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Don Kaeo

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  1. I just moved away from such a house.. they built a oversized house straddling two blocks of land, illegally, despite the many warnings of the moobaan committee, piled up junk and cars in the yard, screeched and yelled at each other all hours, and at one time had six dogs, four roosters and somewhere around 12-15 cats.. those all roamed over the moobaan and Thai families wouldn’t go outside if they saw the dogs out running around, they were not friendly but chased motorbikes and hassled kids. They outright refused to acknowledge or do anything until the police got involved and even then, took a year get rid of the dogs. They treat the Thais with zero respect and Burmese workers worse.. After two and a half years, I had enough
  2. The police have been endlessly reviewing the footage with the voluntary assistance of several dozen colleagues…
  3. Our nee how friends… they need to invest all their dirty money somewhere…
  4. There was a case in Brisbane a few years ago of a guy subletting his rental to a family of bogans that changed locks and claimed squatters rights. Absolutely trashed the place as well, coppers could do little, squatters got all kinds of help from free legal aid and support. Guy who owned the house it cost him three years to finally winkle them out, all the legal bills and he basically had a ruined house needing to be pulled down…
  5. Was just watching the response team falling all over themselves chucking what looked like towels over the tiger then a half hearted attempt to subdue it. Tiger was having a great playtime if nothing else. Smartest guy was the one who just picked it up and chucked it into the back of the police ute. What would they have done of that was a rabid pit bull or the like..? Woefully undertrained, enthusiastic and well meaning, but…
  6. My Thai wife’s take is, regardless of the land and business assets, the will states the maid will get the cash and jewellery, she can forget anything else.. the bun fight is more with the 51% shareholders who stand to gain the land and buildings. The idea is to tie all the assets and anything related to the French lady and her business up in court for years, 5- 10 years easily, or “work” with the authorities to ensure a satisfactory (for some) agreement… Such is doing business in this country
  7. You have to know a “arrangement” has been made.. he leaves the force and everything else gets smoothed over with large manila envelopes and winks..
  8. Been through 11 years of this, and not one step forward to deter or effectively combat these clowns causing so many problems. Leads me to surmise that either there is financial incentive not to stop anyone or the government is just too damn inept to deal with it. Either way, TAT is going to see it’s precious tourism revenue suffer, as the burning seasons extends itself longer and longer… Probably not be until the end of May that the skies will clear, so four months this year..? The missus and I have had enough, we’re off down south, I don’t want to but it’s ridiculous to think that this is just continue on unabated and considered a normal part of living in Chiang Mai.
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