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Posts posted by Witblitz

  1. 2 minutes ago, inaktive said:

    Fact is the German Government is redoing the recommendations for people completely and also lowering them from 14 days of food and water to 10 days! So far they did recommend you always have basic stuff at home for 14 days and the old rules did go into effect in February 1989 and pretty much everybody did forget that ! And it is not for war or such but mostly in case of some flooding, cold winter, storm or such. But it makes such good news ignoring they are lowering their recommendation and make it sound like its new and linked to the immigrants ! But in real it has nothing to do with that and the report now coming out with new recommendations was ordered in 2012 after some floodings ! 


    Thanks for this 


    This OP to this thread  is a perfect example of not letting the facts get in way of a good conspiracy theory and the tin foil hatters going into over drive...


    so we have gone from " the mad mullahs stealing nuclear material & 1 +1 = imminent dirty bomb in Germany"  to the reality/truth which is a change in "civil defense" recommendations for food and water storage in times of bad weather and they have even reduced the number of days recommended to keep on hand... :D


    Scaremongering I think ?


  2. 2 minutes ago, DM07 said:

    You didn't even UNDERSTAND Robert Downey Jr's role in "Tropic Thunder", if you reduce it to "blackface"!


    :cheesy: an apologist.....a Thai lady is a casual racist for wearing black face, but Robert Downey Jr is misunderstood..classic

    Tropic Thunder had no "message"  or "moral tale" it was trying to tell....it was just a very bad trashy movie

  3. 14 minutes ago, Credo said:

    Chemical or biological agents would also be another possibility.   These might require people to stay in or be quarantined for a time.   

    and they would most likely be a lot easier and a bigger likelihood  over "detonating nuclear material"


    lets take worst case, the Soviet Union collapsed 25 years ago, and there was the possibility of "lots" of undocumented nuclear material "floating" around  that part of the world for sale, didn't need to be stolen just needed to be paid for...


    So in the last 25 years with all the cashed up terrorists groups running around...why hasn't there been a dirty bomb gone off somewhere in the world ?  



  4. 4 minutes ago, Scott said:

    I am not going to get into speculation, but many posters may remember that some time ago, a number of workers at nuclear power plants had their credentials removed.   IIRC, some of these had links to terrorist organizations.


    Without more information, much of what is being posted is speculation, but it is speculation that falls within the realm of possibility.  



    OK so some had their credentials removed because they had connections to terrorist organisations, this is part of your typical periodic security screening for working at nuclear facilities, and it not just "terror connections" which can get your clearance revoked


    Just because some people had their clearance revoked, it a very big jump to suggest these people if they were inclined could even steal "nuclear material" from a power plant....my comments above although taking a rather tongue in cheek approach are very have their foundation in fact  and are not speculation, based in the realms of reality....the possibility of  an individual or individuals stealing "nuclear material" from say a nuclear power station, getting it outside the plant and then being able to "set it off" squarely sits on the pages of a Tom Clancy novel, who did a great job with "the sum of all fears"....but still a very highly unlikely possibility






  5. 32 minutes ago, Rancid said:

    Once upon a time Progressives held the high ground. We have been changed into a PC society that walks on eggshells. And yet, same progressives have overseen the 1% get richer as the middle and working class gets poorer, equality under the law no longer exists, wars of regime change are raging, we are marching towards a new religious conflict, the media regularly distorts the truth, racism on the ground is no better.


    So where is their high ground and what is progressive about it? They pick a few social issues and pretend to do battle with them, all the while nothing actually changes. We have been conned by the sheep in wolves clothing.


    Thailand, you have to laugh, from their blatant (but not malicious) racism, to setting up pig farms near Muslim communities, they really couldn't give a sh*t about PC.





  6. That would IMO be the detonation of nuclear material stolen


    Which stolen nuclear material ?.....lets go with your spy novel conspiracy,


    Suppose Jihaddi John and a few of his mad mullah mates mange to get their hands on a a few renta cops ID badges for one of Germany's NPS, that maybe gets them past ACP#1 (Access control point #1) where do they get their second ID badge to get into the Nuclear bit of the facility ?...how do they get past the Health physics guys at the air lock before entering containment, who typically would know every person who goes in and out by sight.


    let suppose they manage to get past ACP#2 ( into the nuclear bit) what nuclear material are they going to nick to ensure detonation of nuclear material ? the U-235 control rods from the reactor and smuggle them out under their dish dash ?...problem is U-235 is typically only 6% enriched and cant detonate with a critical mass  


    Further how will they explain the scuba gear which they would need to to swim int the fuel pool to nick said fuel rods, assuming of course they have superhuman strength to lift them  ?...and besides the fact chances are they would be dead from the neutron radiation exposure 





  7. 11 minutes ago, jaidam said:



     ISIS agents in Europe could of course blow up an old x-ray machine




    Well then the ISIS agents are just as dumb as the person who wrote this comment...X-ray machines get their "radiation" from a beam of electrons shot between and anode and cathode, which needs to be plugged into a power supply to work, ergo blowing up an old X-ray machine....well that's it it they would would have blown up and old piece of equipment....there is no radiation "fallout" or nuclear winter   

  8. 1 hour ago, jaidam said:

     This is not some random warning. Specific information is known to the German intelligence agencies, and there is no way to prevent the attack from occurring. The only variable is the "when". It is most likely that the storage of water and food for a 10 day period pertains specifically to the imminent use of what we call a "dirty bomb". A certain segment of the population have been trying for years to get their grubby hands on just such a device, and the cancellation of the same population segments security cards from certain nuclear installations gives me the 1 + 1 that is needed to reach the answer (2). Good luck Jerrys, and stay safe.


