizens. I've been wanting to return to my home country and starts my teaching career, though I think I need some advice on how the situation really looks is like for someone with my capabilities.

    I speak thai, fluently. (Though it is a little dusky from not being use so frequently on the daily bases.)
    I can't read or write thai, anymore. (But that's teachable.)
    I speak english very well, with very little accent or none at all. ( Got A )
    My grammar could be better, as I am still improving myself. ( Got B )
    I have no bachelor' degree.
    No TEFL. (Thinking of getting an online 120-hours course from ITTT)

    With all the fact on the table and all the researched I've done in the past couple of days, I'm still very confused. Actually in all I think I've found more question then coming to an answer. I do have a lot of experience with younger kids, since i've often been volunteering on some club activities after school. Which are primary those I want to focused on, children at the age of 4-12. So, here are my questions.

    It is possible that I can even teach english with no degree? some say you can but, than again, this is the internet.
    Is being a non-native english speaker a bad thing if wanting to teach english in Thailand?
    How difficult are the TEFL courses?
    Can I expect to be living of off this in a short period of time?
    Is there any chance that my Thai speaking skills would become a plus, even though I can't read or write at the time being?
    Would I be good enough?
    and last but not least.
    Is this dream of mine even possible?

    Please, I really do hope some of you guys would be able to give me some answers, as I am completely out in deep water.

    - Worawan.

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