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Posts posted by balance45

  1. Kathleen Willey: ‘Hillary Clinton’s been calling me a bimbo for 19 years’: http://hotair.com/archives/2016/10/02/kathleen-willey-hillary-clintons-calling-bimbo-19-years/



    Juanita Broaddrick to Chelsea Clinton: ‘Your parents are not good people’: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/sep/28/juanita-broaddrick-to-chelsea-clinton-your-parents/


    But it's not in the mainstream media's interest to report on those.

  2. 3 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    600,000 baht for food costs alone as exaggerated, saying that he and the other members of the delegation ate ordinary in-flight Thai food such as noodles and were not feted with specially-cooked food.

    But what  about when they got off the plane,into hotel restaurants, and room service. Lobsters

    and wine are not cheap.

    regards worgeordie


    We can only imagine how lavish this trip actually was.


    But if the refusal to investigate the general's son is any indication... we should know the outcome of this one.

  3. 1 hour ago, freebyrd said:


    Not the Pinoys who worked with me. They seemed to think PI was the 51st state of the USA.


    1) Is Canada in Asia? (55 year old university educated Pinoy)


    2) Flights from PI to the UK take 3 hours


    3) Why doesn't GWB appoint a competent President of the Philippines?


    4) What was the holocaust?


    5) Flying from Hong Kong to PI gives you jet lag - same time zone.


    are but some of the examples I can recall


    How long ago was this though?

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