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Posts posted by Accounter

  1. Well, I might as well answer some questions in order to sedate some posters emotions. biggrin.png

    With our child, we choose to live in a house rather than my condo, so I rent out my condo and we rent out a house. My wife’s house that she rents out is in a different province.

    240k baht in uni fees... yes, she’s doing a distance MA with a British University. I pay ¼, she pays ¼, her parents pay ½.

    Coffee facepalm.gif
    yes, we use a machine, the price is for a packet of coffee beans that we grind.

    School fees, we had the choice to pay monthly or by term, we chose monthly as might have moved during the term.

    Insurances: all paid annually, not monthly, all of which are due in October and November… Can you wait that long to find out or is the excitement too much? biggrin.png

    Visas – annual extension, paid, ummm, annually, not monthly.

    Motorbike service: It’s a Ducati, 10k baht isn't expensive. laugh.png

    Purpose of the thread: Solely to annoy Jdiddy.

    Lunch: about 200-300b or so, once or twice a week, other wise home prepped food. :)
    See you on the 1st of next month.
  2. May:


    School (KG1) : 8,000

    Rent (my half) : 9,000

    Condo repayments: 12,000

    Gas: 1,550

    Shopping: 16,475

    Alcohol: 4,117 (some bottles of wine and a btl of scotch)

    Motorbike service: 10,920.

    elec, water, internet: 4,945

    Eating out (once) : 2,344

    Misc: 3,913

    Coffee: 811

    Computer/Tech: 2,600

    Phone credit: 500

    M.A Degree (I pay 1/4) : 5,500

    Meds: 25

    Total: ........ drumroll........ 83,794

    I should add, we don't have a budget, this is just what we spend, we always cook at home, bottle of wine at the weekend rather than going out. I own my motorbike, she owns her car. I would say, a simple family life.


    Lunch: 2,132

    School (KG1) : 8,000

    Rent (my half) : 9,000

    Condo repayments: 12,000

    Gas: 920

    Shopping: 17,827

    Alcohol: 2,942 (some wine)

    Motorbike: 960

    elec, water, internet: 5,337

    Eating out (once) : 1,115

    Misc: 4,055

    Coffee: 0

    Computer/Tech: 400

    Phone credit: 350

    M.A Degree (I pay 1/4) : 5,500

    Meds: 1,490

    Condo (some small work I had done) : 6000

    Total: 78,028

  3. I downloaded one of those expense tracker aps last month and gave it a go.

    Background info:

    Age 36, have lived in Thailand for 10 years.

    Married for the last 6 years. Thai wife age 33.

    Child 3 years old.

    Wife gave up her job when having our child, to be a homemaker, small business owner, and distance M.A Degree student.

    She plans to return to work when our child starts Grade 1. (they're now in KG1) having upgraded her BA to an MA, or may continue with a PhD.

    she owns her own house which she rents out, I own a condo (2 more years of repayments) that I rent out, and we rent a private house here in a private moo baan.



    School (KG1) : 8,000

    Rent (my half) : 9,000

    Condo repayments: 12,000

    Gas: 1,550

    Shopping: 16,475

    Alcohol: 4,117 (some bottles of wine and a btl of scotch)

    Motorbike service: 10,920.

    elec, water, internet: 4,945

    Eating out (once) : 2,344

    Misc: 3,913

    Coffee: 811

    Computer/Tech: 2,600

    Phone credit: 500

    M.A Degree (I pay 1/4) : 5,500

    Meds: 25

    Total: ........ drumroll........ 83,794

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