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Posts posted by JustNo

  1. 3 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

    Me too. Then I can relocate my Thai Doll making and Mullberry Paper manufacturing business back to Thailand.

    Not to the mention the global Alms bowl shortage.....that occupation definitely needs to open up to foreigners so Thailand can become the Alms bowl hub of Asia.


    Seriously, get a dose of reality. Thai buearocrats and politicians talk all they want about changes and "modernizing", but over the last 3 decades I've seen, nothing really changes in Thailand. Only fools go beleiving their empty promises.


    AND the most ridiculous thing of all, the Labor Dept has discretion over all work permit applications anyway, so even if the occupation is not on the restricted list you still need to justify why a thai can't be hired instead of hiring the foreign worker......So yes, the truth is the forbidden occupation list is meaningless.

    I did say I am not holding my breath 

  2. A shimmer of light in a dark outdated room, I hope things are carried through in a thoughtful and intelligent manner; but I am not holding my breath. If they really want to bring things up to date, address the current situation with digital nomads and foreigners running a business online, which does not warrant hiring 4 Thais to open your laptop, make you coffee and whatever else 

  3. 38 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    why would it? of course it would be a benefit for thailand to have digital nomads living in thailand spending their income but for some reason they dont see it that way. over a decade in thailand i never saw any improvement in visas for those who were just wanting to spend money in thailand. if you can show income or funds in the bank why not give a visa? i had high hopes for the multi entry tourist visa but no, it was made so difficult to get it is a waste of time.

    I have a feeling that Thai egotism and a sense of superiority gets in the way of them opening things up to digital nomads in a legit way. But damn they could make a killing on taxes and visa fees across the nation.  

  4. 3 hours ago, Thechook said:

    Why do you need a work permit to use your own computer in your own home to access and post on youtube?  YouTube is free to use and open to everyone and it's not as if you can hire a thai to do your hobbies, use your computer so you are entertained.  So farangs being amused and tapping a key on a keyboard is now another job reserved for thais in Thailand.  It's already illegal to mow your lawns, wash your car and take the garbage out, do we have to hire a thai to use my phone and call family?

    I hope this situation spurs on the Thai government to realise just how much money is at play here with Youtube and expats who make money online, it's A LOT! If they made it easier by creating a special visa for such people, the government stands to make huge bank on the matter, if they actually use their noggins that is, which I doubt. A large % of Nates money will have gone into the Thai economy, and ontop of that if there are visa fees etc, it will only serve to benefit Thailand 

  5. 1 minute ago, Shroud said:

    Don't you guys get it?
    They guy did this intentionally because he want's more publicity & now he surely has more followers and cashflow.

    Yeah he is clever in that sense. But he has been risky I must admit, I mean he could have gotten into quite a bit of trouble and now half of the country wants him to leave, which he probably should. I wouldn't want to stay in a nation where they literally created a petition to make me leave, would you feel safe walking around Bangkok if you were him? 

    he came here with his family to try and brainwash and convert Thais from Buddhism to Mormonism, ended up learning their native tongue, and then spewing out BS content to their kids to make a mil lol, now he should sod off with his bland wife 

  6. 1 hour ago, zydeco said:

    I doubt he has made anywhere near this amount. A monetized Youtube account can make money if it is English.  In Thai, not so much.  Just a small fraction of what English language Youtube videos generate. A Thai language video with 500,000 views may generate US$25, nowhere near what English language revenue is.

    What a load of old tosh. You clearly know very little about how Adsense operates. He is a millionaire in USD easily by now. Ads play on a video in accordance to the playback location, not the language that the video is made in, and Thai businesses have A LOT of ads lined up for Youtube Adsense. Thailand is one of the largest purchasers of online goods in the entire world

  7. On 7/15/2017 at 1:29 PM, jenifer d said:

    not necessarily, i have 25,000+ views and my total youtube take is 50 cents

    it takes hundreds of millions of views to make $1,000,000 on youtube

    It's not so cut and dry as that. You get money from Adsense which is run by Google. The ads that play on videos are grouped into categories. The advertisers can choose what kind of videos they do not want their adverts to play on, so for example a company that is promoting their new protein powder for working out would not choose spend a % of their advertising budget on sending their ads out on content that is about makeup and fashion. So this shows you that certain genres of video will warrant more advertised views per 1,000 views. Most advertisers try to keep their ads form playing on controversial content, hence the recent 'ad-pocolypse' 

    Not only that, but there are tiers of adverts, some being low and others being high. Channels that are huge and have a strong presence in Youtube, as well as being family friendly, have easier access to these kinds of adverts. Again, this is not really up to the Youtuber, this is up to the algorithm and the advertisers. 

