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  1. Thailand is famous for sex work. Perhaps you haven't heard. Some NGOs put the number at 2 million, out of 15 million women between 24-54 years old. Do the math. https://www.notabandoned.org/freedomcenters Pattaya Freedom Center Pattaya is known as the sex trafficking capital of the world, sadly attracting over 12 million international sex tourists in a typical year.
  2. so China is disproportionately rude and Thailand is disproportionately prostituted... the stereotypes still hold up then, hahaha
  3. the MCB advocated attacks on the Royal Navy if they stop arms to Hamas, and they now complain the gov isn't seeking their advice? ridiculous. if the MCB was smart, they would have reorganized under another name. they already burned themselves by showing they are Muslim first and ally with any other Muslim country before Britain
  4. they won't go back, they intend to turn Sweden and Europe into a caliphate for Allah. the hornets are in the house and everyone is afraid to upset the hornets nest. their Koran predicts the coming war, devout muslims are ready for the jihad to establish the caliphate, it's the west that isn't
  5. of course he is Pakistani. England has the Pakistani grooming gangs that abused thousands of English girls and the subsequent coverup by muslim politicians. disproportionate number of pedos and cousin brides and honor killings and gang rapists are Pakistanis. numbers don't lie
  6. making eye contact and talking with people during the act? lock him up!
  7. how does a 37yo with no experience become PM? Thai politics is amazing
  8. Palestinians conspired against Kuwait and revolted against Jordan. they are Muslims and will always be Muslims first and foremost
  9. no word on where she stands with the pro Muslim destruction on campus property?
  10. driving a vehicle into a building seems like a terrorist act
  11. he knows he is stupid, so he tries to label everyone else as stupid as a distraction
  12. men win again. remember when Caitlin Jenner won woman of the year award? proof that men can be better at being a woman
  13. smart father. camp outside the hotel with the daughter's corpse until they pay
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