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Posts posted by johnsmith8888

  1. Thank goodness he is visiting. He did an amazing job in Chiang Mai. They no longer burn here and our air is fresher than the Swiss Alps. PMI 2.5 is never above 10 and the economy is thri the roof. Hes a gift to this nation.additionally tourism,i read, is only down 7% from this time last year and by december they will be 26% higher espicially with yacht owners and crew spending 2.3 biliion thai baht every hour and grouls of 100 chinese tourists spending 72 million baht every minute.

    • Haha 1
  2. On 10/20/2007 at 1:41 AM, sleepyjohn said:

    I was told full moon days were chosen for the very pragmatic reason that you could see where you were going in the evening, and what you were doing when you got there.

    Like I say, sorry to be peantic...

    Suegha there's an "a" in paean

    You are both wrong. Peanic two red and there are 27 Buddhist days each year but are only observed between 7am-10pm so as to not interefere with studies. As Quoted in many historic references "the day of the 15th travellers shoall be the night if the 7th for every 1st day beyond the 9th.

  3. truth be told....if it means there is less of a chance of spreading the virus then keep them all out for as long as needed even if it means they cant see their families. I care more about general pop safety than about lonely farang. They can communicate online and wire money. Be patient and dont be selfish. Dont risk others health so u can be happy. Stay away for now!! Thanks :))))

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    • Thanks 1
  4. 6 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

    Not exactly correct.....airline people have reported often that when flights resume in earnest, most flights will be extremely cheap....the thinking being that it will take quite a while for people to get back into the flight mode, and cheap flights will pave the way for increasing passenger and flight numbers

    not in the long term though. They will go down for a while then gradually increase using covid prevention costs as the excuse. The big thing is people wont have any money for along time also. 2022 is when it may get normal again.

  5. Great news if it can be believed. I dont see mass gatherings of the sick at hospitals etc but there is minimum testing and a media that is tightly controlled. If this does all end this easily I recommend to be very cautious (dip toe in water etc.) and as cynical as it may sound...give it some time juuuuust in case the other shoe drops.. Alas there will very quickly be a hoard of chinese flocking to the "safety" of Thailand and that's when the real sxxt may begin. The only safety net is that the Chinese are truly hated now and they wont be so eager to welcome them with open arms even for the cash. Honestly, there's no where to hide anymore. 

  6. U will still need to pay in cash and collect when u get home and most travel insurance will find a way to blame u and not payout. Don't rent a motorbike if u don't ride regularly at home. Don't swim if u r a bad swimmer. Basically the Golden rule.. If u wouldn't do that at home.. Don't do it here. 

    Don't take shuttle busses or vans or boats or cross the roads or go to the beach or any islands and don't go diving  and don't wear any jewelery or take anything of value to thailand. Actually just stay home... Lol

    • Like 1
  7. On 12/10/2019 at 3:38 PM, Golden Triangle said:

    The only reason I want one is because at the moment I am listening to the BBC via Chrome via my Minix box through my LG TV, it can be on for over 12 hours a day and I realised that it's not doing my TV any good in respect of screen life as there is no way (tat I know of) to blacken the screen so one day it will just stop, as has happened to me before.

    It's all great but u need to be able to receive a verification code on an American som card to activate so do that in the states before u leave. 

    • Like 1
  8. This is actually a great idea. Thailand has not seen a decrease in tourist numbers although they have been flat and after the amazing success of their domestic travel vouchers where 7/11 and other big corporations mostly saw huge benefits I expect millions lore Chinese to visit and hopefully spend money in purely Chinese owned businesses. 

    Hopefully their new plan to alienate westerners will dimish their numbers and make more room for the Taiwanese and Indians. 

    Living in chiang mai I see wonderfully open streets and no one in the malls so more peace and plenty of room for me. 

    • Like 1
  9. 22 hours ago, Nicknoodle said:

    I don't live in Chiang Mai but I have spent a considerable amount of time there in the last 7 years. I have only seen a minimal increase in hotels, but as earlier mentioned on this thread, the increase in numbers is only attributed to "guesthouses" now being licenced. In regard to numbers, you can ask any hotel, any bar, any travel agent, they will all say the same thing, numbers of tourists is well down year on year. But one thing I have personally noticed is that there are many more independent Chinese tourists booking cheaper hotels instead of being on tours and paying through the nose. This has in turn has caused the cheaper end hotels to increase in price. If, as per this article states, the number of hotels was up, but the number of guests was pretty much the same then I have no doubt that the hotel prices would have dropped, but they haven't! Always gotta love the Thai statements that are so obviously false. 555

    +hotel I stayed in this year was a third of the cost than the same time last year.... Literally, and the hotel was half empty compared to almost full last year. 

  10. Had a lovely night in cm for loy kratong. A third imp of tourists than previous years. The hotel was almost empty and we very much enjoyed the police swat team crushing out all the lanterns that we were about to send off with their feet and the traffic stops hunting for extra fines0around the moat. Is there anything more they can do to make us feel welcome?:) Rents are cheal here but that's the only reason to stay money wise. I'll be off tmw to file another TM30 so no more hotels or travel within Thailand for me. Easier to go to other countries. 

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