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john smith

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Posts posted by john smith

  1. The passport office has informed me that they can not process payment  for my new passport without saying what the problem is. I can only presume that the problem is my Bangkok Bank Be1st debit card. As the message that I received talks about payment in a meaningful if unclear way. The card has a Mastercard logo on it and I know that Mastercard is acceptable because it says so on the passport application form. I did notice that my card has an end by date but no starting date. Can this be the problem? If so how to solve it?  Am I blessed to be the first Expat. who has encountered this problem? Help and advice please. I am reluctant to broach the problem with my bank as the staff assume the frozen rabbit stare when faced with any unfamiliar problem.

    • Confused 1
  2. The website is a dog's dinner. Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. I am referring to my attempts to book a flight to Nepal in November. Initially the website insisted that I wanted to fly today and return today. Sometimes the booking calendar appeared. Sometimes it did not. Eventually my outward and inward dates were recognized. I tapped to book and the page returned to today's date. I give up. A travel agent can do it for me. There are lots of pretty pictures on the website I give them that.

  3. An interesting question. My retirement visa expires on the third of March 2024 and my house contract expires on 26 July 2024. The house owner will only do one year contracts. I see the landlady tomorrow to try to explain the situation - language difficulties . She will not do an open contract with an agreed cancellation period with the deposit lost should either party break the agreement. I hope to talk her into a new contract of two years back dated to when the document was first signed. That will hopefully avoid any visa problems. I should add that on signing the original contract I informed Immigration and it was documented. My big mistake was in failing to see this problem at the very beginning.

  4. My pension has been frozen since I retired to Thailand. Every year my tax bill increases as the UK pension increases. The Revenue says that that they wait for the DWP to inform them that my pension is still frozen failing this they increase my tax. The DWP says that this is not their responsibility that it is the responsibility of the Revenue and I must inform the Revenue of my tax status annually. I have contacted the DWP several times always by email and their responses have mostly had nothing to do with the question asked. I refuse to throw away money on phone calls to the various agencies  - I am being bloody minded at this stage - so can anybody tell me which of the two agencies is responsible for this irritating mess?

  5. I have been using the B 65000 a month method at Huahin (not a married visa - simple non 0 retirement visa ) for the last four years without any problems. The paper work is a hassle I put up with. I suggest ringing the office if you wish to confirm this. It is possible that the original posters situation is different from mine. In any case I would be wary of taking advice from any place other than the immigration office itself

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  6. My son has had  bad acne for the last three years. His Doctor says the worst of it is almost over but no treatment can be done until the acne ceases. There is considerable scarring which his Doctor says can be remedied  with Lazer treatment.I have not ( yet) asked for the details. From what I have gleaned on the net the type of Lazer used depends on the kind of scars. I would strongly recommend going through a hospital for this treatment or asking the hospital to recommend a clinic. Many clinics can do the treatment but using the wrong one can be disastrous there being many unqualified " Doctors" offering their services from bright shiny attractive clinics.

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  7. The house that I rent has a new landlord. I shall continue to rent the house having been in it for some years. Is a new TM 30 necessary? I have on behalf of the new landlord ( he does not understand about a Foreigners dealings with Immigration) asked this question of the local immigration office by telephone. I did this twice. The answer that I was given the first time left me in a state of total confusion. On the second occasion I spoke to a different person whose response ( I think ) contradicted the information given previously. I was advised that a form which no longer exists should be submitted  It is a three hour round trip from my house to the immigration office which I would much prefer to avoid.  Has any one been in this situation?


  8. In response to TucsonDaves post I have been using the 65000 in the bank ( monthly) at Huahin for the last four years I provide credit advise papers - supplied by the bank on demand - and the other required paperwork.

    As for the combination method I asked Taptalk ( the Huahin Forum) if this would be accepted but there was no response so I continued with the 65000 method. I wanted to know if anyone had success with this before attempting this method and possibly being rejected. I am wary of advice from the office given over the phone.I live a long way from the office and would have had to return a day later with a re- done bank letter were my application to be rejected

  9. It is slightly expensive but I send my proof of life certificate via Thaipost  with tracking number. The mail goes to a central sorting address in the UK and  it is then farmed out to the appropriate department. Post has gone astray in the sorting office so when it is delivered there I screenshot the delivered notice which shows who signed for it.

  10. Be very careful if buying in Chantaburi or near the Burmese border. Many fake stones - doublets etc . Are sold as star star stones. Black star stones crack if knocked even if genuine.  You should expect to pay a starting price of $1000 and upward per carat for a good stone. Professional buyers will pay less. It is not a game for amateurs.  The seller may offer a certificate but the gem labs vary from good to unreliable and some are partnered with gem sellers. It is worth noting that the price of the stones go up exponentially as the weight and size of the stone increases.

    Caveat Emptor.  Once a deal is done dont bother complaining to the police if you feel cheated. Bargains are possible but for the uninitiated very rare.

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  11. If buying star sapphires only go to reputable shops. They are easily faked and can be bought wholesale in bulk online for around $ 5 a carat. Fakes normally are cut from a boule with a flat bottom an excellent colour and high quality star that rolls when the stone is rotated. Fake stars rotate in the same way. as genuine stars. Real stones usually have a rough and not a glass like table ( top part of the stone) Star rubies are faked in the same way. I was once offered a $ 5 stone for $ 1000

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  12. So, tired of waiting for the daily news letter I contacted management. A quick response informed me about the updating of the site. Almost instantaneously the site returned to my inbox. Then and since then a large yellow oblong obscures the letter. It asks that I give my mail address and complete a captcha. This done I am informed that I'm already signed in. This occurs every time that I attempt to read the newsletter. It is becoming rather wearing. Am I the only person thus favoured?

  13. For several days  news from this site has not been arriving in my mailbox each morning. When I Google it I am recognized and can  sign in but the way that it displays is abnormal. Is this a problem with my service provider - True - or is the site being worked on?

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