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Posts posted by Ixchunchan

  1. On 02/09/2016 at 4:57 PM, mcfish said:

    language is useless unless some little brown thing tricked you into building a mansion on her dadas farm.


    You may want to learn Thai for 2 reasons

    1. You can eavesdrop when the extended family plot your demise

    2. Tell everybody to F off out of your house in Thai


    This forum really is indescribably depressing - there is such an ocean of misery and despair walled up behind these posts.

  2. 3 hours ago, returnofthailand said:

    if you learn thai immigration will think you are here to work.




    Total rubbish. As somebody else said, if you live here for any length of time and don't learn the language then officialdom is, if anything, going to be less likely to help you. Just like in any other country.

  3. Quote

    If I am obviously unable to reproduce the correct sounds so that a Thai person can understand/interpret it correctly (and that with a sentence that is pretty much straightforward and not too difficult) then should I just be honest to myself and say that I obviously haven´t got what it takes to speak Thai in a way that locals understand


    After 7 weeks? And talking to a cashier in 7/11 who, quite reasonably, has exactly zero interest in helping out some annoying foreigner? What the hell do you expect? Of course you're not going to be any good and of course most bored underpaid uninterested shop staff aren't going to help you out. But to conclude from that that you're never going to be able to speak Thai is ridiculous.


    For most foreigners, blundering through ordering the burger set in KFC or giving impenetrable directions to a taxi driver are all they are ever likely to really need but living in a country and being entirely disconnected from it is a very, very sad kind of life. So just plug on. You'll get there in the end. Just expect to have to deal with a lot of bored, unimpressed 7/11 cashiers on the way.

  4. 4 hours ago, monkey4u said:

    I agree ,my  wife and I rescued 2 stray pups from the  beach here 6 years ago

    They are the most loyal dogs I have ever had, and the biggest sucks

    The only time they get angry is when we take the car out and don't take them


    We've got two ex-strays, both of which just walked into our house and declared "Yup. I think this'll be a nice place to live. I'm staying."; one came about 9 years ago and the other at the start of this year. Totally different temperaments but both, in their separate ways, fantastic dogs.

  5. On 17/08/2016 at 4:33 PM, Hutch68 said:

    Done that 3 times already, looking for something different.


    That's good to hear. But if you wait, and keep your eyes on the shelters, you can get pedigree rescue dogs too. I have a friend who got a lab from a home and I saw a pair of lovely young alsatians which had ended up in a home in Chiang Mai. It may take a while but it's got to be better than keeping a puppy mill in business.

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