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Posts posted by Phom

  1. 8 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

    "He said: "And that is not all. Some foreigners are walking down the main street in Pai in bikinis. I know it is a tourist area but there are temples all around there."




    Tourist season is here and what do Thai's love above all other things. To feel outrage, to believe someone somewhere is disrespecting Thailand, to join together in righteous indignation and loathing egged on by the media and all three political parties that have held office since 1997. It’s a national sport and so much fun !!

    And where will this all lead to ... basically tourists get tired of it and stop coming, tourists numbers fall and the TAT has to try and find new tourists. Hmm, Maybe under some rocks in Greenland …

    Before our resident Troll teamers joins the fray to denounce low life tourists and the disrespect,  my country has the same tourists and they do stupid things, however the media does not ram it on the television and the front pages of papers and internet. It is generally thought that other news is more important than what numbnuts are doing on vacation.

    Until Thailand realizes this fact, tourist numbers will continue to drop - my bet is it is too much fun too stop and thai culture gets too much milage on finding disrespect to put the brakes on it. 



    Hmmm interesting commentary. Once again the "we do it better" line of thought. Something tells me my friend, no matter anyone's  view on this.  I'll bet your TV news is not as enlightened as you make out, nor full of important factual stories, although Brad and Angelina having issues is important.

    Fact is mate it's  their country, respect their sensitivities and have a bit of respect. These two are just fools! Funny how people will attack Thai's and Thailand for this issue, let's imagine you are a church goer or temple attender of another faith and a naked Thai starts bathing in the pond out front during mass.....

  2. 14 hours ago, kannot said:

    when u live here  youll know why, and if  you do and dont you have a way to go yet

    Why is that? So this sort of action happens "No where else"? Really?

    C'mon that is a blanket statement, funny I can get on a train in the "Western" city I grew up in and there are kids acting like idiots climbing over seats, rubbish on trains, graffiti and damaged seats and interiors. But I have NEVER see that on the MRT or BTS. Yet so many comment on here from some moral high ground "In my civilized country". Same goes for road rage....try Google.com before making blanket statements about a place or people. As to what happened, it was a very stupid act by one individual. Who may have many other issues. 

  3. 10 hours ago, aussieinthailand said:

    Not taking the p*ss mate but,      Quote,   "Yeah but I assume they got paid! Read the article fully before commenting."

    They have not been paid,  and the owner has admitted as much...

    10 hour day's are far from uncommon for kitchen staff/ chef, closer to 12/14 hours' including shopping for produce if the owner trusts the chef and customer numbers of the day...

    Get where your coming from, but once again originally he was only citing the hours in commenting on their issue, when it was not being paid as well, along with claims the working conditions were not fully explained. I was mentioning this fact as another poster after me had as well!! As it appears he is not taking it into account when FIRST posting. Anyway all here say we not there to know the true facts.


  4. 49 minutes ago, aussieinthailand said:

    I did read the full article and it say they have NOT been paid and that "they will be paid eventually"  but more gov't paperwork has to be filled out...

    That's assuming the owners side of the story is correct, nothing to say he/her is not embellishing a little, this article may not be reporting the entire story either. Takes to two to tango is all. The owner failed himself in due diligence and who knows could have been a turd to work for.

    My original issue was also directed to Gainsbourg citing the hours as the only issue by lookibg at his comment, without taking note the other factors.

    I will also note the story does does not mention "HOW" long they have been employed and not paid for. Regardless of some Norwegian tax issue, which could be the owners fault with submission.  I would be upset if I wasn't paid for a month or more depending on how long they have worked there.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Gainsbourg said:

    10 hours a day in a restaurant is the norm for a chef in the west. The 2 chefs i have known even did at least 12-13H a day. From noon to midnight basically when the restaurant opens at 6pm. 

    Yeah, but I assume they got paid! Read the article fully before commenting. 

    They have every right to complain and I would too if I wasn't getting paid even for 1 hour.

  6. 6 hours ago, dunroaming said:


    This is Thailand that is the way people behave.  Like it or not the driver will have known the likely consequences of his actions.  Maybe on another day he would have been one of the mob!  There is no point in trying to hang western values on Thailand's hat stand.  It is a lawless corrupt country, but it is their country 

    Western values hey? Ahh the superior culture thinking. Lol.. you don't  know much about the world do you!

    Ask people who live in cities like Detroit where there is no policing or garbage collection in some areas due to lack of public money and corruption.  Google Detroit and corruption and see the hits from police to school principals to city hall. Thailand may not be perfect, but we are far from it too! 

    I agree with the others regarding mob justice though. Just detain the man and hand over to the police.

  7. On 30/08/2016 at 3:21 PM, maingmoom said:

    Lighten up. It's a joke

    I can enjoy a joke, not easy to always interpret the true meaning of a one dimensional written message though! Sure you have miss read things before? Would a smiley face, haha or lol after the message been to much to ask. With so many negative retarded comments on here hard to know what is sarcasm and what is not.....haha!

  8. 19 hours ago, sipi said:

    That's  terrible. 

    Women outside of Thailand would never gossip about their partner. 

    Really the entire planet of females outside Thailand would never do that?

    Wow, bold statement what statistics do you have to back that up?


    I had one Australian girlfriend who was a terible gambler, are they all gamblers by that reasoning?

  9. On 16/08/2016 at 0:47 PM, Andaman Al said:

    Totally agreed. With a list of charges against him like he had I am staggered he was out on bail. Here I would believe it/expect it, but in Australia it is difficult to believe.

    Yes it happens everywhere, more often than people realise. About time people stop ragging Thailand and open their eyes to reality. There are more cases like this and incredible stupidity by judges when considering sentences. This just makes us plain stupid we can't even blame corruption (although that happens too). 

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