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Posts posted by surinteacher2016

  1. On 2/4/2018 at 10:08 AM, boomerangutang said:

    What is EOS?    Where would you recommend I secure an Ethereum wallet?


    I'm not tech-savvy, but  have considered getting some Ethers (or whatever they're called)


    ....and possibly also a gizmo that generates that digital currency.  I have a tech-savvy friend who could possibly assist.  

    After spending 2 hrs online comparing the different digital gigs, Ethereum looks comparatively good. 

    You sound like you need to do more research before jumping in. Its a good time to buy now bc the market has crashed. You should not rely on a tech savvy friend as they could later steel your coins. Do not let him/her see your 12 word or 24 word private keys on any hardware wallet. You should watch more youtube videos for educational purposes

  2. If you own EOS tokens you need to register them before 1st June:




    If you are techie phobic you  might want to follow this guide or search on youtube:




    Im a technically minded guy and can admit the process was a bit strange. It seems that you should have some ethereum in your 'MyEtherWallet' wallet. It will cost usd$2 to register. Also, a red error message was displayed on the screen when I tried to register. I worked it out that it is necessary to turn on 'contract data' on my hardware wallet. <deleted>.


    Anyways it worked in the end after a hour of buggerising around with it. Now I will get the new EOS tokens on the new blockchain.


    Good luck is all I can say.



  3. 22 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    Having the stamps transferred and the change of extensions are 2 separate things. 

    For the stamp transfer you will need this form completed. Transfer Stamps To A New Passport Letter from your embassy requesting the transfer. Copies of both passports photo page and copies of every page in the old passport that hasa stamp or visa for Thailand on it.

    After getting the transfer done you will need copies of the pages in your new passport that has the stamps that were transferred to apply for the extension.

    You will need a termination letter from your employer dated on or after you the day you will canceling your current extension and applying for a new one.

    Your wife will be need to be with you when you apply for extension based upon marriage.

    Here is my general list of the required documents for the extension. Marriage Extension Requirements 2.pdf

    Thanks so much for the info.


    I dont understand the letter from the embassy requirement. I printed the form and there's no mention of embassy there. It looks like I fill out the first half and immig fills out everything below the 'For official only'.


    I live a long way from bangkok and when renewing the passport my embassy didnt mention this requirement at all. You would think they would do this to save ALL people returning again.


    Are you sure one has to get this signed by an embassy. It doesnt make sense. 3 yrs ago when I did this same process I didnt have to get a letter from the embassy



  4. I have to go to immig soon to renew my 90 visa and at the same time move my ext of stay based on employment over to the new passport. Are there any additional documentation requirements for this? i.e. to get them to move the stamp to the new PP.


    In 6 weeks time I will finish my job and will revert to an ext of stay based on marriage. We have registered the marriage and have a baby. Should I take the following docs:

    tabian bahn, marriage contract, babies birth cert. my bank book showing > thb400,000 balance,....

    Is there anything else I need to give them? Does my wife have to go with me?


    many thanks

  5. There's news that Paypal might start using Bitcoin for payments:




    If Paypal does it then you can be sure that Amazon will follow.


    Its big news for the bitcoin price. If you consider or guess that Bitcoin is owned by less than 1% of the population at the moment. If Paypal introduce it then watch the demand grow. Price will skyrocket upwards.


    This video is also interesting. He suggests that Institutional investors are sitting on the fence at the moment with bitcoin. They are not exposed yet and have not bought in.



    Novogratz says:

    • Institutional investors are "absolutely not" invested in cryptocurrencies yet, but they are watching them carefully, Novogratz also says.


    If the big pension funds start to buy Bitcoin then its another catalyst for huge price rises in Bitcoin for 2018.

    IMHO 40k price estimate is conservative for 2018

  6. This investment is an opportunity of a lifetime IMHO. I can't believe the gains I've had in such a short period of time. I think in years to come it will become more stable and % gains will be smaller. At the moment though I see massive upside. The simple fact is that there is a lot of hype now re the bitcoin brand. Its not to say that it will not be volatile. There will be corrections. But its only just now getting popular. Whats going to happen in 2018 is that there will be massive buying demand around the globe.


