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  1. do we not complain about valid issues though? Dangerous driving, soi dogs, burning, corrupt officials etc... I think most Thai people agree with us even if their culture prevents them saying anything.
  2. I only ever lived in Colorado and South Carolina so I have a very narrow view of the whole country. Thanks for sharing.
  3. I'm doing my annual trip back to Boulder Colorado, Libtard USA to visit family and do outdoor sports. The other day I had on a shirt which was a mountain range with the American flag over it and was made for a local race right here in Colorado. When my Mom saw the shirt she asked if I was a Republican now (I'm not). The rainbow flag here out numbers the American flag at least 100 to 1. Not even joking, if you proposed a law that flying the America flag was illegal some 10-20% of Democrats would vote for it. Hot take, but in 2024 I don't see Democrats as Americans anymore, the civil is really that bad. Please don't accuse me of being a Republican or whatever, I'm not, these are just my observations.
  4. maybe they lost face, like you were raising their kids for them or something? seems crazy but I think Thai men can actually be that petty and jealous.
  5. This begs the question, how are the Thai's dealing with all these millions of Indians? All indication is they don't like Indians much and would avoid traveling to India except as a measure of last resort. Frankly India appears from the outside like a global embarrassment and Thai people are aware too. Yes, I've seen some nice areas in Mumbai etc... but those are the minority. No idea where the bulk of the Indian tourists are coming from. Taiwan however is another matter. Looks like a nicer country than Thailand in many regards and they seem well respected by the Thai's. My wife wants me to visit Taiwan with here since she want once and said it was great and I'd probably like it better than Thailand. 🙂
  6. Can't speak for all Asians but Chinese and Indians are two of the biggest chest thumping nationalists you could ever met. The pride they have for their countries is incredible. By comparison Europeans don't seem to care much about their countries at all.
  7. come on we're that bad? Ok maybe we are but have you seen the average Thai man out there, especially in rural areas? No offense but they're not looking so great either. The women who cleans our house, sweetest women in the world, had her husband choke her last year. Lots of alcohol and abuse going on out there so the bar isn't really that high in many cases.
  8. yeah on second thought actually keep the Thai women off or the forum would get shut down and we'd all be deported.
  9. I can think of only one woman on the forum and she's not even Thai. I told my wife to make an account and start some arguments with us but she just laughed at the idea. Anyone else here should do the same. Personally I'd like to have some Thai women here to defend their honor against us all lousy Farangs besmirching their good name.
  10. "do that dick hang low if I do I want some more, can you shove it in my guts can I put it in my throat" etc.. etc... but the "I love dick" shirt is pretty much all you need to know.
  11. Money aside I hear from Thai women that Thai men take better care of them but the flip is side is massive rates of infidelity. The western man in 2024 is less likely to be pampering a woman but more stable and far less prone to infidelity. Usually the Thai woman has had a bad experience with Thai men and decides to look elsewhere as a last ditch effort. I think all things being equal most of them would prefer a Thai man that understands them better and can speak their language. The other big factor is if the woman wants to live abroad and experience life outside of Thai culture. In this case the foreigner is an imperative for them.
  12. I'm not saying anything about the practice just that it doesn't give the impression that this is a culture that doesn't value women, indeed the opposite. Contrast that with India where the family needs to the pay the man to marry the women. That tells me the women are burden that need to be gotten rid of.
  13. Really? You have to literally pay money to marry these women. There's quite a sense of entitlement around them too as to how much they think they're worth.
  14. More flippity floppity from the hub of flip flops. We can only imagine what tomorrow will bring. Will it be a flip, or a flop?
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