    But as a rough guide, you can expect to get $1 per 1,000 views on any channel. 

    He's made around half a million Baht on this one video alone

    Screen Shot 2560-07-17 at 4.45.09 PM.png

  8. 7 hours ago, jenifer d said:

    no that's 3,000,000 subscribers, many more than that have visited and/or watched his videos,

    moronic or not; many who visit a youtube channel will NOT subscribe

    You can expect around a 10-15% unsubscribe amount if you are doing things right in Youtube as well. But yeah, a goo majority of a channels views come from search, Youtube is a search engine after all and that is where a large majority of views are generated 

  9. 43 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

    If I could make $3k a week with an occasional YouTube video, I would do it. Joke's on all the grumps calling him a loser. He's living the dream at a very young age. He's in Thailand with a full wallet, a work permit, speaks the language, and is still young and outgoing. Yeah his videos are aimed at Thai teenagers so by necessity are crap. But it's a good earner. Supply and demand.

    The coin thing is all about trying to keep an edge to his videos, there is no bad publicity on social media. 

    I agree that yeah he is doing well and I know a lot about Youtube, the algorithm, SEO etc, and yeah he is doing that side of things right. However, I am angry at him because he is setting a bad example to young people, he does nothing of virtue with his huge following which he so easily could. But also he has a face that is too punchable. And on top of that he is giving a bad name to Westerners here, many Thais will watch this and think all farang are similar or the same.  

  10. 8 hours ago, ben2talk said:


    Always the bikers in the graveyard, never the cars. Your mother warned you not to go out on a bike. Your father probably told you that if he caught you riding motorcycles he'd kill you himself... Unfortunately it was those warnings that prompted me to do it. Turned out well enough for me, but I do feel sometimes like a soldier that returned alone from a battle. At least two where I feel I deserved it more than the one that actually got it.



    I have been riding motorbikes here for nearly 8 years now daily, and I feel exactly the same as this every time I come home form taking or picking up my gf from work, happy to actually return home in 1 piece. I have had 5-6 accidents, 2 of which were pretty bad. One of them was on NYE a few years back, and I was pretty drunk so it was totally my fault, and I hit a concrete pole with a full face helmet, and still smashed 4 teeth to bits. That was the last time I drank and drove. 

    I understand the justice system and culture here handles such things very differently, but it needs to change. If this country wants to bring it's social side up to par with the technological aspect of things, many things need to start to change. What does it say to people when they hear or see someone intoxicated driving a car and killing someone, only to get away with it? It shows them that it's no big deal, that life has a very low price tag. 

    It's funny, before I came here I thought the Thais would be less materialistic and more down to earth than back home, to be more in touch with their spiritual side. Oh boy, how I was wrong. 

  11. 21 hours ago, Laab Muu said:

    A Thai man from Udon who is the owner of several well known restaurants in London told me that he heard from someone back home that the driver had already paid the police and left the country for Cambodia. How true this is I have no idea, are there any recent sightings of him?

    Just like that stuck up moronic scouser who killed the 2 Thai guys after being drunk a few months back, not heard anything about that. This country is a shambles to say the least. Sit in a room by yourself smoking cannabis and you can face 1 year in prison, flee from police drunk and kill some people, pay and be on your way 

  12. Is it possible that there is in fact a Thai serial killer on the loose there? I know many people suspect mafia links and what not, but surely with many of these deaths being young farang, it could be the M.O of a serial killer? There was 1 serial killer I can recall of in Thailand, and that was the guy who used to get rides from people on the motorway around Phetchaburi / Bangkok and then spike their drink with a sedative. So I do believe it is possible that there is a serial killer on the loose here, and the Thai authorities are doing the worse thing possible when there may be one running about, and that is ignoring it's possibility of being true  

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