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Posts posted by Hereinthailand

  1. I can honestly say after living here in the same fairly large city for 9 years in the NE it isnt hard to stay here without any visa or passport. The only time i have ever been asked for a passport is when I renew my visa or conduct official gov. business and I have been been stopped by police at their roadblocks too many times to remember. All they want is to see my drivers license and its from my home country. I know BKK and surroundings are different but outside that area nobody checks or cares regarding passports, hell they cant read my license let alone my passport so why bother.

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  2. I looked at some prices for one in thailand way too expensive due to import duties. Aliexpress has copies of the garrett models that are supposed to be pretty good quality from reviews and decent prices. I think I will just have a friend bring one over from the states when he comes next time. www.thaimetaldetectors is a dead website nothing new on there for a long time and their product prices are a joke.

  3. I always ship EMS to my wifes names from aliexpress and they always put gift and a low price on my items, never had any trouble. I would never ship DHL or Fed Ex or whoever as you will get charged whatever customs feels like. I dont mind paying import duty on something that is made or availible in thailand but when they force me to pay for something I cant get here I will try to work around it.

  4. Lots of good stills on aliexpress.com ready to go  https://www.aliexpress.com/item/2GAL-8L-Copper-Ethanol-Water-Alcohol-Distiller-Moonshine-Still-Stainless-Steel-Distillation-Boiler/32767892232.html?spm=2114.30010308.3.85.hgBfP4&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_5_10065_10068_10501_10503_10000032_119_10000025_10000029_430_10000028_10060_10062_10056_10055_10000062_10054_10059_10099_10000022_10000012_10103_10000015_10102_10096_10000018_10000019_10000056_10000059_10052_10053_10107_10050_10106_10051_10000053_10000007_10000050_10084_10118_10083_10000047_10080_10082_10081_10110_10111_10112_10113_10114_10115_10000041_10000044_10078_10079_10000038_429_10073_10000035_10121-10503_10501,searchweb201603_1,afswitch_3_afChannel,single_sort_2_default&btsid=24098702-d071-4f61-b835-18b500436265



  5. Nice stuff, I saw another guy on youtube in bkk doing some large scale aquaponics maybe the same ? My only concern with these setups here is with vegetables so cheap to buy at the market where is the ROI ?  Unless you can market to china I dont see investing in anything but homebrew systems to grow my own chemical free vegetables.

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  6. Maybe try again ? I mean some of the pinned topics that have no activity for two years could be swapped out for something a little more active. hydro/aqua is kinda like solar energy it has become a valid way to farm and I think more people would be doing it on a small scale if they had somewhere to learn about it in an easy way..

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  7. I wonder what the chance of having a pinned hydro/aquaponics thread would be ? There are some pinned topics that could be replaced as they dont have much activity. I will be building and operating some different systems for experimenting in our tropical environment. Everyone has a lot of info and exp. to share I think.

  8. Here is another source for nutrients you might compare to for pricesi. http://www.higreenshop.com/category google translate does a good job on it. What kind of system are you planning for your strawberries ? There are some good youtube vids on people using vertical grow towers with success. I have been interested in starting some strawbeery seeds I brought over from usa soon, its a small packet but if they grow I will make seed from them, just need to find my grow media here.

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