    Do you even know what a "dirty bomb" is ? other than using the buzzword....the material required doesn't need  to come from a "nuclear installation"

    and is very easy to construct without needing "security cards" and getting into nuclear installations....your 1 +1 gives you a spy novel plot, not the reality


    All your need is conventional explosives and something which is commonly  and quite freely available in most industrialized countries

    so stop scare mongering about dirty bombs etc, if somebody set off a C-137 dirty bomb for example , you will need more than 10 days supplies....promise.. 









  9. 5 minutes ago, rijit said:

    Unfortunatly This thread just shows the level of ignorance prevelant today in modern day
    thailand. Unfortunatly from all sides , westerners and thais approving of ridiculing people based on the colour of their skin,,, well, morons this is rascism and yes it should have NO PLACE in any society and NO EXCUSES, it needs to be gone.


    didn't realize "white chicks" and "Tropical Thunder" were produced by Thai's and made in Thailand ?

    To paraphrase Bo Diddley " before you accuse the Thai's, take a look at yourself"





  10. 12 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

    Why do it?  Is it important that you express to others your beliefs?  Shouldn't it be a personal matter?  On the practical side, why try and stand out at all?  In this day and age, you might become a target.  Being scaredy cat?  no.  Just seems like a simple basic thing that is most likely safer to not do.


    Your question reminds me of an old joke..."how do you know someone is a vegetarian/vegan ?"....They will tell you

    So the answer to your question is similar, seems to me there are certain types who just can help themselves, be it based on nationality or religious leanings


    They crave the attention 



  11. 54 minutes ago, RBOP said:

    hmm.. about the same time I went to SCB.  


    and ?...you offered collateral, I had already co signed on a mortgage  with SCB for a Thai national, had vehicle loans etc and had a "good" credit history in Thailand, so circumstances not quite the same,


    I had already been vetted by SCB via pay slips, work permit, a letter from the company etc to enable me to co-sign the mortgage 



  12. 16 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    You're just trolling now. If your aim is to get this thread closed, keep it up.

    This topic posed a sincere question.


    Yes there are black Jews. I'm not sure how much people know about them though, so in the context of this thread (PLEASE keep it there, OK?) I would say if the particular black person appeared to be wearing it in way of identification with being a Jew rather than fashion, it would be relevant. But it would be more ambiguous than if the symbols were worn by people with more typical Jewish ethnicity appearances. 


    Now really if any man was wearing an identifiable Jewish skullcap (any ethnicity) then that would be different. That would be self identifying religiously to Judaism unless the person was being ironic or on the way to a fancy dress party.

     Not Trolling in the least..posing a legitimate question...you made a assessment on somebodies possibly religious leaning based solely on their ethnicity...which is profiling and some what racist and you continue to profile by making statements like this " more typical Jewish ethnicity appearances"


    What is a more typical Jewish ethnic appearance ?.....Being Jewish is not a race 







  13. 1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

    Not that again.

    Please take that garbage somewhere else, OK?

    I asked a limited specific question about being visible as a Jew in Pattaya.

    Not an invitation for the usual anti-Israel propaganda. 


    I do know enough about the percentage of people with Thai ethnicity that identify as Jews is a very tiny number. So it's fair to say if you see a Thai on a baht bus in Pattaya wearing a huge Star of David bling pendant, not he is not really a member of the tribe.




    What about a black man wearing a Star of David on Baht bus or an Indian are they not really members of the "tribe" ?

    My remarks have nothing to do with being Anti-Israeli, you said it yourself not all Israelis are Jewish, so now your contradicting yourself




  14. 1 minute ago, RBOP said:

    How many years back? Rules changed drastically after the Asian financial crash. I was trying to get a loan to buy a condo in Bangkok. I only needed the remaining 20% and offered my main condo as collateral. SCB still said no "its against BoT regulation". Sure foreigners can get other types of loans but I wasn't going to put it on my credit card. I ended up getting an advance from my employer at 1.5%. Not bad eh.


    about 6 or 7 years ago so way after the crash....

  15. Just now, Jingthing said:

    A slim majority of Jews today actually are Israeli. That's just recently happened. It's historic.

    The Star of David can be loaded for many. 

    It's seen as an ethnic identifier for Jewish people, a classic symbol of the Jewish religious faith, and also it's right on the Israeli flag.

    By public I just mean out and about in the usual areas. On beach road, walking street, on baht buses everywhere, etc. 


    Occasionally I've even seen Thai youth wear Stars of David for fashion but I don't think that counts as identifying as a Jew as people would assume they're not actually Jews based on their ethnic appearance. 


    That's racist....large number of Jews are white, so how can Israel be their home land as they don't look arab based on their ethnic appearance. ?


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