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Posts posted by brexiteer

  1. 6 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    It seems they asked for the wrong thing. A Thai birth certificate would of been issued at the embassy not just a stamp on the UK


    Not if she enters on her UK passport. She has to depart the country using it.



    UJ, she was born in Thailand and has never been out of the country. She has a British passport, a Thai birth certificate but no Thai passport.


    The mother says Thai immigration have told her that the daughter can travel on the British passport (but carry thr birth certificate as well).


    Perhaps I was wrong in assuming that as she was born in Thailand, and being a Thai citizen, she must exit on a Thai passport.

  2. 21 hours ago, mikebell said:

    'A copy of bank statement showing a deposit of the amount equal to and not less than 800,000 Baht or an income certificate (an original copy) with a monthly income of not less than 65,000 Baht, or a deposit account plus a monthly income totalling not less than 800,000 Baht.'


    To all those who smugly quote the Immigration link (extract above).


    I cannot keep 800,000 in a Thai bank.


    I can show more than this with a UK Income tax statement for the year. (Would this pass muster?)


    I can show a million baht entering Thailand during the course of a year in four or more Transferwise foreign deposits to my Bangkok bank BUT NOT MONTHLY. 

    Is this allowed?



    The IO who said that my transfers into Kasikorn from Transferwise were OK, was emphatic about transfers being EVERY month...... so no, you will fall foul of the new system.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Kinnock said:

    Brexit could be a bigger factor than we know.  If it wasn't for the Brexit vote, would Honda have invested in petrol SUV or electric motor production in UK rather than pulling out?   Would Nissan have decided to build the new X-Trail in UK?





    If your aunty had balls, would she be your uncle........................ the questions are endless.

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 16 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    What complete and utter crap.


    "...they surveyed 8,000 people in 350 electoral constituencies on February 11th..."


    Really, they surveyed 8,000 people on ONE day? One day? In 350 separate constituencies? Crap.


    "...The survey also indicates that the next government will be a coalition government, with the Palang Prachart and Democrat parties forming the core of a new government, with the possible participation of Bhumjai Thai, Ruam Palang Prachachart, Chart Thai Pattana and Chart Pattana parties which altogether will command more than 300 votes in the House of Representatives..."


    Really? You know how the post-election period is going to occur? 


    BS. Pure BS. Pure, unmitigated BS. 


    Thai PBS World and the Nation have shot what little credibility they had by publishing this blatant falsehood.


    This has gotten too embarrassing for words...






    Not the result that you want then ?



    Get a bet on...... the polls were wrong with Trump - and Brexit.

  5. 19 hours ago, John Sutherland said:

    I'm looking to rent in something like the Park Lane condo. Looking at a short time frame, ie within 7-10 days to move in.


    I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.


    Feels like Prisoner Cell Block H and the balcony is too small.


    If you like that area then Amazon is a better bet.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, bomber said:

    your life wont be any different with your supposed new freedom,and where exactly is the rightful place in the world for the UK,your benefits wont increase and are more likely to fall as the nations debt increases after brexit.EU wont crumble like so many of you lot predict,thats what you refer to as project fear,maybe your hoping the UK ran rise above those poor EU nations spain and portugal,but i doubt it.

    International Living's Top 10 Places To Retire Abroad In 2018.html 527.85 kB · 0 downloads




    I think you understand little about the fragility of the EU economies............................ the Germans won't stand for open cheque book support.

    • Like 2
  7. 23 hours ago, fabman5 said:

    can somebody please confirm,  I have a proof of monthly income letter,  from the British Embassy,  Got in December,  I was told this would be valid for 6 months, My current visa runs out in March. Am I still going to be able to use this letter to renew my visa?  Thanks for any advice 





    A local immigration office today said that they will not accept them after 1st March.

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