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Everything posted by michaellee

  1. I concur. When they are with a girl they dont shut up and talk about his life and life in England. They are not interested in your sad life miserable lonely life back home, all they want is your brown note. Learn to STFU!
  2. Man in dress will always be a manπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
  3. Unnecessary post to stir up crap. Shes a kid, toilet at wat pra keaw are hard to find and far she needs to go she needs to go stop the whinning people.
  4. Som nam na. Fat F*** he deserves more kicking slapping people for fun
  5. She started the slap n now has ptsd? What a load of crap! She deserves nothing nasty b***h
  6. Deport and let him join the frontline since he likes weapon. Loser and graft dodger coward
  7. Deport n kick her out now before more damages are done. Blacklist her. She is not mental just a low life. Mentally ill person couldnt have flown this far and chose Thailand as her destination.
  8. Stop giving them 90 days visa and free visa arrival. They are the nuisane rude and entitled A$@h@@e
  9. What a lowlife scumbag. Shameless moron go back n be in the frontline. Coward
  10. Ban and blacklist this mf. He is a dog. Hea been banned in Japan n got kicked out. Thailand should do the same.
  11. Should have taken the bolt or taxi. Instead of saving few bahts.
  12. I dont think he is a newbie to Thailand and surely knew all about the scam yet he went ahead just to get a click bait to his channel. What a loser. He himself is the scammer to those who watches his video
  13. Was it worth it dumb a**? For mere 1000bht fine now faces serious prosecution.
  14. A dreamer, been smoking too much weeds. Go home work save and live with your parents till you have enough money to come back.
  15. High school drop out cant work in Thai school needs bachelor degree its very strict now compared to decades ago and he is way to young to even think about living in Thailand.
  16. πŸ₯°πŸ₯°β€¦Som Nam Na. Arrogant ignorant narcisstic A hole. Not soon enough!!
  17. are you serious? What is wrong with you? It could have been you kicked by this moron. Stop your Thai bashing you dont like it here then LEAVE and I bet you couldnt find any better places to go thats why you here mongering and has the same miserable attitude from the west. STFU!
  18. This guy must be smoking too much weed. The tuk tuk service is very reasonable. We had 3 persons and did 4 hours tour of all the ruins including waiting for you to take photo and walk around. I negotiated to 1200b. He should stop bitching. The grab will cost more if you go around the city to see the ruins.
  19. They are still a man. No matter what they look like.
  20. Millions of drunk tattoos American and Brits on soi bukao. Pattaya used to be so nice.
  21. Disgusting. You come from a western country. You have the money to fly over here and travel all over the place and you dont have $2 to spare on the food. What a low life taking advantage of the Thai people. Will never give anything to these loser.
  22. This is what happens when you have a relationship with a bar girl. Nothing good comes out of it.
  23. More like gawking at soi 6 bar from the distance like all the korean does.
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