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  1. I hope the driver of the pickup will meet with Karma soon... Perhaps he already did if the 10-year-old was his daughter. RIP for her senseless death.
  2. Unbelievable... Straight to Jail for a good number of years - and cancel driver's license..
  3. Add 10 years to both (34 & 23) and nobody worries anymore. Anticipate on the future... RIP to both.
  4. It shows the lack of police attention given to many cases without "benefits'...
  5. It was flour - not heroin. So, Thammanat only spent 4 years in prison. Why would you not appoint him in your cabinet?! 🤣
  6. Mr. Lee doesn't deserve 1 more day on this planet.
  7. Phuket is the place to be .... not
  8. I wonder what happened there. As usual, there are two sides to each coin. It certainly was a "bullseye" hit. The ladyboy might fear a dope test when he reports an assault.
  9. There's yet no single ladyboy ever that ended up in jail for similar crimes...
  10. He likes to spend time in Jail. So keep him there for the next 10 years or so.
  11. 50K? Expensive pain-job. His wife/gf/or ex did it. Pretty sure...
  12. Charge the owner with murder. Dogs to be killed. Merciless.
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