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Posts posted by skyflyingj

  1. 5 hours ago, mcfish said:

    not buying it. this is your second post but you and the deceased go way back?


    You just found tv today? so many trolls post on the dead farang threads scolding posters and always just signed up.sick if you ask me

    Most of Danny's friends are not from Thailand but rather from Basel and the U.S. and we don't normally read articles from local papers. We all kept up with one another through email and through Google plus.

    A mutal friend called me and told me about Danny's death (he lived with Danny in Thailand for a while) and directed me to go read the articles and I was appauled at the utter disrespect from some individuals. So I signed up to voice my thoughts and correct the misinformation about his last name and to give a voice from Danny's friends and not just from the trolls stating such disrespect.

    Anyone who knew Danny would know his love of books, food, friends, family, motorcycles, and life was his driving force in life.

    Responding to individuals like you isn't necessary but I will not have Danny disrespected in death. And I will voice my love and respect to him because he deserves it especially with the way his life was taken while he merely tried to enjoy a simple retired life in Thailand.

    I'm also going to place a photo with this so people can see his beautiful smile and know Danny was a person and not just some article to bash.

    I ask again for others to please show some respect for Danny Straub. May our friend Rest In Peace.


  2. 2 hours ago, njhorn2000 said:


    Yeah,  it was rough being raised on the mean streets of the Zurich ghetto..


    Not everyone from Switzerland are from Zurich and Danny was not from Zurich.  Why don't you people stop and realize a man's life has been taken. He had family and friends that loved him dearly. We will all have a hole in our lives where Danny is now missing. He was a gentle soul, kind in his manners, loved to cook, loved to read, and enjoyed the simple things in life. He loved Thailand and moved there for a more simplistic life because that is who Danny was. He loved the Thai people and often raved about how amazing it was to live there. And I am NOT sure why the media has his name incorrect!! It is not Danny Rudolf!! His name was Danny Straub. And if they are going simply on what that will was stating, then it is proof he signed it with the wrong last name to debunk the will and leave some kind of clue for those behind. 

  3. People, show some respect please. This is my friend and they have his last name wrong. He was the kindest most genuine person you could ever meet. He loved books and his motorcycles. He moved to Thailand to enjoy retirement and this is how his life ended. His friends hearts are broken, so please show some respect for Danny.  AND TRUST ME THIS WAS NOT SUICIDE! You can ask ANYONE who knows him!!!!!! 

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