    People invest in currencies all around the world with the only asset backing it is the "Goodwill of the Government". You can line up the countries around the world that have learned that when a country runs into serious problems and needs to revalue their currency the Goodwill means nothing! With global debt over 60 TRILLION dollars and federal banks around the world talking about the great unwind and the end to this Zero interest rate experiment, it might not hurt to have a bit more diversification. The great Tech Bubble had many screaming and bathing their wounds, but look where we are today. The road may not be straight up and Bitcoin may not be the one at the end of the shake out over the next 5-10 years, but there will be a cryptocurrency that will become mainstream and learning about it and maybe investing a bit in it has been the best trade of the last 4 or 5 years.


    If you dont already own bitcoin follow these easy steps:

    - register with an exchange and add 2FA

    - send funds to your wallet account at that exchange

    - buy a hardware wallet i.e. keepkey or trezor

    - buy bitcoin

    - send it to the hardware wallet

    - HODL (hold on for dear life)


    Good luck and dont miss out. I also recommend buying bitcoin cash as a hedge in case there's a 'flippening' to BCH.

  7. 2 hours ago, jesimps said:

    I'm sure most crypto traders realise it's a high risk game but there are fabulous riches to be made (as well as lost). If we wanted a safe and sure investment, we'd put it into a bank high-interest account and earn peanuts. 

    Personally, I'd be peeved if I lost my stake, but it's only what I can afford to lose so it wouldn't be a disaster if I ended with nothing. What I'm aiming for is to double my stake money, put the original back in the bank and have fun with the rest.


    Im the same as you. But I think its hard to sell it as I think its going to be really valuable in the coming yrs. Its now up to 15,000 and we are only just getting started. This hype on the bitcoin brand is only getting going. Imagine the price when the real demand starts

  8. Do you agree that the weather is perfect at the moment? I really like the late afternoons 5pm onwards. Absolutely perfect temperature for me to do some exercise etc. The cool mornings are nice as well.


    All the years of torture chasing the money train in the Uk and dealing with the s**t weather. I feel so happy to live here where it rarely gets cold.


    Have a great weekend.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Dario said:



    I might still be a bit naive when reading your comments. Yes, I'm still a newbie in cryptos. You might be my savior, who knows. That SegWit2x hard fork might change the course of the btc. BTW it looks like we live in the same province. Thanks for your comments. I might wait ...

    Remember I might be wrong and you might be correct. Nobody knows. But its good for you to hear another opinion. Keep reading many sources and make up your own mind.

  10. I think this guy is speaking some sense to be honest. There's been so much hype in the last 12 months that maybe folk are simply buying on the basis of reading the bi-monthly (sometimes weekly) articles claiming that 1 coin will be work 1,000,000 in 5 yrs etc.


    The hedge funds are also causing the price to rise. Believe me when I say the price can drop extremely fast when the hedge funds sell off thousands of coins at a time. If the SegWit2x hard fork causes issues with the legacy coin (collapsing) then there will be a huge price correction.

  11. Im a non U.S citizen living in Thailand and Im also a non resident of my country for tax purposes. My tax office back in the nanny state knows about this.


    Ive registered with a U.S based cryptocurrency exchange and have transferred money to my wallet and purchased bitcoin. Down the track if I sell my bitcoin and make a capital gain will the IRS be chasing me for tax as a non U.S citizen? I read this article:




    If you have any accounting knowledge on this issue can you please advise what the go is?


    Many thanks

  12. I hope you have more experience than 7 days.


    I think its really uncertain times for bitcoin based on the proposed SegWit2x hard fork in November.


    The first hard fork with bitcoin cash was more predictable and much safer than the Seg2x coming. It was clear at the time that the new chain was not going to be a threat to the legacy bitcoin core chain. Knowing this most people bought into bitcoin knowing their coin would be cloned on the new chain. Everyone knew it was a Segwit vs No segwit issue.


    But now we already have 2 active bitcoin chains and soon will be 3 with bitcoin gold. Survival of any of them is not guaranteed.


    The segwit2x camp expect the Segwit1x chain to die quickly. This is definitely in the realm of possibility.


    The reason Im telling you all this is because if you go and immediately buy before the fork at $6000 a coin how do you know whats going to happen near the fork time... or after the fork. I think theres going to be a huge sell off.


    I could be wrong but I think Im going to leave my funds on the exchange and wait for the price to go down and buy immediately on the drop.


    Nobody including me knows what will happen and you might buy next week and it could keep going up and up. Who knows. I think you need to be really careful though.


    I think ethereum might be a better long term buy than shitcoin. If bitcoin tanks then they will all drop. I will 100% be buying ether when theres a sell off.


    When I read your comment above I thought you sounded a bit niave to be honest. Dont read all the articles about 1 bitcoin being worth 500,000 etc. Theres a new one each week. Ignore them and read about the problems of bitcoin bc it is really uncertain at this time and could turn into a shitcoin.

  13. We live in a huge 2 story free standing house maybe aged 10 to 20 yrs. There's a beast of an electrical system installed in the garage.


    Tonight I was upstairs in the office with the air con and the fan on. I noticed the lights suddenly dimming and the fan moved to half speed. After 15 seconds it returned to normal and then it happened again several times.


    Can someone with electrical knowledge take a look at the photos and advise what the problem is.







  14. 1 minute ago, Jip99 said:

    Surin (and Buriram) immigration offices do not use the online system.



    There are several cases quoted recently on local forums and IO's blame the central system.



    That, of course, is a load of old bullocks

    But they used to use the online system- prior to the hacking of the systems that caused that problem. If it worked before why cant it work now. I intend to ask them.

  15. It seems that the local immigration office at Chong Chom haven't sorted out issues with their systems. We tried to do it and it's still showing a 'pending' status. I thought that 90 day reporting was working at most immigration offices around the country.


    If you have recently done 90 day reporting online could you let me know the name of the url that you used.  How long did it take?



  16. I don’t know if you will read this in time but there’s an excellent General Practitioner Dentist called Dr Air who works every morning at Ruampaet private hospital. They have a modern clinic on the 2nd floor in that newly renovated part of the hospital- above the new pharmacy.


    Dr Air treats both adults and children. I would highly recommend Dr Air because I’ve used her myself several times in the past 3 years. A lot of westerners living in Surin go to her because she speaks English and provides a excellent service.



  17. 19 hours ago, Pib said:

    Regarding the OP first link what they are really saying is use a well known, considered secure DNS such as Google DNS or OpenDNS.   And by selecting secure DNS PureVPN is just changing your DNS primary and secondary DNS servers to GoogleDNS and OpenDNS. 


    Heck, even without VPN (and I use PureVPN also), I've used GoggleDNS and OpenDNS as my DNS servers for years for improved DNS support/speed/lookup....better than using your internet service provider's (ISP) local DNS server local ISPs probably don't have same level of money and manpower dedicated to their DNS servers as worldwide providers such as  Google, OpenDNS, etc.


    Now personally, I rarely use the PureVPN app....only use it when I'm playing around.   Instead, I just set myself up some manual L2TP/PPTP/SSTP VPN connections in Windows and Android like to Singapore, Los Angeles, and San Francisco and use the manual connections....no need to even use the PureVPN app with manual connections.  


    Depending on where a person normally connects to they only really need one or two or maybe three VPN locations/cities to connect to like maybe to Singapore and London...or Singapore and LA...etc.  


    But if you want to use OpenVPN you will need to use their app as manual Windows/Android connections can only be L2TP/PPTP/SSTP for Windows and L2TP/PPTP for Android.

    thanks for your comment there. I followed the purevpn steps in that link and checked the 2 boxes:


    1. 'switch to secure DNS'....       are you saying that it now that Ive checked that box that the dns will be google? 

    2. 'Ipv6 leak protection' check box. .........  now that Ive checked that box and also de-activated ipv6 in my macbook pro that I should be better protected?



  18. After starting to use my VPN i.e. connecting to a server abroad.... my dashboard on the VPN screen implies that my DNS protection is 'disabled' and that my IPv6 protection is disabled. 


    I asked the techie department who said that I don't have to worry about it. Unsatisfied with this response I now seek advice from the esteemed members of this forum. 


    Re the DNS issue the following link was provided:



    Re the IPv6 issue:



    Can anyone help with this? I have the latest apple macbook pro


  19. 42 minutes ago, localczar said:

    is it now likely these two subjects may be flagged by Interpol at this point making it difficult for them to cross borders? Seems like the next logical step if not done already.

    This is what I was thinking. Snookyville is obviously where they first went last week. Its the closest thing to Pats. Now that Interpol are involved they will have to stay put or cross a border illegally which is possible as well for anyone determined. They can only live off cash now and the question is what do they do when this runs out. If you are reading this message (dumb and dumber) from Cambodia good luck to you both....

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